Sunday, April 4, 2021

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black

I have loved the show since its inception and love the concepts story lines and characters however something i’ve noticed more recently stuck out for me in the season finale why are they making ed seem like he’s losing his marbles he’s a God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black strong character are they dumbing him down just because of hector elizondo’s age. Cuánto sabes de los comienzos de leo participa de las trivias en la app oficial y puedes llevarte una camiseta autografiada google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios how much do you know about the start of leo’s footballing journey participate in the official app trivias and you could take home a signed messi jersey google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios. Dancing to the demo of freakme after we finished writing it 8 months pregnant with sienna I felt more motivated than ever I had so much fun nothing can stop you shout out to my hardworking mammas motivationalmonday produced by jrotem written by me and therontheron_ Hot God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black More than Other products Premium Trending, Musical This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: My partner in this thang called life you are the God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black most wonderful human I have ever met you make me smile laugh and love life more than I knew I could I cherish every moment with you and can t wait to spend so many more years doing the same but new happy birthday jessica biel you god of all smoke shows love your huz. Please pass this on the only thing that is going to help me right now is exposing this rachel english los angeles ca 2 28 19 re investigation of attempted murder conspiracy by government on 2 24 19 I was involved in a car accident that I believe to be an attempt to murder me by a group of individuals who have been harassing me for more than 9 years these individuals claim to have influence connections within and beyond the u s government although they ve attempted to take my life several times the latest attempt involving the car crash a few days ago is the most overt attempt to date I was driving through an intersection on a green light near la brea manchester when a suv pulled out right in front of my car causing a serious collision that almost ended my life I was barely able to climb out of the car after the collision and was admitted to er for severe neck spine back and chest pain the er staff at the hospital also treated me horribly initially refusing to let my family see if I was ok and made me wait hours for a pa to attend to me in a waiting area motive I cannot explain the motive that these individuals have without relating the history of events that has led to this point approximately 9 years ago I worked for a group of individuals who were owners of a construction consulting firm contracted in los angeles and santa monica these are the only two locations that I know of on two separate occasions I worked at each of these locations during my second and last stint with this company in santa monica I was propositioned to participate in activities that I believed to be immoral and so rejected them my continual refusal to participate in such activities led to my being fired even after these individuals fired me they continued to pursue me and eventually outright demanded that I submit and engage in the activities that they were propositioning because I refused they ensured me that they would never stop harassing me and that they would continue to make my life a living hell until I submitted to them and do what they wanted because of the privileged position that they were in and because of the fact that I was at an obvious disadvantage both socio economically and systemically particularly in that the ruling class and governmental elite in america are obviously white individuals they made good on their promise that if I did not submit to them that they would make sure that I would never work again after nine years not only have they made sure I never worked again but they have also essentially waged a one sided war against me and my family a detailed account of which would overwhelm the imagination of anyone to whom it was told at one point they informed me that they were connected to individuals as high as and beyond government making sure I d realize the hopelessness of my situation in that any resistance by me against an entity with so much influence would be fruitless even so I have vowed to die before I submit to these people or their demands part of which includes me abandoning my religious beliefs in fact my family s and my beliefs and everything surrounding them are the crux of the conflict that has endured for more than 9 years between us they have only been aware of my family s and my beliefs because of the constant illegal spying activities that they participate in against us for more than 9 years now in short it was not just that my family and I were christian but that we lived it more importantly I am not stating this part for any other reason than to explain clearly what their motives were and still are what they saw they must have viewed as the epitome of everything they hated and felt threatened by it which is the reason they felt like they had to destroy everything that we were and everything that we represented and in many respects they have done just that in essence the best way that I can state what they saw is this if a group of individuals hate the idea of god and they find god s true elect chosen in this day and age what would they do to them it is not important that they don t believe in god the individuals carrying out the persecution in their view it is merely about the audacity and preposterousness of the very notion that a group of individuals are in unity in the belief of who and what they are and behave as such that is what they found to be offensive and something that they were determined to destroy that is why they have displayed such obviously valiant behavior to attack a group of individuals with the full force and weight of at least one government that I know of out of efforts to destroy us for beliefs evidential objective of harassment corresponds to motive I have made multiple police reports and filed a restraining order against them to try and get them to stop the harassing acts a long time ago english vs miller in 2012 case numbers ys023169 ys023193 and ys023170 I have no idea who their connections are within government but they have claimed to have them as a customary example of the privilege that is so easily accessible to them they were able to get the judge to deny my restraining order and grant them one by twisting the entire story in short they harassed me every single day of my life by using psychological warfare tactics to ensure my mind was never at peace for many years again the details of which are so elaborate and alarming that it would require a written volume to fully explore out of an effort to explain to social security why my health took such a drastic turn years ago when I applied for disability benefits I related an account of some of the details of what they did to me and my family the harassment has been so severe that the stress wreaked so much havoc on my body that it made me ill I lost my health a long time ago and have never been able to recover these individuals have engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to harass me every single day of my life this is a conspiracy that is in large part criminal and until now the events of such conspiracy have been carried out covertly until two days ago when that suv waited for me to drive through an intersection the light was green therefore I had no reason to stop and made a turn right into my car making the collision unavoidable it completely totaled the toyota camry that I was driving in and almost ended my life for nine years I have been telling the police about these people sending individuals to follow me around every single day they know where I am at all times where I am going where I plan to go etc they have had mechanics sabotage my car and possibly my family members cars banking business any and everything that I order online they have access to all of this because of their illegal spying activity that they carry out against me and my family for years I believe they have been targeting my family members health and lives as well they hack every computer phone tv tablet car and other devices that my family and I ever buy and for years the police have done nothing about it neither do they plan to when the harassment began years ago I notified the fbi about these individuals criminal activities and was told that there was nothing they could do about it even though I cannot directly link them to these events a review of everything going on in my life is proof of a conspiracy targeting me and my family that is being covered up by individuals whose participants appear to be as high as government because of this level of involvement it is extremely easy for them to cover their tracks other reasons I have to believe that the government is involved I do not believe that it is all of government but rogue participating members besides these people telling me that their connections run as high as government are as follows the level of access they have to people including doctors who have done nothing to help me find out what ailments I ve developed due to the insurmountable stress their harassment has caused in my life neither have these doctors done anything to help me fix these unknown ailments all medical facilities are obviously governed by departments of u s government therefore the constant and consistent refusal of the facilities that I have attended to provide me with adequate medical care is coming from the very top they have also successfully had people in general following and harassing me every single day of my life for years they have had homosexual men brush up against me very closely in public as if it were an accident and say excuse me as they grope me in private areas and they do this consistently at times every single day when I took measures to protect myself they then arranged to have homosexual men in my presence and shadowing me everywhere I go every single day without fail the latter has been the case for many years however the way in which this is executed has cover in so many ways that it leaves me no grounds to bring them to justice or any recourse at all yet they are actively harassing me therefore they ve essentially kept me subjected to their harassment manipulated events that have had me living in severe unbearable suicidal pain for years and then put measures in place to ensure that I never recover from any of it and all the while the fbi and police claim they can t do anything about it so here s what I m going to do about it I have sent a copy of this letter to members of my family and instructed them in the case of any other event especially in the event that they are able to take my life to go public with all of the attached documents which show a history of the complaints that I ve made to police some of which I am still gathering and will take a while to gather given my condition including the recent attempt these individuals have made to take my life in a car crash it will document how all of these years 9 years is a very long time to have taken absolutely no action even after the most obvious proof of there being a conspiracy to take my life in which an suv a big car made to absorb impact and capable of causing significant damage including death in the event of colliding with a smaller vehicle in a car collision such as the vehicle I was driving neither the police nor any entity with investigative authority has looked into any of this the letter will also include a list of every news station that I have submitted this story to as I myself will do everything that I possibly can to ensure that all of the evil these individuals have perpetrated against me and my family for years under the cloak of darkness is shone on in a very bright and public light I will make sure people understand the shocking and dreadful reality that members of our own big and powerful government has waged an elaborate one sided covert war against a few individual citizens because of their religious beliefs the same religious beliefs that america so hypocritically claim to protect I will let people know and provide all of the documentation that I have that there are individuals within our government involved in a criminal conspiracy to harass terrorize traumatize relentlessly and even murder their own individual citizens because they refuse to abandon their religious beliefs and because they refuse to adopt the religious ideologies that these rogue individuals in government deem as appropriate and valuable I will also let people know that despite all of the events that I have just related that this same government deemed