Wednesday, December 2, 2020

No You're Right Let's Do It The Dumbest Way Possible Because It's Easier For You T-Shirt

Apartment and a No You're Right Let's Do It The Dumbest Way Possible Because It's Easier For You T-Shirt guard of a bunchof her stuff I took pictures a lot ofher things so in those pictures alongwith the foot boxes of photographs Itook back to Ohio and eventually scannedall of those photos allowed me to let gobecause I realized I wasn’t letting goof the memories that I initially thoughtwere inside those things the memoriesare in me and now I still have thetriggers for those memories so if youscan them there’s something awesome thathappens once you scan them if you use adigital picture frame Beks you just gota a digital picture frame for yourparents this past Christmas we were justout there and in Minnesota and they wereall just like all of us were gatheredaround it like a warm fireplace orsomething it if you just get a pictureframe and give it to someone no one paysany attention to it if you scan a bunchof photos and they rotate through apicture afraid it’ll picture framerepeatedly then you you actually havepeople who care about the the contentthat’s on them and so you can see whatpicture digital picture frame. Social media and here’s the thing Idon’t necessarily agree with this visawith his thesis and the reason I don’tis because I know that I actually do getvalue from it but I asked a question isthat value worth the time that I’mspending on it and about a month monthand a half ago the answer to thatquestion was was no and so I still foundmyself switching for the phoneoccasionally but I don’t know if y’alllistened to that episode the Ryan I didon media but I have this whole app on myphone now called moment and it tracksthe the usage on my phone and I mean myusage has gone down by about half atthis point on my phone because I’m nolonger incessantly checking I mean therewere times I’d open up the moment appand it’s like yesterday you spend 24minutes on Twitter I didn’t evenremember getting on Twitter at all andthen so the question is when thequestion isn’t should I get rid ofsocial media the question is how can Ibetter spend this time and if you’resaying no social media is the absolutebest use of my time and great and I. End we tend todo a Q A session questions and attemptedanswers and this is our attempt to dothat without going on the road for 10months a year as we’ve done in the pastand going to hundreds of cities which isgreat and we’ll still be doing that butthis is an opportunity to do that evenwhile we are home so our podcast isgoing to be formatted basically as ahuge question answer conversationbetween Ryan and myself and of courseyou the listener so we’ll go ahead andget started with our very first segmentwhich is a minimal monologueand the rant that I have this week iswell we had a contest for our bookeverything that remains up on Instagramand we asked people to answer a questionfor us which we attempted to answeractually with that book and thatquestion is what is one thing you alwaysthought you wanted but then once you gotit you no longer wanted it and we wantedto announce the winners of that contesttoday I would encourage you to go andcheck out the hundreds of comments onInstagram we also posted it on Facebookas welland see

Source: No You're Right Let's Do It The Dumbest Way Possible Because It's Easier For You T-Shirt

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No You're Right Let's Do It The Dumbest Way Possible Because It's Easier For You T-Shirt
No You're Right Let's Do It The Dumbest Way Possible Because It's Easier For You T-Shirt

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Afew years ago I would you know maybe tryand sell it on Craigslist find someoneelse who is looking for that item whocan you know get it at a No You're Right Let's Do It The Dumbest Way Possible Because It's Easier For You T-Shirt cheaper costbut yeah I would I would certainly agreewith that that there are ways to reusereuse items instead of just throwingthem out thank you thank youhow’s it going fellasoutstanding he’s doing I’m Paul andI wanted to know if you guys would liketo hear a joke yes how many minimalistsdoes it take to screw in a light bulbwait was that the joke really yeah oh myI was set up read my mind here you readmy mind here is the punchline what lightbulb now what is it it only takes oneminimalist but first they have to askthemselves does this add value I do havea bit of a serious question though sodid you guys ever experience I’ve read alot of your material did you guys everexperience any legal problems wheneveryou were trying to embrace mentalism andmaybe downsize because housing codes aresomething that I’m dealing withcurrently and I’m interested in tinyhouses but Dallas is not very. Well intentioned well doneself help books it sounds good we’vebeen told this thing follow your passionwe were at the at NPR and Missoula lasttime we were there and they have thissuccess erease kind of poster there thatit even says follow your passion sothey’re looking at college graduates onit right yeah yeah so this is at thecollege here at the University only wayto follow your passion is to go toschool and pay for it right spend yourmoney follow your passion and so youknow I I hear this advice and well Iknow I I hear this advice and well Iknow it’s well intentioned I think it’scrappy advicewe have article at our website if you goto the minimalists comm slash CalC al it’s an interview we did with a guynamed Cal Newport who is a professor ata Georgetown and he’s written severalbooks most notably deep work and and socalled he yeah so good they can’t ignorehim yes so good they can’t ignore youand and we interviewed him there and inthe title of that isfollow your passion is crappy advice andand the reason that it’s crappy. Thesame 24 hours in a day now Connorobviously you have to go to schoolyou’re probably finishing up schoolright now and then how are you spendingyour remaining hours we have 168 hoursevery single week where you’re gonnaspend some of those sleeping you’regonna spend some of those at school orwork but then quite often we’re gonnaspend many of those hours on televisionooh you know the average person writesall the stat recently 15 7 years of ourlife 15 7 years of our life is spentwatching television Wow 15 years oftelevision non stop that’s crazy it’sunbelievable you’re attempting tocultivate into a passion so what I wassaying earlier about Cal and and howfollow your passion is bad advice wellthe better advice then is cultivate yourpassion find something that you’reinterested in but also something thataligns with your values your beliefsyour ethics your morals and somethingthat you could see yourself doing a yearfrom now two years from now and seewhether or not you can cultivate thatinto a passion and it may not alwayswork
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