Friday, February 19, 2021

Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt

Version ofthe minimalist podcast we are here atthe Neptune theatre and beautifulSeattleahthat is so great so we’re doing what wedo three long winded questions actuallylong winded answersthere’ll be normal questions I’m surebut our our answers will will bemonitoring and in some fashionand then we’ll move on to a Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt lightninground we’ve been doing the lightninground a little bit differently we have arap battle on stage but without therapping but it’s a bit of a contestbetween this to see who can who can putout the biggest maxims and we’re goingto go ahead and start going to give usyour name and where you’re from and whatyour question is hi there my name is UniI’m from Issaquah Washington and I’vebeen one of your fans for about sixmonths okayand I am one of those obnoxiouscorporate America success folks I’m adirector of operationsjust like you Josh my question for youis after you have found a success thatyou have found what has changed in yourexperience as a minimalist because Ifeel that I’ve adopted a lot of thethings. Stress in bachelors thatyou even have to be careful with thegood stresses and your life’s not to gettoo much use the word friction thoughyou want some friction in your life andyou need enough friction in order to tocreate traction in your life because ifyou don’t you think about we weredriving on the roads in Montana and it’sso icy there’s no traction at allbecause there’s no friction right it’sfrictionless it’s black ice and you’regoing to I mean literally you yousomeone ran you off the road becausethey hit a patch of black ice and yourcar flipped because they didn’t haveenough friction that created thetraction to propel you forward and soyeah I think I think keep that in mindso happiness is often a fruitlesspursuit and in fact we mentioned ChrisGila but once we did a podcast with himhe had a book come out that was calledso you just mentioned the constitutionright the everyone has the right to thepursuit of happinessyes his book is called the happiness ofpursuit oh yeah and so so think aboutthat the real happiness. Interacting with andanswering questions and we give outthousands of hugs and Ron tour and it’samazing in the moment you’ve got thatadrenaline but that adrenaline when it’soverused leads to adrenal fatigue soflash forward to the end of the tour wegot back here to Missoula Montana I saidyou know I I got this advice fromseveral people on the road in factJustin the the posture guy he was in ourLA oh yes yes I think he’s the postureguy calm he’s helping with some backexercises and and he did a podcast aboutletting go of coffee for a week and andso he recommended it I had someone elserecommend it on the road and then Beccamy partner who is a nutritionist and adietician she she was like you know ifyou have adrenal fatigue which it lookslike you do I would definitely justrecommend no caffeine over the course ofa week and it was pretty difficultalthough I stayed really hydrated andand so I didn’t have those same caffeineheadaches I would have and now I cameback to it and I feel great but justhaving a little bit of caffeine

Source: Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt

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I will like that I will enjoyisn’t it crazy like how kids love tohelp man like whether it’s like you knowwith with anything they just love tohelp but especially with contribution Icould see where that would be excitingfor Ella or at least being able tounderstand like Oh like I’m gonna givethis to another kid gonna hit the garagedoor button they want to lay everythinglike they want to help with everythingand the same is true with contributionand so the thing that I’ve learned isyes ello does great with a Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt box of toysbut if she had ten boxes of toys or ahundred boxes of toys she’s not gonna beten times or a hundred times happier infact especially someone like Ella whohas well it’s called SPD sincereprocessing disorder and she just getsoverstimulated by sensory itemsespecially physical items and it’s loudloud sounds and bright lights her firstwords were mine eyes mine eye her firstwords yeah so the the the clutter withher is actually it it like with me itstresses her out and so we made surethat you know she has just. And she’s really really grumpyin the mornings and when I when I giveher the balloon she’s instantly happyand and of course what happens when yougive a two and a half year old a balloonit pops a couple minutes inevitably it’sgoing to pop almost every morning and itupsets her every morning but over thecourse of several months of doing thisshe’s learned the to appreciate the factthat I need to enjoy this well it’sright here in front of me now the firstfew times 1 2 and she freaked out andshe started crying obviously and it wasthe end of the world but as time went onshe realized okay this is going to pophey I need to take care of it and B Ineed I need to enjoy this now as it’s infront of me and let’s play with it welllet’s have fun with itlet’s also realize that you know whatthis this isn’t going to last foreverand to me that was a perfect metaphorfor everything else in life and so Iguess what I’m saying is really whatwhat I’ve realized is that is that ourkids are watching us and we can saywhatever we want to say about. Little kids don’t know that yet oreven other kids or most adults don’tknow the lessons that I’ve learnedthrough the process I mean I can lookback I’m 34 years old now I can lookback at my 27 year old self with acertain amount of disdain I can justsort of nod my head and and and wonderwhat I was doing when I was 27 and allof these weird decisions I was makingbut of course when when I’m looking atElla she’s two and a half years old andI’m trying to just teach herbasics like delaying gratification rightand and it’s incredibly difficult butthere are there are lessons inephemerality that I’ve that I’ve learnedover the last several years meaninglearning how to enjoy the moment I wastalking to a reporter about this theother day every morning I have somepretty bad issues with my back I have todo these these interesting exerciseswith a balloon in the morning that helpswith with some back pain that I have butanyway afterward I have a balloon that’sblown up and so in the morning I’ll gointo Ella’s room and I will give her theballoon
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