an investigation of all of these events including the car accident to be unwarranted if that is to be the case I have copies of complaints that I have sent to government with regards to the harassing individuals illegally accessing my medical records and manipulating events in order to keep me sick and disabled all of these years and at the same time preventing any findings of my conditions in order to ensure I can never recover additionally the video evidence from this recent accident will show the driver waiting for me to commit to crossing that intersection before he drove right into me the evidence of this crime is not apparent because of all of the cover up however there is evidence that I am being targeted in the details as I stated the driver waited until I was committed to going across that intersection before he drove his car out directly into my path to add to my credibility I have records of prior events all of which are recent where individuals have been targeting me in car collisions on september 30th 2018 my parents and I were at a stop light the vehicle was not moving and I was in a position where I was not sitting with my back against the seat because I was showing my mom a picture on my phone when someone rear ended us my parents were ok but because of the position I was in the collision whiplashed me injuring my back on 8 10 18 my sister and I were leaving the el segundo shopping center when someone ran into the back of my car leaving a dent on at least 10 occasions over the past two years individuals have run their car right in front of me nearly causing a collision I see now this was merely part of their calculating and collecting of information needed in order to properly plan what it would take to cause the car collision that would take place later to actually take my life the next car collision could do just that if allowed and I mean if these people are allowed by god to take my life not men since they failed this time before this I had a heart attack approximately two three years ago on christmas eve after eating pizza that was delivered to me and my family no one else experienced this a year before that I had a heart attack because of some medication that a doctor kept insisting that I take for endometriosis which I had previously taken and experienced adverse side effects during this heart attack my heart underwent a violent attack before it stopped beating altogether and I stopped breathing as well by the grace of god I survived but now they are being more open and direct about trying to take my life whether or not the police or fbi investigate any of these events I will go public with all of the details that I have previously mentioned however in the case that there is an investigation it should be noted that in order to properly investigate these people and these events one has to know what to look for they do not operate in the way that law enforcement is accustomed to seeing criminals operate instead these are the most dangerous kind of criminals because the conspiracy is so deeply covered up they manipulate the events into happening rather than directing individuals to do things therefore the connection is hard to make nonetheless they use criminal manipulation to commit an abundance of illegal criminal activity for instance they had someone to break my finger in the past covered up assault because they did not direct some thug in the street to come up to me and break my finger there is no evidence of an assault crime neither of their participation in it yet I have been targeted for so long and have been the victim of so many of their evil crimes that I know exactly what they do they had someone to break my finger during the course of playing basketball therefore they covered up their involvement because there is nothing that says that that was not an accident but I know better I saw that guy press down as hard as he could on my finger when he threw the ball which bent my finger forward because of the force that he applied and broke it another guy threw a basketball at my head extremely hard again during the course of playing basketball which exacerbated my headaches so much so that they were unbearable they used the internet to drive me and my family apart by telling sick twisted horrible lies about me and other members of my family which divided us so badly that we have never been the same it caused an environment in the home that none of us ever thought was possible and caused individuals to even get in trouble with the law these events were planned right around the holidays each year again the evidence of being targeted is in the details they use psychology to study an individual and then plan an attack around that individual s psychological profile to hurt that individual or individuals in the worst possible way that s why they planned the torment and animosity among my family right around the holidays for years I have personally been burned tortured every day mentally physically and sexually they watch me and anyone I ever come into contact with so that they can manipulate events to tear that relationship apart as well they have even gotten to some of the individuals on my facebook page I cannot go to a gym to simply play basketball workout or anything else without them sending people there to harass me and to make sure I don t associate with anyone when I first tried to sue my previous employers for harassment initially the lawyers that wanted to help me with my case dropped me as a client without an explanation I have no doubt that they will also try to interfere in this recent case involving the horrific car accident manipulatively impeding justice regardless of their interference I will do everything I can to make sure the police and fbi investigate this because I will make all of this public until they do I will state in detail the list of police reports I have filed the complaints I have made regarding my privacy being violated the government s knowledge of my complaints and refusal to do anything about it I will make these people s actions as public as possible for as long as possible seeing as it has been 9 years and counting and no one has done anything about it. We had a great time showing the crowd at comic con some badass r rated footage but I want to focus on the fans thank you to all of you for your passion and your energy I know a lot of you camped out all night to be in that room with us and I can t tell you what that means to us terminatordarkfate terminator See Other related products: Jethro Tull and shirt God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black I have loved the show since its inception and love the concepts story lines and characters however something i’ve noticed more recently stuck out for me in the season finale why are they making ed seem like he’s losing his marbles he’s a God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black strong character are they dumbing him down just because of hector elizondo’s age. Cuánto sabes de los comienzos de leo participa de las trivias en la app oficial y puedes llevarte una camiseta autografiada google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios how much do you know about the start of leo’s footballing journey participate in the official app trivias and you could take home a signed messi jersey google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios. Dancing to the demo of freakme after we finished writing it 8 months pregnant with sienna I felt more motivated than ever I had so much fun nothing can stop you shout out to my hardworking mammas motivationalmonday produced by jrotem written by me and therontheron_ Hot God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black More than Other products Premium Trending, Musical This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: My partner in this thang called life you are the God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black most wonderful human I have ever met you make me smile laugh and love life more than I knew I could I cherish every moment with you and can t wait to spend so many more years doing the same but new happy birthday jessica biel you god of all smoke shows love your huz. Please pass this on the only thing that is going to help me right now is exposing this rachel english los angeles ca 2 28 19 re investigation of attempted murder conspiracy by government on 2 24 19 I was involved in a car accident that I believe to be an attempt to murder me by a group of individuals who have been harassing me for more than 9 years these individuals claim to have influence connections within and beyond the u s government although they ve attempted to take my life several times the latest attempt involving the car crash a few days ago is the most overt attempt to date I was driving through an intersection on a green light near la brea manchester when a suv pulled out right in front of my car causing a serious collision that almost ended my life I was barely able to climb out of the car after the collision and was admitted to er for severe neck spine back and chest pain the er staff at the hospital also treated me horribly initially refusing to let my family see if I was ok and made me wait hours for a pa to attend to me in a waiting area motive I cannot explain the motive that these individuals have without relating the history of events that has led to this point approximately 9 years ago I worked for a group of individuals who were owners of a construction consulting firm contracted in los angeles and santa monica these are the only two locations that I know of on two separate occasions I worked at each of these locations during my second and last stint with this company in santa monica I was propositioned to participate in activities that I believed to be immoral and so rejected them my continual refusal to participate in such activities led to my being fired even after these individuals fired me they continued to pursue me and eventually outright demanded that I submit and engage in the activities that they were propositioning because I refused they ensured me that they would never stop harassing me and that they would continue to make my life a living hell until I submitted to them and do what they wanted because of the privileged position that they were in and because of the fact that I was at an obvious disadvantage both socio economically and systemically particularly in that the ruling class and governmental elite in america are obviously white individuals they made good on their promise that if I did not submit to them that they would make sure that I would never work again after nine years not only have they made sure I never worked again but they have also essentially waged a one sided war against me and my family a detailed account of which would overwhelm the imagination of anyone to whom it was told at one point they informed me that they were connected to individuals as high as and beyond government making sure I d realize the hopelessness of my situation in that any resistance by me against an entity with so much influence would be fruitless even so I have vowed to die before I submit to these people or their demands part of which includes me abandoning my religious beliefs in fact my family s and my beliefs and everything surrounding them are the crux of the conflict that has endured for more than 9 years between us they have only been aware of my family s and my beliefs because of the constant illegal spying activities that they participate in against us for more than 9 years now in short it was not just that my family and I were christian but that we lived it more importantly I am not stating this part for any other reason than to explain clearly what their motives were and still are what they saw they must have viewed as the epitome of everything they hated and felt threatened by it which is the reason they felt like they had to destroy everything that we were and everything that we represented and in many respects they have done just that in essence the best way that I can state what they saw is this if a group of individuals hate the idea of god and they find god s true elect chosen in this day and age what would they do to them it is not important that they don t believe in god the individuals carrying out the persecution in their view it is merely about the audacity and preposterousness of the very notion that a group of individuals are in unity in the belief of who and what they are and behave as such that is what they found to be offensive and something that they were determined to destroy that is why they have displayed such obviously valiant behavior to attack a group of individuals with the full force and weight of at least one government that I know of out of efforts to destroy us for beliefs evidential objective of harassment corresponds to motive I have made multiple police reports and filed a restraining order against them to try and get them to stop the harassing acts a long time ago english vs miller in 2012 case numbers ys023169 ys023193 and ys023170 I have