Monday, November 16, 2020

If You Don't Support The 45Th You're Not An American Patriot T Shirt

That and he was one of the If You Don't Support The 45Th You're Not An American Patriot T Shirt mostsupportive people I’ve ever known yeah Iwas like you know as you’re reading thati’m reminiscing about my times with Stanand I II just has been he was with usthrough everything with me througheverything like you know my 25 year oldyear old self antics him and I were werealways out you know chasing girls andyou know whatever uh huh um but then youknow later in life you know when westarted the minimalists and stuff I meanhe was there to to support me in thatway as well he was it’s funny because Ioften talk about people who I stoppedhanging out with because they were justmy drinking buddies or they were likeyou know my going out buddies and itwasn’t like I stopped going out frombecause in the like him anymore I justdidn’t want to have this habit well likeStan was not one of those guys like hewas one of those guys who he was likeyeah you know I’m not gonna do thisanymore i’m going to try and incorporateother habit to my life and he’s likeyeah me too and I remember like havingthis conversation. After that that wave thatUpper Midwest way which we’re goingthere at a good time Ryan late May forthe Upper Midwest is like spring isbringing yeah like when people likedon’t like spring I love spring yeah Idid too so you said Missoula is the thecity of almost like we have April and wehave May which is almost spring inMissoula but it’s still kind of winteryou know what that’s the one thing wedon’t have it’s it actually is amazingis the snowboarding we have there is noalmost like this is yeah I love thisspot for snowboarding anyway for sureyeah okay so after that we’re going backback back to Cali Cali yeah you got itShawn you know where you got a do CoolJ’s back to Cali yeah we are going backto Cali we have three cities and on theCali wave in June we’re gonna do SanDiego one of my favorite cities LosAngeles which might be my favorite cityin the world and in San Franciscoanother one of my favorite cities we tryto do Sacramento it just didn’t work outin terms of timing and the venue didn’twork out for us so if you’re. And being overwhelmed and justfeeling terrible and he related that toconsumerism and it was a great story Icouldn’t do it just this so you’ll haveto go listen to that on your own when itcomes out this Friday anyway back to myadded value segment I’m here in LosAngeles I went to the lack of myyesterday I’ve been to the lack what’sthe LA County Museum of Art right LACMAand I’ve been there a bunch of times butthere’s a new exhibit that just thatjust came out I think within the lastweek or so it’s about 9 11 and it’s aSaudi artists interpretation of the post9 11 times the post 9 11 events inwas evocative I mean it it left left mewith certain feelings that I’m stilltrying to reconcile but but it also mademe start asking some questions aboutthose feelings and I think that’s whatreally great art does so if you’re inthe Los Angeles area you get a chance tocheck it out the exhibit at the LACMAit’s just called pause and I’m not gonnatell you why it’s called pause butyou’ll you’ll figure it out prettyquickly after you visit

Source: If You Don't Support The 45Th You're Not An American Patriot T Shirt

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If You Don't Support The 45Th You're Not An American Patriot T Shirt
If You Don't Support The 45Th You're Not An American Patriot T Shirt

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A lot but it’s actuallyless than 1 of our listeners when wereach 5 000 we will have enough money tobuild a If You Don't Support The 45Th You're Not An American Patriot T Shirt film studio and hire a full timefilmmaker to help us create a videoversion of the podcast and in this filmstudio will be more than just the filmfor the podcast it will also allow us tocreate other meaningful videos webseriestelevision shows interviewsdocumentaries video essays live streamsand much more and by the way if there’sany additional revenue from patreon sosay we we build the studio we’re payingSean we’re paying a filmmaker we’redoing the filming that we want to do andif there’s any extra money where doesthat go does it make its way to mypockets into Ryan’s bank account nopethat’s not what we’re trying to do hereit’s not going to go to our individualbank accounts at all it’s going to bedonated to donated the charity actuallyand so just to be clear we are not onpatreonjust so that Joshua and Ryan can makemore money that’s not what we’reinterested in we do we do just fine onour ownbut we want to incorporate. Are now onsale which means our audience gets thebest access use code minimal okay hereit is we are going we’re starting thetour in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania wehaven’t been there since 2014 we ofcourse he’s up there I think that wasour exact midpoint was PittsburghPennsylvania was the midpoint of thatcrazy hundred city tour we did back in2014 really love Pittsburgh man yeah Ido too it reminds me a lot of Cincinnatieven though I know their football teamshate each other well it’s funny cuz Iwas gonna say like it took me forever tolike actually love Pittsburgh uh huhlike we would go there to see someconcerts when we work together right andthen went there on tour I think thefirst time we went was 2011 yeah it wasand I think that was the first time Iwas like dude Pittsburgh doesn’t suckjust because you hate the Steelers putthat in context you’re CincinnatiBengals fan yeah which is which is theonly worse football team to be a fan ofis the bills which I am also a fan ofyeah ha so so I’m not like bragging onthe Bengals by. Of ourbooks essential minimalism live ameaningful life and everything thatremains as well as a copy of ourdocumentary minimalism if you want themif you don’t want them obviously we’renot going to force you to take aphysical item of course that’s a that’sagainst our ethos but whether you buy acopy of one of our books or we give youone because you have a VIP ticket wealways encourage people to minimize themafter the fact anyway so once you’vegotten value from it please pass it onto someone else who can get value fromit it’s not gonna do you any good justsitting on a shelf somewhere and so youcan pass it on to your local library ora friend or family member just leave iton a co workers desk or in a break roomsomewhere hopefully someone else willget value in that thing as opposed tojust holding on to it and by the way ifyou’re waiting to get your ticketswhether it’s VIP or regular I wouldn’twait the the Pittsburgh event thatyou’re about to hear it it actually soldout and strangely I sold out the lastday of the event
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