Friday, February 19, 2021

Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt

Version ofthe minimalist podcast we are here atthe Neptune theatre and beautifulSeattleahthat is so great so we’re doing what wedo three long winded questions actuallylong winded answersthere’ll be normal questions I’m surebut our our answers will will bemonitoring and in some fashionand then we’ll move on to a Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt lightninground we’ve been doing the lightninground a little bit differently we have arap battle on stage but without therapping but it’s a bit of a contestbetween this to see who can who can putout the biggest maxims and we’re goingto go ahead and start going to give usyour name and where you’re from and whatyour question is hi there my name is UniI’m from Issaquah Washington and I’vebeen one of your fans for about sixmonths okayand I am one of those obnoxiouscorporate America success folks I’m adirector of operationsjust like you Josh my question for youis after you have found a success thatyou have found what has changed in yourexperience as a minimalist because Ifeel that I’ve adopted a lot of thethings. Stress in bachelors thatyou even have to be careful with thegood stresses and your life’s not to gettoo much use the word friction thoughyou want some friction in your life andyou need enough friction in order to tocreate traction in your life because ifyou don’t you think about we weredriving on the roads in Montana and it’sso icy there’s no traction at allbecause there’s no friction right it’sfrictionless it’s black ice and you’regoing to I mean literally you yousomeone ran you off the road becausethey hit a patch of black ice and yourcar flipped because they didn’t haveenough friction that created thetraction to propel you forward and soyeah I think I think keep that in mindso happiness is often a fruitlesspursuit and in fact we mentioned ChrisGila but once we did a podcast with himhe had a book come out that was calledso you just mentioned the constitutionright the everyone has the right to thepursuit of happinessyes his book is called the happiness ofpursuit oh yeah and so so think aboutthat the real happiness. Interacting with andanswering questions and we give outthousands of hugs and Ron tour and it’samazing in the moment you’ve got thatadrenaline but that adrenaline when it’soverused leads to adrenal fatigue soflash forward to the end of the tour wegot back here to Missoula Montana I saidyou know I I got this advice fromseveral people on the road in factJustin the the posture guy he was in ourLA oh yes yes I think he’s the postureguy calm he’s helping with some backexercises and and he did a podcast aboutletting go of coffee for a week and andso he recommended it I had someone elserecommend it on the road and then Beccamy partner who is a nutritionist and adietician she she was like you know ifyou have adrenal fatigue which it lookslike you do I would definitely justrecommend no caffeine over the course ofa week and it was pretty difficultalthough I stayed really hydrated andand so I didn’t have those same caffeineheadaches I would have and now I cameback to it and I feel great but justhaving a little bit of caffeine

Source: Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt

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I will like that I will enjoyisn’t it crazy like how kids love tohelp man like whether it’s like you knowwith with anything they just love tohelp but especially with contribution Icould see where that would be excitingfor Ella or at least being able tounderstand like Oh like I’m gonna givethis to another kid gonna hit the garagedoor button they want to lay everythinglike they want to help with everythingand the same is true with contributionand so the thing that I’ve learned isyes ello does great with a Happiness Is An Old Man With A Beer And A Dog Sitting Near Chug Dog T Shirt box of toysbut if she had ten boxes of toys or ahundred boxes of toys she’s not gonna beten times or a hundred times happier infact especially someone like Ella whohas well it’s called SPD sincereprocessing disorder and she just getsoverstimulated by sensory itemsespecially physical items and it’s loudloud sounds and bright lights her firstwords were mine eyes mine eye her firstwords yeah so the the the clutter withher is actually it it like with me itstresses her out and so we made surethat you know she has just. And she’s really really grumpyin the mornings and when I when I giveher the balloon she’s instantly happyand and of course what happens when yougive a two and a half year old a balloonit pops a couple minutes inevitably it’sgoing to pop almost every morning and itupsets her every morning but over thecourse of several months of doing thisshe’s learned the to appreciate the factthat I need to enjoy this well it’sright here in front of me now the firstfew times 1 2 and she freaked out andshe started crying obviously and it wasthe end of the world but as time went onshe realized okay this is going to pophey I need to take care of it and B Ineed I need to enjoy this now as it’s infront of me and let’s play with it welllet’s have fun with itlet’s also realize that you know whatthis this isn’t going to last foreverand to me that was a perfect metaphorfor everything else in life and so Iguess what I’m saying is really whatwhat I’ve realized is that is that ourkids are watching us and we can saywhatever we want to say about. Little kids don’t know that yet oreven other kids or most adults don’tknow the lessons that I’ve learnedthrough the process I mean I can lookback I’m 34 years old now I can lookback at my 27 year old self with acertain amount of disdain I can justsort of nod my head and and and wonderwhat I was doing when I was 27 and allof these weird decisions I was makingbut of course when when I’m looking atElla she’s two and a half years old andI’m trying to just teach herbasics like delaying gratification rightand and it’s incredibly difficult butthere are there are lessons inephemerality that I’ve that I’ve learnedover the last several years meaninglearning how to enjoy the moment I wastalking to a reporter about this theother day every morning I have somepretty bad issues with my back I have todo these these interesting exerciseswith a balloon in the morning that helpswith with some back pain that I have butanyway afterward I have a balloon that’sblown up and so in the morning I’ll gointo Ella’s room and I will give her theballoon
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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Aus Dem Weg Ich Muss Kacken T Shirt