no idea who their connections are within government but they have claimed to have them as a customary example of the privilege that is so easily accessible to them they were able to get the judge to deny my restraining order and grant them one by twisting the entire story in short they harassed me every single day of my life by using psychological warfare tactics to ensure my mind was never at peace for many years again the details of which are so elaborate and alarming that it would require a written volume to fully explore out of an effort to explain to social security why my health took such a drastic turn years ago when I applied for disability benefits I related an account of some of the details of what they did to me and my family the harassment has been so severe that the stress wreaked so much havoc on my body that it made me ill I lost my health a long time ago and have never been able to recover these individuals have engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to harass me every single day of my life this is a conspiracy that is in large part criminal and until now the events of such conspiracy have been carried out covertly until two days ago when that suv waited for me to drive through an intersection the light was green therefore I had no reason to stop and made a turn right into my car making the collision unavoidable it completely totaled the toyota camry that I was driving in and almost ended my life for nine years I have been telling the police about these people sending individuals to follow me around every single day they know where I am at all times where I am going where I plan to go etc they have had mechanics sabotage my car and possibly my family members cars banking business any and everything that I order online they have access to all of this because of their illegal spying activity that they carry out against me and my family for years I believe they have been targeting my family members health and lives as well they hack every computer phone tv tablet car and other devices that my family and I ever buy and for years the police have done nothing about it neither do they plan to when the harassment began years ago I notified the fbi about these individuals criminal activities and was told that there was nothing they could do about it even though I cannot directly link them to these events a review of everything going on in my life is proof of a conspiracy targeting me and my family that is being covered up by individuals whose participants appear to be as high as government because of this level of involvement it is extremely easy for them to cover their tracks other reasons I have to believe that the government is involved I do not believe that it is all of government but rogue participating members besides these people telling me that their connections run as high as government are as follows the level of access they have to people including doctors who have done nothing to help me find out what ailments I ve developed due to the insurmountable stress their harassment has caused in my life neither have these doctors done anything to help me fix these unknown ailments all medical facilities are obviously governed by departments of u s government therefore the constant and consistent refusal of the facilities that I have attended to provide me with adequate medical care is coming from the very top they have also successfully had people in general following and harassing me every single day of my life for years they have had homosexual men brush up against me very closely in public as if it were an accident and say excuse me as they grope me in private areas and they do this consistently at times every single day when I took measures to protect myself they then arranged to have homosexual men in my presence and shadowing me everywhere I go every single day without fail the latter has been the case for many years however the way in which this is executed has cover in so many ways that it leaves me no grounds to bring them to justice or any recourse at all yet they are actively harassing me therefore they ve essentially kept me subjected to their harassment manipulated events that have had me living in severe unbearable suicidal pain for years and then put measures in place to ensure that I never recover from any of it and all the while the fbi and police claim they can t do anything about it so here s what I m going to do about it I have sent a copy of this letter to members of my family and instructed them in the case of any other event especially in the event that they are able to take my life to go public with all of the attached documents which show a history of the complaints that I ve made to police some of which I am still gathering and will take a while to gather given my condition including the recent attempt these individuals have made to take my life in a car crash it will document how all of these years 9 years is a very long time to have taken absolutely no action even after the most obvious proof of there being a conspiracy to take my life in which an suv a big car made to absorb impact and capable of causing significant damage including death in the event of colliding with a smaller vehicle in a car collision such as the vehicle I was driving neither the police nor any entity with investigative authority has looked into any of this the letter will also include a list of every news station that I have submitted this story to as I myself will do everything that I possibly can to ensure that all of the evil these individuals have perpetrated against me and my family for years under the cloak of darkness is shone on in a very bright and public light I will make sure people understand the shocking and dreadful reality that members of our own big and powerful government has waged an elaborate one sided covert war against a few individual citizens because of their religious beliefs the same religious beliefs that america so hypocritically claim to protect I will let people know and provide all of the documentation that I have that there are individuals within our government involved in a criminal conspiracy to harass terrorize traumatize relentlessly and even murder their own individual citizens because they refuse to abandon their religious beliefs and because they refuse to adopt the religious ideologies that these rogue individuals in government deem as appropriate and valuable I will also let people know that despite all of the events that I have just related that this same government deemed an investigation of all of these events including the car accident to be unwarranted if that is to be the case I have copies of complaints that I have sent to government with regards to the harassing individuals illegally accessing my medical records and manipulating events in order to keep me sick and disabled all of these years and at the same time preventing any findings of my conditions in order to ensure I can never recover additionally the video evidence from this recent accident will show the driver waiting for me to commit to crossing that intersection before he drove right into me the evidence of this crime is not apparent because of all of the cover up however there is evidence that I am being targeted in the details as I stated the driver waited until I was committed to going across that intersection before he drove his car out directly into my path to add to my credibility I have records of prior events all of which are recent where individuals have been targeting me in car collisions on september 30th 2018 my parents and I were at a stop light the vehicle was not moving and I was in a position where I was not sitting with my back against the seat because I was showing my mom a picture on my phone when someone rear ended us my parents were ok but because of the position I was in the collision whiplashed me injuring my back on 8 10 18 my sister and I were leaving the el segundo shopping center when someone ran into the back of my car leaving a dent on at least 10 occasions over the past two years individuals have run their car right in front of me nearly causing a collision I see now this was merely part of their calculating and collecting of information needed in order to properly plan what it would take to cause the car collision that would take place later to actually take my life the next car collision could do just that if allowed and I mean if these people are allowed by god to take my life not men since they failed this time before this I had a heart attack approximately two three years ago on christmas eve after eating pizza that was delivered to me and my family no one else experienced this a year before that I had a heart attack because of some medication that a doctor kept insisting that I take for endometriosis which I had previously taken and experienced adverse side effects during this heart attack my heart underwent a violent attack before it stopped beating altogether and I stopped breathing as well by the grace of god I survived but now they are being more open and direct about trying to take my life whether or not the police or fbi investigate any of these events I will go public with all of the details that I have previously mentioned however in the case that there is an investigation it should be noted that in order to properly investigate these people and these events one has to know what to look for they do not operate in the way that law enforcement is accustomed to seeing criminals operate instead these are the most dangerous kind of criminals because the conspiracy is so deeply covered up they manipulate the events into happening rather than directing individuals to do things therefore the connection is hard to make nonetheless they use criminal manipulation to commit an abundance of illegal criminal activity for instance they had someone to break my finger in the past covered up assault because they did not direct some thug in the street to come up to me and break my finger there is no evidence of an assault crime neither of their participation in it yet I have been targeted for so long and have been the victim of so many of their evil crimes that I know exactly what they do they had someone to break my finger during the course of playing basketball therefore they covered up their involvement because there is nothing that says that that was not an accident but I know better I saw that guy press down as hard as he could on my finger when he threw the ball which bent my finger forward because of the force that he applied and broke it another guy threw a basketball at my head extremely hard again during the course of playing basketball which exacerbated my headaches so much so that they were unbearable they used the internet to drive me and my family apart by telling sick twisted horrible lies about me and other members of my family which divided us so badly that we have never been the same it caused an environment in the home that none of us ever thought was possible and caused individuals to even get in trouble with the law these events were planned right around the holidays each year again the evidence of being targeted is in the details they use psychology to study an individual and then plan an attack around that individual s psychological profile to hurt that individual or individuals in the worst possible way that s why they planned the torment and animosity among my family right around the holidays for years I have personally been burned tortured every day mentally physically and sexually they watch me and anyone I ever come into contact with so that they can manipulate events to tear that relationship apart as well they have even gotten to some of the individuals on my facebook page I cannot go to a gym to simply play basketball workout or anything else without them sending people there to harass me and to make sure I don t associate with anyone when I first tried to sue my previous employers for harassment initially the lawyers that wanted to help me with my case dropped me as a client without an explanation I have no doubt that they will also try to interfere in this recent case involving the horrific car accident manipulatively impeding justice regardless of their interference I will do everything I can to make sure the police and fbi investigate this because I will make all of this public until they do I will state in detail the list of police reports I have filed the complaints I have made regarding my privacy being violated the government s knowledge of my complaints and refusal to do anything about it I will make these people s actions as public as possible for as long as possible seeing as it has been 9 years and counting and no one has done anything about it. We had a great time showing the crowd at comic con some badass r rated footage but I want to focus on the fans thank you to all of you for your passion and your energy I know a lot of you camped out all night to be in that room with us and I can t tell you what that means to us terminatordarkfate terminator See Other related products: Jethro Tull and shirt

