Tuesday, November 17, 2020

I Have Positive Mental Attitude Flamingo T Shirt

Convincing water to be lesswet but somehow he did it alwayscarrying with him a I Have Positive Mental Attitude Flamingo T Shirt smile and hispositive mental attitude as a result hewas one of the most successful managersin the entire company over time webecame close friends we shared similarvalues and beliefs as well as tastes andliterature and movies and music I tradedhim overwrought short stories for hishilarious pseudonymous erotic fiction weexchanged lines from Glengarry Glen Rosscharacters and we both shared a healthyobsession for John Mayer’s music webecame so close that he is even thefirst person to make appearance in mymemoir everything that remains where hepops his huge lovable head into the veryfirst page and here’s a an excerpt fromfrom that book our identities are shapedby the costumes weI am seated in a cramped conference roomsurrounded by ghosts and searched shirtsleeves and pleated trousers there are35 maybe 40 people here middle managersa lot of us mostly Caucasian mostly maleall oozing apathy the group’s mediumcomplexion is that of an agoraphobe. Saratoga Springs but myquestion was you said you lived in athree bedroom apartment and after yougot rid of 80 of your stuff how did youfeel this how did you how did you killthe space but knocking it got knockingelse fill the space for me I got rid ofthe placeI rented it out I mean at that pointwhen I was sitting there faced with 80 of my stuff still in boxes I was justlike looking at it and really what wentthrough my mind was why he was like tensof thousands of dollars worth of stuffthat I’ve purchased and then I startedto think about like the narrative thatI’ve told myself and how my life wasgoing to unfold and I always told myselfyou know I’m gonna get everything I wantI’m going to find that happiness and assoon as I as soon as I’m happy I canstart doing the things that I actuallywant to do like you know maybe I couldretire at age you know 40 or 50 and youknow have a decade or two or three ofliving out the rest of my life I wantedtoand as I was kind of having that thoughtI was like wait a minute like if Ididn’t. On Spotify and Google Play andprobably even on physical CD if thosethings still exist which I assume theydo I’ve got a couple more albums torecommend also a book to recommend aswell but I think I’m going to wait untilnext week when I can talk to to Ryanabout those Ryan is in Tokyo right nowhe’s in a little vacation with hispartner and and so I definitely want tospend the time with him talking aboutsome of these albums and a book inparticular so let’s hold off till nextweek to discuss those but I would liketo hear about you what are some of yourfavorite albums so far this year youknow I love hearing about new music soyou can hit me up on Twitter I’m just ata jsm now since if you remember back toepisode number 71 Ryan and I announcedthat we were doing this littleexperiment it’s the no social media onmy phone experiment I don’t checkTwitter every day now because I don’thave that app on my phone but I stillcheck it a few times a week right therefrom my computer so it’s always the bestway to reach out to me is still onTwitter

Source: I Have Positive Mental Attitude Flamingo T Shirt

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Said it’s great to see acouple guys out here spreading Jesus’smessageand I just said a I Have Positive Mental Attitude Flamingo T Shirt thanks yeah I’m gladyou think that and then and then thenext week we were in Seattle and and andthis woman the small woman came over shegoes I just love to see a couple guysout here spreading these BuddhistMaxim’s yeah and I said thanks a monthlater we got an email from someone whosaid did you know that Muhammad was theoriginal minimalist I said thanks youlet me know that’s greatand so I agree with Ryan I think labelscan be useful everything I mean this isa speaker that is a label right I’msitting on a chair that is a label wedon’t wanna give too much meaning to thelabel though so I also agree that youcan pick whatever ISM works best for youI think sometimes that that radical mayname helps us identify and put put aname on a change that we want to makebut sometimes yeah I can’t be tooaggressive and so you can call itessentialism intentional ISM you canjust call it simple living you can callit simplicity you can call whatever youwant. Sets of squats and some three setsof push ups or you know just somethingto just to focus on my health I hategoing to bed thinking like wow I kind ofate like crap today and I didn’t evenlike go for a walk the third thing I dois I will I will ask myself every dayhow or what have I doneto add value to the people in my life sowhether it’s Josh or whether it’s mypartner Mariah or if it’s my mom orwhoever maybe I’m always trying to makesure that I’m adding value to to thepeople who are closest to me and thenyou know I feel my day with other stufflike I love a snowboard I love to hikewe live in Montana so you know if youcan get get outside of your apartmentthen there’s endless possibilities to dowhich is really hard by the way becauselike I mountain bike a snowboard and Ireally want to start fly fishing butlike I know if I pick that habit up thatlike how much stuff is going to comewith that and it’s not again let’s notwrong with having stuff as long as it’sadding value and and I’m using it but Iknow that I already have. The floor mats todrive a LAN and so man it
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