Wednesday, November 18, 2020

That's What I Do I Bake I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt

The proceeds from thelessons now tour so the Boston event allthe presale stuff a That's What I Do I Bake I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt hundred percent ofthe presale is going to build anorphanage on the USMexico border so we can do really coolstuff with the money as well but we canalso stay in hotels and have our own bedand be well rested which is which is anice bonus right yeah and we can rentLamborghinis way you rented aLamborghinino Sean cancel that reservation yeah sodid you see Sean gonna make a note hedid always joking he’s crossed out theword Lamborghiniyes important thing like when we makemoney from stuff like this we don’t doit don’t we don’t do it to do stuff likebuy a Lamborghini but yeah we willtravel and well also it’s a little bitmore comfortable and yeah we make themmore comfortable but allows us to go tomore cities to do that as well anywaywhile we were there in Toronto we showup to this where our event was at aco working space if you recall and likethis is gonna give a shout out to Ericaand Melissa yes Erica Melissa definitelyhelped us out booked the. Said it’s great to see acouple guys out here spreading Jesus’smessageand I just said a thanks yeah I’m gladyou think that and then and then thenext week we were in Seattle and and andthis woman the small woman came over shegoes I just love to see a couple guysout here spreading these BuddhistMaxim’s yeah and I said thanks a monthlater we got an email from someone whosaid did you know that Muhammad was theoriginal minimalist I said thanks youlet me know that’s greatand so I agree with Ryan I think labelscan be useful everything I mean this isa speaker that is a label right I’msitting on a chair that is a label wedon’t wanna give too much meaning to thelabel though so I also agree that youcan pick whatever ISM works best for youI think sometimes that that radical mayname helps us identify and put put aname on a change that we want to makebut sometimes yeah I can’t be tooaggressive and so you can call itessentialism intentional ISM you canjust call it simple living you can callit simplicity you can call whatever youwant. And being overwhelmed and justfeeling terrible and he related that toconsumerism and it was a great story Icouldn’t do it just this so you’ll haveto go listen to that on your own when itcomes out this Friday anyway back to myadded value segment I’m here in LosAngeles I went to the lack of myyesterday I’ve been to the lack what’sthe LA County Museum of Art right LACMAand I’ve been there a bunch of times butthere’s a new exhibit that just thatjust came out I think within the lastweek or so it’s about 9 11 and it’s aSaudi artists interpretation of the post9 11 times the post 9 11 events inwas evocative I mean it it left left mewith certain feelings that I’m stilltrying to reconcile but but it also mademe start asking some questions aboutthose feelings and I think that’s whatreally great art does so if you’re inthe Los Angeles area you get a chance tocheck it out the exhibit at the LACMAit’s just called pause and I’m not gonnatell you why it’s called pause butyou’ll you’ll figure it out prettyquickly after you visit

Source: That's What I Do I Bake I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt

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That's What I Do I Bake I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt
That's What I Do I Bake I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt

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Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love:

Us becausethey have you know actual commitmentsand we we’ve let go of our commitmentsand so we we just hit the road for thatperiod of time something like 35 citiesand we we rotated on and off did somerandom cities and and then came back toMontana but I learned a That's What I Do I Bake I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt lot about thesort of audio experience and creating abetter experience given the resourcesyou have now some of the venues werelike then Banff was a bar and so peopleare talking over you but creating thebet and by the way that was a evenbetter experience for someone like Seanmihalick who’s very talented novelistbut doesn’t have a lot of experience atlive events because people don’t go toreadings that often and so him having toread at a bar and bam over peopletalking invaluable experience oh yeahbecause that’s it’s a it’s a failureit’s my definition it’s a failure rightbut it’s not really a failure becauseyou succeed from that that lesson thatyou’ve learned and then what last yearwe went on the documentary tour we did15 cities over the course of a month orso. And it’s just flat it’sin fatica Lee flat in corn and corn cornyeah there’s a who’s that mark Lehnermark Lehner was describing drivingthrough the Midwest and one of his shortstories and the opening page of it wascorn corn corn barncorn corn where is the Corn Palace atthat’s in South Dakota that’s more oflike a corn High School a greatexperience a great novelty experiencethat you will regret but you’ll enjoyregretting it okay so the Corn Palace isreally just a hold like a band in highschool with corn taped to the side of itit’s like it’s like they just renamedflea market and put a bunch of corndecorations ever it’s not so much apalace it’s it’s it’s just corn allright yeah it’s in the middle of SouthDakota which we will not be in SouthDakota but but stay tunedall right so Indianapolis CincinnatiColumbus Cleveland Indianapolis is thelargest venue so this is so cool I usedto go to concerts at the Egyptian roomto see like Ray LaMontagne we’re gonnabe speaking at the Egyptian room howawesome is that awesome and we’re. A small group of collegekids there and then we were told noyou’re actually speaking in a theaterthat seats 500 people but we showed upand it was more like 750 or 800 peopleshowed up and unfortunately I actuallyhad to turn some people away and I’mjust really grateful first of all I’msorry if you didn’t make it if youdidn’t get a chance to make it in thereif you’re one of those people who gotturned away we’ll have to make it up toyou next time had no idea that ourmessage would resonate so much and andwhat an wash at Washington StateUniversity at Pullman Washington but itdid and but I really feel privileged tohave the opportunity to speak to to theyouth it almost sounds cliche but we’reseeing more high school kids we’reseeing more college kids moreMillennials showing up at our event sowe have everything from 11 year olds to90 year olds who show up at our eventsbut I feel grateful that we get a chanceto contribute to folks while they’reyoung so they don’t have to make some ofthe same mistakes I made throughout mythroughout
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