Your return policy is awful I tried to exchange 2 shirts I ordered online to one of your retail stores I forgot my receipt I had to spend almost a half hour online for them to find it they said they would send me an email if my receipt it came in a half hour after I left the store your policy states that I can only exchange an item for the same exact item in a different size or color without the receipt I wanted pants instead nope against your policy I will not be buying from you again and I don’t recommend that anyone buys gifts at the children’s place unless they can remember to get a gift receipt and can remember to pack it up with the gift and the recipient of the gift can remember to bring the gift receipt with them if they don’t want the gift that’s a lot if remembering I’ll shop elsewhere. You taught me to run you taught me to fly taught me to free the me inside gloria estefan and nsync’s music of my heart was released on this day soon reaching no 2 on the billboard hot 100. Beauty hacks are probably some of our favorite kind because who doesn’t love a get gorgeous pro tip and a time saving life made easier trick rolled into one just in time for the fourth we’ve put together some of our favorites using honest beauty natch to get you going and glowing fast

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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Horse Playing Music Sheet Musician T Shirt

Al Sharpton who spoke so memorably at Floyd’s memorial service in Minneapolis last week George Floyd’s body will then be taken to nearby Silverlake churchand transferred to a Horse Playing Music Sheet Musician T Shirt horse drawn carriage carried the final mile to Houston Memorial Gardens Cemetery there he will be laid to rest beside his beside his mother cried out in his final moments two weeks ago we have our team of correspondentsand analysts standing by here across the country to help us cover what promises to be a solemnand moving day first off we want to go to Morgan Chesky was here outside the sound of phrase church organ that you can afternoon it will be a solid day will be a day of celebration will also be a call for justice after the death of George Floyd were standing just outside the entrance to that church for the family of George Floyd made to reconsider a short time ago the first ones inside that sanctuary was still may people will be making their way today to finally say goodbye is late on the one life there is not one of celebrating his life but also maintaining that momentum that was started two weeks ago on that fateful street corner in Minneapolis people telling me that they don’t want their allies came today that the fight against police brutalityand racial justice must carry forward we know that there is a large group of patientsand celebrities here in support of the family today I had a chance to speak to Roxie Washington who shares a daughter with George Floyd last night telling me that the fact that his name is now known all over the world is a any kind of a federal law says that he’s getting all her strength right now it’s a little six year old daughter really doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation just filled out grow upand realize otherwise any contact that he had all over the world people still streaming at district me like you we do know that precautions are being put into effect a lot of masks are being worn lives on the handsand social distancing being practiced today with a 500and capacity being placed on this large church six church actuary where this event is getting underway beginning at foci of the activities from this side of the church for now will send back the yet we certainly recognize the time Jordan Morgan Chesky think I’m not wearing a mask of a good 8 feet from the nearest person from our outdoor location we should note that during the funeral there will be some acknowledgment of the protest that it occurring all of the country in many many parts of the world the form of a video montage listing Patterson now in Houston Memorial Park Cemetery that’s where George Floyd will be laid to rest this afternoonand the Stephen we note that he was born in North Carolina but George Floyd grew up here in Leicester this is about 12 miles away from where you are from where services are the city of Berlin we believe that the professional about 1 o’clock with the a line of cars coming to this area in this area know will be shut down for that amount of time to any part of it is the reason for this. Spy kids oss director wild bill donovan needs your help use your spy in training skills on our newly redesigned spy kids site and try your hand at deciphering the enigma code spykids. And they hurt me he opened his shut