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 1

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 1

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 2

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 2

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 3

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 3

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 4

God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black - from 4

I have loved the show since its inception and love the concepts story lines and characters however something i’ve noticed more recently stuck out for me in the season finale why are they making ed seem like he’s losing his marbles he’s a God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black strong character are they dumbing him down just because of hector elizondo’s age. Cuánto sabes de los comienzos de leo participa de las trivias en la app oficial y puedes llevarte una camiseta autografiada google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios how much do you know about the start of leo’s footballing journey participate in the official app trivias and you could take home a signed messi jersey google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios. Dancing to the demo of freakme after we finished writing it 8 months pregnant with sienna I felt more motivated than ever I had so much fun nothing can stop you shout out to my hardworking mammas motivationalmonday produced by jrotem written by me and therontheron_ Hot God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black More than Other products Premium Trending, Musical This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: My partner in this thang called life you are the God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black most wonderful human I have ever met you make me smile laugh and love life more than I knew I could I cherish every moment with you and can t wait to spend so many more years doing the same but new happy birthday jessica biel you god of all smoke shows love your huz. Please pass this on the only thing that is going to help me right now is exposing this rachel english los angeles ca 2 28 19 re investigation of attempted murder conspiracy by government on 2 24 19 I was involved in a car accident that I believe to be an attempt to murder me by a group of individuals who have been harassing me for more than 9 years these individuals claim to have influence connections within and beyond the u s government although they ve attempted to take my life several times the latest attempt involving the car crash a few days ago is the most overt attempt to date I was driving through an intersection on a green light near la brea manchester when a suv pulled out right in front of my car causing a serious collision that almost ended my life I was barely able to climb out of the car after the collision and was admitted to er for severe neck spine back and chest pain the er staff at the hospital also treated me horribly initially refusing to let my family see if I was ok and made me wait hours for a pa to attend to me in a waiting area motive I cannot explain the motive that these individuals have without relating the history of events that has led to this point approximately 9 years ago I worked for a group of individuals who were owners of a construction consulting firm contracted in los angeles and santa monica these are the only two locations that I know of on two separate occasions I worked at each of these locations during my second and last stint with this company in santa monica I was propositioned to participate in activities that I believed to be immoral and so rejected them my continual refusal to participate in such activities led to my being fired even after these individuals fired me they continued to pursue me and eventually outright demanded that I submit and engage in the activities that they were propositioning because I refused they ensured me that they would never stop harassing me and that they would continue to make my life a living hell until I submitted to them and do what they wanted because of the privileged position that they were in and because of the fact that I was at an obvious disadvantage both socio economically and systemically particularly in that the ruling class and governmental elite in america are obviously white individuals they made good on their promise that if I did not submit to them that they would make sure that I would never work again after nine years not only have they made sure I never worked again but they have also essentially waged a one sided war against me and my family a detailed account of which would overwhelm the imagination of anyone to whom it was told at one point they informed me that they were connected to individuals as high as and beyond government making sure I d realize the hopelessness of my situation in that any resistance by me against an entity with so much influence would be fruitless even so I have vowed to die before I submit to these people or their demands part of which includes me abandoning my religious beliefs in fact my family s and my beliefs and everything surrounding them are the crux of the conflict that has endured for more than 9 years between us they have only been aware of my family s and my beliefs because of the constant illegal spying activities that they participate in against us for more than 9 years now in short it was not just that my family and I were christian but that we lived it more importantly I am not stating this part for any other reason than to explain clearly what their motives were and still are what they saw they must have viewed as the epitome of everything they hated and felt threatened by it which is the reason they felt like they had to destroy everything that we were and everything that we represented and in many respects they have done just that in essence the best way that I can state what they saw is this if a group of individuals hate the idea of god and they find god s true elect chosen in this day and age what would they do to them it is not important that they don t believe in god the individuals carrying out the persecution in their view it is merely about the audacity and preposterousness of the very notion that a group of individuals are in unity in the belief of who and what they are and behave as such that is what they found to be offensive and something that they were determined to destroy that is why they have displayed such obviously valiant behavior to attack a group of individuals with the full force and weight of at least one government that I know of out of efforts to destroy us for beliefs evidential objective of harassment corresponds to motive I have made multiple police reports and filed a restraining order against them to try and get them to stop the harassing acts a long time ago english vs miller in 2012 case numbers ys023169 ys023193 and ys023170 I have no idea who their connections are within government but they have claimed to have them as a customary example of the privilege that is so easily accessible to them they were able to get the judge to deny my restraining order and grant them one by twisting the entire story in short they harassed me every single day of my life by using psychological warfare tactics to ensure my mind was never at peace for many years again the details of which are so elaborate and alarming that it would require a written volume to fully explore out of an effort to explain to social security why my health took such a drastic turn years ago when I applied for disability benefits I related an account of some of the details of what they did to me and my family the harassment has been so severe that the stress wreaked so much havoc on my body that it made me ill I lost my health a long time ago and have never been able to recover these individuals have engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to harass me every single day of my life this is a conspiracy that is in large part criminal and until now the events of such conspiracy have been carried out covertly until two days ago when that suv waited for me to drive through an intersection the light was green therefore I had no reason to stop and made a turn right into my car making the collision unavoidable it completely totaled the toyota camry that I was driving in and almost ended my life for nine years I have been telling the police about these people sending individuals to follow me around every single day they know where I am at all times where I am going where I plan to go etc they have had mechanics sabotage my car and possibly my family members cars banking business any and everything that I order online they have access to all of this because of their illegal spying activity that they carry out against me and my family for years I believe they have been targeting my family members health and lives as well they hack every computer phone tv tablet car and other devices that my family and I ever buy and for years the police have done nothing about it neither do they plan to when the harassment began years ago I notified the fbi about these individuals criminal activities and was told that there was nothing they could do about it even though I cannot directly link them to these events a review of everything going on in my life is proof of a conspiracy targeting me and my family that is being covered up by individuals whose participants appear to be as high as government because of this level of involvement it is extremely easy for them to cover their tracks other reasons I have to believe that the government is involved I do not believe that it is all of government but rogue participating members besides these people telling me that their connections run as high as government are as follows the level of access they have to people including doctors who have done nothing to help me find out what