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1234g. I m gl the Horse Playing Music Sheet Musician T Shirt at the country has been able to move away from that deriding the troops. Louis also quick update I am working on my follow up to the stairway to heaven tarsal video where I explained why I feel the spirit has a case how they should present caseand why do you feel they have their legitimate doing this for a lot of us agree I think you’ll find that the very fascinating talking up a steel for a while it was very hard the right because the more I delved into it the more research is more complicated became became hard to to try even know where to start found starting point pathwayand work at breakneck speed on the right that he did to get a push for your simply stated I hope you find this in depth analysis of Led Zeppelin one fascinating energy so here’s the banks this episode of classic album replay a bit differently from years Led Zeppelinand the seller in particular has been the subject of criticismand scrutiny as to whether the land plagiarize the work of the music artists some of this criticism has been well foundedand some of it has not I’m going to find impossible to come in on these claims as I discussed the songs in this album I am a big Led Zeppelin fan but one is not my favorite zeppelin album is though amazingly strong debut albumand listen to it with the benefit of hindsight you can hear how this album foreshadows everything that would follow during their studio career these are blues thunderous metal acoustic folk Celtic music Indian Arabic music instrument outingsand using the recording studio is instrument self in the songs on the album themselves would get foreshadowing echoes of things to come still in Dallas for shadowed in paymentand illegally cashmere is for shadowed by black mountainside I can go on to hopefully get the point they history of this first down begins with the spanning of guitars to be pages forand the yard for pageand the rights to the band nameand put together what was intended to be the new Yardbirds in order to finish a Scandinavian tour was our book the man’s name was changed Led Zeppelin during the tour recorded before they were signed to lack recordsand self funded by Jimmy page the recording process spent 36 hours or a few weeks of studio time the van was able to record this up quickly because all the material for the sum had already well rehearsed by the man from there to her this accounts for why the on his feeling of immediacy to its tremendousand energy with the exception of the eventand leave youand your time is gonna come if you like the majority the tracks were probably recorded mostly live with studio evidence added afterwards the L was also produced by page who paid attention during session days about how recordings were done even pioneered a few recording innovations himself up in the late 1960s most music producers placed microphones directly in front of vampiresand drums for Led Zeppelin page developed the idea of placing an additional microphone some distance from the amplifier as far as 20 feetand then recording the balance between the two by adopting distance equals death technique page became one of the first producers to record advanced ambient sound the distance of enough slack time on one end of the room to the other I should note that last paragraph was taken freely from Wikipedia track one good times bad times is an anomaly for life is a short song or perhaps I should say short I will be soon considered to be zeppelin standards for somnolence it’s also fairly radioand commercial from the song once again my the standards it opened a major rift bar court lets the first time was to know that this band is going to rockand rock hard this opening riff would as very black Sabbath like if not for John Bondand syncopated drum work offsettingand how you swing to what might otherwise clunky hard rock plans lyrics of findings of the song well even if they lack a certain coherence Robert Plant sings about losing his woman to a brown eyed man which I sometimes suspect might be a deliberate knot of the hat to Barry some brown a handsome man but then he goes on to say the stillsand seem to care well if you care than Weisinger or perhaps saying you don’t care with the swaggering much a way of dealing with loss during the time later in the Psalms closing plan things I don’t care what the neighbors say I’m going to lunch every day it’s a great line that didn’t was a girl her in the song the day I suppose it doesn’t really matter that much good times bad times is not my favorites up in some but is a good solid hard rock songand let you know that thunderous heavy guitar sound would find a great deal this band music in the us to come track to bail him to leave you is my personal favorite on this albumand when my favorite zeppelin songs in general on the original minor release the Craigslist this song as traditional arranged by pageand plant meaning that it is a public domain folk song in the original author is unknownand that paging plant created this arrangement this last part is true but it turned out the song was not a traditional folk song it was originally writtenand recorded back in the 1950s byand breadand American folk singerand songwriter Jimmy page is reported as saying that there was no intention to rip offand bread he thought he was just adapting a traditional focus on the turn recorded by John by this explanation is highly possible especially in the predigital information highway H the original bias album also creates the song as traditional arranged by Joan Baez although it is properly credit in the sheet music release of the same time as possible the paint got information song from Joan Baez’s album Brett herself did not hit his epic version to the 80s she has since received theseand credit the original author I can believe in this instance it is possible Jimmy page thought he was just recording a version of a public domain song likes to heaven the main body of the abundantly is based around a minor chord with a dissenting baseline there is an obvious Spanish classical guitar’s in fact aside from the sun I can’t any other example would you be pages delve into Spanish classical guitar has in the sun when Dixon starts to rock out if the same port chord progression is averse but would bar power cords electric guitar even on this section of the song because the guitars not get lost in the arrangement especially startling is the critic refrain when the electric slide guitar in the background decreased tremendous sense of longingand loss been elitist accidentand 40 seconds long but it sure doesn’t feel like just as good times bad times told you that the band is here to rock they on the Aaliyah says but wait there’s more to us than just had to guitarsand thunderous power cords based on the leave you may be a large acoustic track but from my 90 is many times darkerand even bigger satin than the album’s opening there is there is a mystical otherworldly quality to it they will appear againand again zeppelin songs like Cashmere when the lady breaksand steroid have we were teenagers me my buddies commented that the second half of them I believe you said too much like 25 or 64 by Chicago but the lady was released in 1969 25 or 64 was released in 1970 in 1986 Green Day we use a very similar guitar in their song brains do minivans challenge the other over the use of thisand I suspect there are a lot of other songs out there using the baseline that goes down chromatically over the same guitar court not going to orderand cover both track three you shook meand track eight I can’t quit you baby because of their shared history with blues legibly Dixon you ship me as a blue song with a somewhat complex history the song started out as a blues instrument released on chief records entitled blue guitar viral hooker the song was successfuland she records wanted to capitalize on success wanted Muddy Waters to use it as a backing track his records as well waters overdubbed vocal onto the original Earl Hooker recording unless written by Bill Willie Dixonand JB Lenore in the song then became you ship me on this recording wires vocal melody just doubled Earl Hooker’s guitar melody line which errata planted as well in their version Earl Hooker was given some weight credit for blue guitar that you ship me was credited to Dixonand Lenore blue Santa angrily accused Led Zeppelin of ripping off of Dixon by not crediting him for both you shook meand I can’t quit you baby please credit on the back cover the original minor release present so I don’t know where these accusations come from unless they were of course alternate pressing the incorrectly accredited paging plant cell I haven’t seen the proper summary credulousand subsequent releases Robert Plant also incorporates lines from the Robert Johnson song stones in my heart with the lines I have a bird that whistles the birth things but I don’t feel that this constitutes plagiarism it does a shout out to Robert Johnson John Lennon does this similar thing with the opening line of here comes the flattop from come together which take Barry someand I see it is just a shout out are not to those artists blue Santa been critical of both these cover scene that they are not real blues but I couldn’t disagree more I think that both an exceptional job of reimagining songs for new audience while still staying true to the original roots in feel that both of these recording still sound relevant even nowand that neither recording sounds that data my personal feeling is that this criticism comes from blues purists who don’t like any kinds of rip interpretations of the standards I also believe there is also just a general resentment from Santa because the Led Zeppelin versions got so popular the fall while their covers became more well known to the general public than the original versions track five daysand confused now the criticism of plagiarism is well founded on this track the fact that zeppelin stole dazedand confused from folksinger Jake Holmes has been widely cited for years I first read about it in the 1985 unauthorized biography hammer of the gods to me this is an openand shut case Jake Holmes wrote recordedand released a songand filed a copyright registration for back in 1967 Jenny pages previous band the Yardbirds had that covered the sun watching the pages in the band then Yardbirds drummer Jim McCarty even mentions going to buy the Jake Holmes record so the bank could learn the song lyrics were completely rewritten keeping only the linesand days confused holds original lyrics are very much darkerand more quickly than Led Zeppelin’s rewrite the 1985 became of the guide states that holds original song describes the passage of the homes contradicts this in a 2005 interview stating it is a relationship songand that people probably confuse it as such because of the experimental jam sessions on the middle is rendition dazedand confused is a stunning epic of metal bluesand psychedelics it became a signature song for than in the pre steroid heaven days but no matter how it might have rearranged it it would not exist without Jake Holmes original version which I do recommend that you listen to Jake Holmes original version with stock acoustic guitar arrangement is my opinion as powerful in infancy as Led Zeppelin is thundering bombast Jimmy page claims soul songwriting credit on that track so I have to assume that the decision to still a song was hisand his alone the first question I have to ask is what was he thinking not to catch we paid some slackand fit like most of the general public he didn’t understand what copyright is how it works or what it means the raptor many rap artists wrapped over existing copyrighted recordings many of them thought that since they had all to the original by adding their own lyrics to it there was now transformand now they owned their version lock stockand key they gestated their version would not exist without the original