ailments I ve developed due to the insurmountable stress their harassment has caused in my life neither have these doctors done anything to help me fix these unknown ailments all medical facilities are obviously governed by departments of u s government therefore the constant and consistent refusal of the facilities that I have attended to provide me with adequate medical care is coming from the very top they have also successfully had people in general following and harassing me every single day of my life for years they have had homosexual men brush up against me very closely in public as if it were an accident and say excuse me as they grope me in private areas and they do this consistently at times every single day when I took measures to protect myself they then arranged to have homosexual men in my presence and shadowing me everywhere I go every single day without fail the latter has been the case for many years however the way in which this is executed has cover in so many ways that it leaves me no grounds to bring them to justice or any recourse at all yet they are actively harassing me therefore they ve essentially kept me subjected to their harassment manipulated events that have had me living in severe unbearable suicidal pain for years and then put measures in place to ensure that I never recover from any of it and all the while the fbi and police claim they can t do anything about it so here s what I m going to do about it I have sent a copy of this letter to members of my family and instructed them in the case of any other event especially in the event that they are able to take my life to go public with all of the attached documents which show a history of the complaints that I ve made to police some of which I am still gathering and will take a while to gather given my condition including the recent attempt these individuals have made to take my life in a car crash it will document how all of these years 9 years is a very long time to have taken absolutely no action even after the most obvious proof of there being a conspiracy to take my life in which an suv a big car made to absorb impact and capable of causing significant damage including death in the event of colliding with a smaller vehicle in a car collision such as the vehicle I was driving neither the police nor any entity with investigative authority has looked into any of this the letter will also include a list of every news station that I have submitted this story to as I myself will do everything that I possibly can to ensure that all of the evil these individuals have perpetrated against me and my family for years under the cloak of darkness is shone on in a very bright and public light I will make sure people understand the shocking and dreadful reality that members of our own big and powerful government has waged an elaborate one sided covert war against a few individual citizens because of their religious beliefs the same religious beliefs that america so hypocritically claim to protect I will let people know and provide all of the documentation that I have that there are individuals within our government involved in a criminal conspiracy to harass terrorize traumatize relentlessly and even murder their own individual citizens because they refuse to abandon their religious beliefs and because they refuse to adopt the religious ideologies that these rogue individuals in government deem as appropriate and valuable I will also let people know that despite all of the events that I have just related that this same government deemed an investigation of all of these events including the car accident to be unwarranted if that is to be the case I have copies of complaints that I have sent to government with regards to the harassing individuals illegally accessing my medical records and manipulating events in order to keep me sick and disabled all of these years and at the same time preventing any findings of my conditions in order to ensure I can never recover additionally the video evidence from this recent accident will show the driver waiting for me to commit to crossing that intersection before he drove right into me the evidence of this crime is not apparent because of all of the cover up however there is evidence that I am being targeted in the details as I stated the driver waited until I was committed to going across that intersection before he drove his car out directly into my path to add to my credibility I have records of prior events all of which are recent where individuals have been targeting me in car collisions on september 30th 2018 my parents and I were at a stop light the vehicle was not moving and I was in a position where I was not sitting with my back against the seat because I was showing my mom a picture on my phone when someone rear ended us my parents were ok but because of the position I was in the collision whiplashed me injuring my back on 8 10 18 my sister and I were leaving the el segundo shopping center when someone ran into the back of my car leaving a dent on at least 10 occasions over the past two years individuals have run their car right in front of me nearly causing a collision I see now this was merely part of their calculating and collecting of information needed in order to properly plan what it would take to cause the car collision that would take place later to actually take my life the next car collision could do just that if allowed and I mean if these people are allowed by god to take my life not men since they failed this time before this I had a heart attack approximately two three years ago on christmas eve after eating pizza that was delivered to me and my family no one else experienced this a year before that I had a heart attack because of some medication that a doctor kept insisting that I take for endometriosis which I had previously taken and experienced adverse side effects during this heart attack my heart underwent a violent attack before it stopped beating altogether and I stopped breathing as well by the grace of god I survived but now they are being more open and direct about trying to take my life whether or not the police or fbi investigate any of these events I will go public with all of the details that I have previously mentioned however in the case that there is an investigation it should be noted that in order to properly investigate these people and these events one has to know what to look for they do not operate in the way that law enforcement is accustomed to seeing criminals operate instead these are the most dangerous kind of criminals because the conspiracy is so deeply covered up they manipulate the events into happening rather than directing individuals to do things therefore the connection is hard to make nonetheless they use criminal manipulation to commit an abundance of illegal criminal activity for instance they had someone to break my finger in the past covered up assault because they did not direct some thug in the street to come up to me and break my finger there is no evidence of an assault crime neither of their participation in it yet I have been targeted for so long and have been the victim of so many of their evil crimes that I know exactly what they do they had someone to break my finger during the course of playing basketball therefore they covered up their involvement because there is nothing that says that that was not an accident but I know better I saw that guy press down as hard as he could on my finger when he threw the ball which bent my finger forward because of the force that he applied and broke it another guy threw a basketball at my head extremely hard again during the course of playing basketball which exacerbated my headaches so much so that they were unbearable they used the internet to drive me and my family apart by telling sick twisted horrible lies about me and other members of my family which divided us so badly that we have never been the same it caused an environment in the home that none of us ever thought was possible and caused individuals to even get in trouble with the law these events were planned right around the holidays each year again the evidence of being targeted is in the details they use psychology to study an individual and then plan an attack around that individual s psychological profile to hurt that individual or individuals in the worst possible way that s why they planned the torment and animosity among my family right around the holidays for years I have personally been burned tortured every day mentally physically and sexually they watch me and anyone I ever come into contact with so that they can manipulate events to tear that relationship apart as well they have even gotten to some of the individuals on my facebook page I cannot go to a gym to simply play basketball workout or anything else without them sending people there to harass me and to make sure I don t associate with anyone when I first tried to sue my previous employers for harassment initially the lawyers that wanted to help me with my case dropped me as a client without an explanation I have no doubt that they will also try to interfere in this recent case involving the horrific car accident manipulatively impeding justice regardless of their interference I will do everything I can to make sure the police and fbi investigate this because I will make all of this public until they do I will state in detail the list of police reports I have filed the complaints I have made regarding my privacy being violated the government s knowledge of my complaints and refusal to do anything about it I will make these people s actions as public as possible for as long as possible seeing as it has been 9 years and counting and no one has done anything about it. We had a great time showing the crowd at comic con some badass r rated footage but I want to focus on the fans thank you to all of you for your passion and your energy I