versionand it before releasing a transformed version of some else’s original work they must not only get permission but also to songwriting creditand pay royalties there might be some argument as to whether or not zeppelin’s version is any wrap some samples an existing piece of work a transformation or a straight coverand if page in his youth when I had a thought that by changing it it was in his he should have made up for this mistake in his later years Jake home said that he did write Led Zeppelin back in the early 80s requesting at least come creditand renumeration he never got a response in 2011 Jake Holmes finally sued Led Zeppelin for plagiarism the case was settled out of court now the second thing I have to wonder is why did he wait so long a simple phone call from a lawyer to link records could’ve gone a long way back especially since he had filed a copyright registration can bread Holmes is aware of zeppelins recording I have no idea how much of a settlement he received obviously it was enough to select court the we look at weapons remake as a transformative work Jake home should receive cowriting credit the latest release of date confuse from the album celebration day list the song is written by Jimmy pageand inspired by Jake Holmes I like what zeppelins versionand I’m glad it is now let me to find the original version but claiming authorship of the song that you didn’t originally right is to me as bad as a professional athlete who uses steroids in order to be a competition track six your time is good come John Paul Jones besides being an excellent bass player ever really seem to get enough props for his keyboard plane I’m not sure why this is always overlooked whenever Led Zeppelin is discussed because it’s certainly a full view here with the songs introductory organ solo I love this keyboard so it sounds so authentically like something on the classical music era so much so that I believe that it could fool on the initiate if you told them this was a Bach organ pieceand then it moves effortlesslyand even seamlessly into a blues organ mode before the band joins in my second favorite some amount of pages guitar licks evil both bluesand countryand sometimes they open simultaneously but John bottoms drumsand keep you aware that this is a rock band there is a sensitivity to pages guitar playing the just beautifully contrast plants darker lyrics about a simple partner without this plant vocals would probably sound a lot angrier songs main characters realize that he’s been deceived but is no longer inand he’s moving on he knows that he doesn’t need revenge because if you take care that for track seven black mountainside just as your times can come showcase John Paul Jones keyboard playing so too is black mountainside showcase pages instrumental abilities on the guitar black mountainside is a short tour de force of page but it is also the subject of plagiarism allegations for its obvious similarities to Irish folk music artist Bert Johnson is recording on the traditional Irish folk song black waterside sometimes referred to as down by the war waterside by the way I want to apologize if I’m mispronouncing pretenses named as the best I can do now you don’t have to go any further than the Wikipedia page on either black mountainside or black waterside to learn the Jimmy page was taught how to play for Johnson’s rendition of the song by musician Al Stewart page was working as a session musician on Stuart’s debut album during his present on days we paid recorded his version he didn’t crack John’s he credit to himself but here’s the part that makes me path black waterside is a traditional public domain folk song the original author is unknown pages version borrows heavily from Genesis version copying he’s written stylingsand copy the main melody the smoke line on the guitar they page death at his own melodicand rhythmic stylings as well as well as ESA tablet drums which immediately transforms it from Irish roots into something more Arabic soundingand this would foreshadow the heavy influence that Arabic music would play in the band’s music abuse later when Paigeand traveled to Morocco to experience this music firsthand the track fades in as your time is good come fade outand I was okay but I couldn’t clearly hear the opening notes of that song I was glad that the 1980s box set gave me a version that was free of your times to come fade but since the son was in the public domain Jimmy page didn’t need to steal it is recording clear just been credited as traditional arranged by Jimmy page personally though I think it should have read something like traditional arranged by Jimmy page from Bert Josh for the record perchance interviews feels that page did rip him off or at least learn the song from I agree page did learn the song from him just to try to pursue legal action but had to give it up since the song’s melody is in the public domain legally this is not plagiarism but is deceptive to the public domain sonand claim it as your own original piece of work after speaking I think the songwriting credits should acknowledge the song historyand out of respect for history that the original title be restored Jimmy pages in is not in the wrong here legally but I do believe he’s in the wrong ethically track seven communication breakdown like a 10 bad times the song surprisingly short by seven standardsand in spite of it’s almost punk like mean guitar it sounds surprisingly commercialand radio friendly especially for the regular time which favorite songs about 3 to 3 minutes in length I often wondered if in fact vacation breakdown was an attempt by page to record a radio friendly song if so it was attacked that they would soon abandon as zeppelin developed a revocation between regular play by defying commercial radio demands when the primary sources for plagiarism claims that I can cite has been a YouTube video by YouTube user class
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List product on Wednesday, February 3, 2021