know a lot of you camped out all night to be in that room with us and I can t tell you what that means to us terminatordarkfate terminator See Other related products: Jethro Tull and shirt God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black I have loved the show since its inception and love the concepts story lines and characters however something i’ve noticed more recently stuck out for me in the season finale why are they making ed seem like he’s losing his marbles he’s a God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black strong character are they dumbing him down just because of hector elizondo’s age. Cuánto sabes de los comienzos de leo participa de las trivias en la app oficial y puedes llevarte una camiseta autografiada google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios how much do you know about the start of leo’s footballing journey participate in the official app trivias and you could take home a signed messi jersey google play bit ly messiappandroid itunes app store bit ly messiappios. Dancing to the demo of freakme after we finished writing it 8 months pregnant with sienna I felt more motivated than ever I had so much fun nothing can stop you shout out to my hardworking mammas motivationalmonday produced by jrotem written by me and therontheron_ Hot God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black More than Other products Premium Trending, Musical This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: My partner in this thang called life you are the God Knew My Heart Needed Love So He Sent Me My Chinese Crested Flower Tshirts Black most wonderful human I have ever met you make me smile laugh and love life more than I knew I could I cherish every moment with you and can t wait to spend so many more years doing the same but new happy birthday jessica biel you god of all smoke shows love your huz. Please pass this on the only thing that is going to help me right now is exposing this rachel english los angeles ca 2 28 19 re investigation of attempted murder conspiracy by government on 2 24 19 I was involved in a car accident that I believe to be an attempt to murder me by a group of individuals who have been harassing me for more than 9 years these individuals claim to have influence connections within and beyond the u s government although they ve attempted to take my life several times the latest attempt involving the car crash a few days ago is the most overt attempt to date I was driving through an intersection on a green light near la brea manchester when a suv pulled out right in front of my car causing a serious collision that almost ended my life I was barely able to climb out of the car after the collision and was admitted to er for severe neck spine back and chest pain the er staff at the hospital also treated me horribly initially refusing to let my family see if I was ok and made me wait hours for a pa to attend to me in a waiting area motive I cannot explain the motive that these individuals have without relating the history of events that has led to this point approximately 9 years ago I worked for a group of individuals who were owners of a construction consulting firm contracted in los angeles and santa monica these are the only two locations that I know of on two separate occasions I worked at each of these locations during my second and last stint with this company in santa monica I was propositioned to participate in activities that I believed to be immoral and so rejected them my continual refusal to participate in such activities led to my being fired even after these individuals fired me they continued to pursue me and eventually outright demanded that I submit and engage in the activities that they were propositioning because I refused they ensured me that they would never stop harassing me and that they would continue to make my life a living hell until I submitted to them and do what they wanted because of the privileged position that they were in and because of the fact that I was at an obvious disadvantage both socio economically and systemically particularly in that the ruling class and governmental elite in america are obviously white individuals they made good on their promise that if I did not submit to them that they would make sure that I would never work again after nine years not only have they made sure I never worked again but they have also essentially waged a one sided war against me and my family a detailed account of which would overwhelm the imagination of anyone to whom it was told at one point they informed me that they were connected to individuals as high as and beyond government making sure I d realize the hopelessness of my situation in that any resistance by me against an entity with so much influence would be fruitless even so I have vowed to die before I submit to these people or their demands part of which includes me abandoning my religious beliefs in fact my family s and my beliefs and everything surrounding them are the crux of the conflict that has endured for more than 9 years between us they have only been aware of my family s and my beliefs because of the constant illegal spying activities that they participate in against us for more than 9 years now in short it was not just that my family and I were christian but that we lived it more importantly I am not stating this part for any other reason than to explain clearly what their motives were and still are what they saw they must have viewed as the epitome of everything they hated and felt threatened by it which is the reason they felt like they had to destroy everything that we were and everything that we represented and in many respects they have done just that in essence the best way that I can state what they saw is this if a group of individuals hate the idea of god and they find god s true elect chosen in this day and age what would they do to them it is not important that they don t believe in god the individuals carrying out the persecution in their view it is merely about the audacity and preposterousness of the very notion that a group of individuals are in unity in the belief of who and what they are and behave as such that is what they found to be offensive and something that they were determined to destroy that is why they have displayed such obviously valiant behavior to attack a group of individuals with the full force and weight of at least one government that I know of out of efforts to destroy us for beliefs evidential objective of harassment corresponds to motive I have made multiple police reports and filed a restraining order against them to try and get them to stop the harassing acts a long time ago english vs miller in 2012 case numbers ys023169 ys023193 and ys023170 I have no idea who their connections are within government but they have claimed to have them as a customary example of the privilege that is so easily accessible to them they were able to get the judge to deny my restraining order and grant them one by twisting the entire story in short they harassed me every single day of my life by using psychological warfare tactics to ensure my mind was never at peace for many years again the details of which are so elaborate and alarming that it would require a written volume to fully explore out of an effort to explain to social security why my health took such a drastic turn years ago when I applied for disability benefits I related an account of some of the details of what they did to me and my family the harassment has been so severe that the stress wreaked so much havoc on my body that it made me ill I lost my health a long time ago and have never been able to recover these individuals have engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to harass me every single day of my life this is a conspiracy that is in large part criminal and until now the events of such conspiracy have been carried out covertly until two days ago when that suv waited for me to drive through an intersection the light was green therefore I had no reason to stop and made a turn right into my car making the collision unavoidable it completely totaled the toyota camry that I was driving in and almost ended my life for nine years I have been telling the police about these people sending individuals to follow me around every single day they know where I am at all times where I am going where I plan to go etc they have had mechanics sabotage my car and possibly my family members cars banking business any and everything that I order online they have access to all of this because of their illegal spying activity that they carry out against me and my family for years I believe they have been targeting my family members health and lives as well they hack every computer phone tv tablet car and other devices that my family and I ever buy and for years the police have done nothing about it neither do they plan to when the harassment began years ago I notified the fbi about these individuals criminal activities and was told that there was nothing they could do about it even though I cannot directly link them to these events a review of everything going on in my life is proof of a conspiracy targeting me and my family that is being covered up by individuals whose participants appear to be as high as government because of this level of involvement it is extremely easy for them to cover their tracks other reasons I have to believe that the government is involved I do not believe that it is all of government but rogue participating members besides these people telling me that their connections run as high as government are as follows the level of access they have to people including doctors who have done nothing to help me find out what ailments I ve developed due to the insurmountable stress their harassment has caused in my life neither have these doctors done anything to help me fix these unknown ailments all medical facilities are obviously governed by departments of u s government therefore the constant and consistent refusal of the facilities that I have attended to provide me with adequate medical care is coming from the very top they have also successfully had people in general following and harassing me every single day of my life for years they have had homosexual men brush up against me very closely in public as if it were an accident and say excuse me as they grope me in private areas and they do this consistently at times every single day when I took measures to protect myself they then arranged to have homosexual men in my presence and shadowing me everywhere I go every single day without fail the latter has been the case for many years however the way in which this is executed has cover in so many ways that it leaves me no grounds to bring them to justice or any recourse at all yet they are actively harassing me therefore they ve essentially kept me subjected to their harassment manipulated events that have had me living in severe unbearable suicidal pain for years and then put measures in place to ensure that I never recover from any of it and all the while the fbi and police claim they can t do anything about it so here s what I m going to do about it I have sent a copy of this letter to members of my family and instructed them in the case of any other event especially in the event that they are able to take my life to go public with all of the attached documents which show a history of the complaints that I ve made to police some of which I am still gathering and will take a while to gather given my condition including the recent attempt these individuals have made to take my life in a car crash it will document how all of these years 9 years is a very long time to have taken absolutely no action even after the most obvious proof of there being a conspiracy to take my life in which an suv a big car made to absorb impact and capable of causing significant damage including death in the event of colliding with a smaller vehicle in a car collision such as the vehicle I was driving neither the police nor any entity with investigative authority has looked into any of this the letter will also include a list of every news station that I have submitted this story to as I myself will do everything that I possibly can to ensure that all of the evil these individuals have perpetrated against me and my family for years under the cloak of darkness is shone on in a very bright and public light I will make sure people understand the shocking and dreadful reality that members of our own big and powerful government has waged an elaborate one sided covert war against a few individual citizens because of their religious beliefs the same religious beliefs that america so hypocritically claim to protect I will let people know and provide all of the documentation that I have that there are individuals within our government involved in a criminal conspiracy to harass terrorize traumatize relentlessly and even murder their own individual citizens because they refuse to abandon their religious beliefs and because they refuse to adopt the religious ideologies that these rogue individuals in government deem as appropriate and valuable I will also let people know that despite all of the events that I have just related that this same government deemed an investigation of all of these events including the car accident to be unwarranted if that is to be the case I have copies of complaints that I have sent to government with regards to the harassing individuals illegally accessing my medical records and manipulating events in order to keep me sick and disabled all of these years and at the same time preventing any findings of my conditions in order to ensure I can never recover additionally the video evidence from this recent accident will show the driver waiting for me to commit to crossing that intersection before he drove right into me the evidence of this crime is not apparent because of all of the cover up however there is evidence that I am being targeted in the details as I stated the driver waited until I was committed to going across that intersection before he drove his car out directly into my path to add to my credibility I have records of prior events all of which are recent where individuals have been targeting me in car collisions on september 30th 2018 my parents and I were at a stop light the vehicle was not moving and I was in a position where I was not sitting with my back against the seat because I was showing my mom a picture on my phone when someone rear ended us my parents were ok but because of the position I was in the collision whiplashed me injuring my back on 8 10 18 my sister and I were leaving the el segundo shopping center when someone ran into the back of my car leaving a dent on at least 10 occasions over the past two years individuals have run their car right in front of me nearly causing a collision I see now this was merely part of their calculating and collecting of information needed in order to properly plan what it would take to cause the car collision that would take place later to actually take my life the next car collision could do just that if allowed and I mean if these people are allowed by god to take my life not men since they failed this time before this I had a heart attack approximately two three years ago on christmas eve after eating pizza that was delivered to me and my family no one else experienced this a year before that I had a heart attack because of some medication that a doctor kept insisting that I take for endometriosis which I had previously taken and experienced adverse side effects during this heart attack my heart underwent a violent attack before it stopped beating altogether and I stopped breathing as well by the grace of god I survived but now they are being more open and direct about trying to take my life whether or not the police or fbi investigate any of these events I will go public with all of the details that I have previously mentioned however in the case that there is an investigation it should be noted that in order to properly investigate these people and these events one has to know what to look for they do not operate in the way that law enforcement is accustomed to seeing criminals operate instead these are the most dangerous kind of criminals because the conspiracy is so deeply covered up they manipulate the events into happening rather than directing individuals to do things therefore the connection is hard to make nonetheless they use criminal manipulation to commit an abundance of illegal criminal activity for instance they had someone to break my finger in the past covered up assault because they did not direct some thug in the street to come up to me and break my finger there is no evidence of an assault crime neither of their participation in it yet I have been targeted for so long and have been the victim of so many of their evil crimes that I know exactly what they do they had someone to break my finger during the course of playing basketball therefore they covered up their involvement because there is nothing that says that that was not an accident but I know better I saw that guy press down as hard as he could on my finger when he threw the ball which bent my finger forward because of the force that he applied and broke it another guy threw a basketball at my head extremely hard again during the course of playing basketball which exacerbated my headaches so much so that they were unbearable they used the internet to drive me and my family apart by telling sick twisted horrible lies about me and other members of my family which divided us so badly that we have never been the same it caused an environment in the home that none of us ever thought was possible and caused individuals to even get in trouble with the law these events were planned right around the holidays each year again the evidence of being targeted is in the details they use psychology to study an individual and then plan an attack around that individual s psychological profile to hurt that individual or individuals in the worst possible way that s why they planned the torment and animosity among my family right around the holidays for years I have personally been burned tortured every day mentally physically and sexually they watch me and anyone I ever come into contact with so that they can manipulate events to tear that relationship apart as well they have even gotten to some of the individuals on my facebook page I cannot go to a gym to simply play basketball workout or anything else without them sending people there to harass me and to make sure I don t associate with anyone when I first tried to sue my previous employers for harassment initially the lawyers that wanted to help me with my case dropped me as a client without an explanation I have no doubt that they will also try to interfere in this recent case involving the horrific car accident manipulatively impeding justice regardless of their interference I will do everything I can to make sure the police and fbi investigate this because I will make all of this public until they do I will state in detail the list of police reports I have filed the complaints I have made regarding my privacy being violated the government s knowledge of my complaints and refusal to do anything about it I will make these people s actions as public as possible for as long as possible seeing as it has been 9 years and counting and no one has done anything about it. We had a great time showing the crowd at comic con some badass r rated footage but I want to focus on the fans thank you to all of you for your passion and your energy I know a lot of you camped out all night to be in that room with us and I can t tell you what that means to us terminatordarkfate terminator See Other related products: Jethro Tull and shirt