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Beer Nutrition Facts Calories Per Serving Lost Count T Shirt

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Registered Nurse With Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Thick Thighs Tshirts

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Nathan searles is the last unicorn screening tour’s october 2017 prizewinner selected at random from the 10 000 people who signed up as tour members at screenings nathan attended the tour show at the red river theatre in concord nh and signed up on 5 7 2015 my wife had planned on bringing our oldest daughter to see the screening of the last unicorn but came down sick that day I took our daughter there instead and I am so glad I did my daughter was so excited when we won a Registered Nurse With Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Thick Thighs Tshirts clipping from the film as a part of an audience raffle and seeing and hearing peter beagle talk about his work was a wonderful opportunity my daughter was in awe to be there and wishing her mother could have been there too as she has been a fan since childhood it was a truly great evening and I will never forget it as his prize nathan selected the enchanted edition last unicorn blu ray dvd combo but that s not all he got to help make up for his wife having to miss the screening because she was ill a rare copy of idw s out of print deluxe last unicorn graphic novel was sent along too congratulations to the searles family nathan is a master herbalist whose company forgotten traditions produces amazing hand gathered mushroom and herbal extracts and herbal teas all at very reasonable prices interested last unicorn fans should definitely check them out at nathan s website. For rich wealth fame love power and luck welcome to the great temple of illuminati worldwide I want to use this opportunity to tell the world about mr adams who finally helped me to become a full member of the great illuminati brotherhood to join illuminati is easy join the illuminate cult online today where ever you are and get instant sum of 10 000 000 usd dollars what ever currency you want with a free home any where you choose to live in the world and many other benefit as follows we make your business grow faster and empower you are you a musician footballer student pastor politician doctor nurse actor actress or self employed business man woman engineer whatever you are doing for a living dose not matters joining the illuminati brings you into the limelight of the world in which you live in today your financial difficulties are brought to an end your inseams lengthen we support you both financially and materially to ensure you live a comfortable life in comfortable slacks we are always watching out for you you can join from wherever you are any part of the world country you are from the united state down to the most remotes part of the earth we bring you all you want it dose not matter being literate or illiterate rich nor poor anybody is advice to join if you are interested contact us now for all you seeks in life will comes to reality email us now adamsmithilluminatiworld gmail com or call 2349066469510 2348051980739 whats app say bye bye to poverty by joining illuminati I never believe not until I finally join but now I am rich this man is real he made me what I am today and I am very proud of me begin a illuminati member if they can make me rich make me become something in life why don’t you join also for you to also be rich the money always flows through the members like an ocean that never runs dry contact him now for help to join note that in this great brotherhood of illuminati no bloodshed and no humans sacrifices is involved we don’t kill for anything ok do not miss this opportunity thanks our source of wealth and power is revealed to registered member only you have notting to loose but have alot to gain power to win anything win able case lottery to get your ex back to healed whatever it is we can help. Show us that ink do you have any aerosmith tattoos post with the hashtag aerotattoos and tag aerosmith on instagram or twitter for a chance to be featured tattuesdat
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