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Saturday, April 3, 2021

I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt

I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt

I ordered the diaper wipe bundle for the first time this month I was super excited to try this company and with a I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt 40 discount this bargain mama was thrilled I looked up my daughters size and at 27 pounds she nicely fit into the size 4 category I ordered my shipment and quickly opened a bag for home and sent one to school with her day 1 she woke up with the diaper off of her in the soaking wet bed it had cake undone because they were a bit too snug I thought it was a coincidence but it kept happening I sat on the phone and live chat for over 45 minutes waiting for help with returning when I finally got someone I was told I couldn t swap in store to a bigger size and I couldn t swap online only refund my money and reorder even with the 20 off code floating around by reordering with only a percent of my original return I d have to spend over 30 I told the customer service lady to cancel my return I cancelled my monthly bundle also the diapers were average and the wipes are great but the returns and inability to get a customer service assistant on the line in a timely manner has me going somewhere else bummer. Fan jodi williams says I love the last unicorn and have pretty much since I was born when my sister moved here with her cat I couldn’t resist the eyepatch I just wish it was red but sleepyhead didn’t mind he seemed to be proud to wear it. In the latest episode of detail we are taking a look at what jewell loyd of the seattle storm can do to take her game to yet another level watch it now on espn I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T ShirtPremium Trending, Vote Save America Spring Season will Presents Who Love: Trump, 2020 Online exclusive shade line and define with our new endless eyes palette the I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt unique triple duty palette features shades for shadow liner and brows all in one just 12. Dark blue elegant intelligent sophisticated wear it with lime hot pink burnt orange or pale pink for a pop of color comment with a if you’re bold in blue contact your avon representative to shop avonjewelry today. In the summer of 1962 peter s beagle then just 23 years old made his first attempt to write the last unicorn he ultimately abandoned the 85 pages he wrote that summer using just a couple of pages of it when he returned to work on the story several years later and wrote the novel that has become famous around the world in 2006 subterranean press published that radically different first draft with an introduction and afterword by peter in a book called the last unicorn the lost version they printed 1000 copies all of which were sold out before publication today the handful of used copies on the market go for anywhere from 500 to 2000 in price but now you can read an ebook edition of the last unicorn the lost version for just 15 it’s available this month only as a special immediate download from conlan press and contains the exact text of the subterranean press edition in three ebook formats mobi epub and pdf if you want to find out what the last unicorn was like before there was a schmendrick or molly grue or red bull or king haggard or any of the rest of the characters you know except for the unicorn and the butterfly now you can this edition will only be available until midnight on december 31st you can get it here I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt I ordered the diaper wipe bundle for the first time this month I was super excited to try this company and with a I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt 40 discount this bargain mama was thrilled I looked up my daughters size and at 27 pounds she nicely fit into the size 4 category I ordered my shipment and quickly opened a bag for home and sent one to school with her day 1 she woke up with the diaper off of her in the soaking wet bed it had cake undone because they were a bit too snug I thought it was a coincidence but it kept happening I sat on the phone and live chat for over 45 minutes waiting for help with returning when I finally got someone I was told I couldn t swap in store to a bigger size and I couldn t swap online only refund my money and reorder even with the 20 off code floating around by reordering with only a percent of my original return I d have to spend over 30 I told the customer service lady to cancel my return I cancelled my monthly bundle also the diapers were average and the wipes are great but the returns and inability to get a customer service assistant on the line in a timely manner has me going somewhere else bummer. Fan jodi williams says I love the last unicorn and have pretty much since I was born when my sister moved here with her cat I couldn’t resist the eyepatch I just wish it was red but sleepyhead didn’t mind he seemed to be proud to wear it. In the latest episode of detail we are taking a look at what jewell loyd of the seattle storm can do to take her game to yet another level watch it now on espn I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T ShirtPremium Trending, Vote Save America Spring Season will Presents Who Love: Trump, 2020 Online exclusive shade line and define with our new endless eyes palette the I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt unique triple duty palette features shades for shadow liner and brows all in one just 12. Dark blue elegant intelligent sophisticated wear it with lime hot pink burnt orange or pale pink for a pop of color comment with a if you’re bold in blue contact your avon representative to shop avonjewelry today. In the summer of 1962 peter s beagle then just 23 years old made his first attempt to write the last unicorn he ultimately abandoned the 85 pages he wrote that summer using just a couple of pages of it when he returned to work on the story several years later and wrote the novel that has become famous around the world in 2006 subterranean press published that radically different first draft with an introduction and afterword by peter in a book called the last unicorn the lost version they printed 1000 copies all of which were sold out before publication today the handful of used copies on the market go for anywhere from 500 to 2000 in price but now you can read an ebook edition of the last unicorn the lost version for just 15 it’s available this month only as a special immediate download from conlan press and contains the exact text of the subterranean press edition in three ebook formats mobi epub and pdf if you want to find out what the last unicorn was like before there was a schmendrick or molly grue or red bull or king haggard or any of the rest of the characters you know except for the unicorn and the butterfly now you can this edition will only be available until midnight on december 31st you can get it here

I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt - from 1

I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt - from 1

I ordered the diaper wipe bundle for the first time this month I was super excited to try this company and with a I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt 40 discount this bargain mama was thrilled I looked up my daughters size and at 27 pounds she nicely fit into the size 4 category I ordered my shipment and quickly opened a bag for home and sent one to school with her day 1 she woke up with the diaper off of her in the soaking wet bed it had cake undone because they were a bit too snug I thought it was a coincidence but it kept happening I sat on the phone and live chat for over 45 minutes waiting for help with returning when I finally got someone I was told I couldn t swap in store to a bigger size and I couldn t swap online only refund my money and reorder even with the 20 off code floating around by reordering with only a percent of my original return I d have to spend over 30 I told the customer service lady to cancel my return I cancelled my monthly bundle also the diapers were average and the wipes are great but the returns and inability to get a customer service assistant on the line in a timely manner has me going somewhere else bummer. Fan jodi williams says I love the last unicorn and have pretty much since I was born when my sister moved here with her cat I couldn’t resist the eyepatch I just wish it was red but sleepyhead didn’t mind he seemed to be proud to wear it. In the latest episode of detail we are taking a look at what jewell loyd of the seattle storm can do to take her game to yet another level watch it now on espn I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T ShirtPremium Trending, Vote Save America Spring Season will Presents Who Love: Trump, 2020 Online exclusive shade line and define with our new endless eyes palette the I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt unique triple duty palette features shades for shadow liner and brows all in one just 12. Dark blue elegant intelligent sophisticated wear it with lime hot pink burnt orange or pale pink for a pop of color comment with a if you’re bold in blue contact your avon representative to shop avonjewelry today. In the summer of 1962 peter s beagle then just 23 years old made his first attempt to write the last unicorn he ultimately abandoned the 85 pages he wrote that summer using just a couple of pages of it when he returned to work on the story several years later and wrote the novel that has become famous around the world in 2006 subterranean press published that radically different first draft with an introduction and afterword by peter in a book called the last unicorn the lost version they printed 1000 copies all of which were sold out before publication today the handful of used copies on the market go for anywhere from 500 to 2000 in price but now you can read an ebook edition of the last unicorn the lost version for just 15 it’s available this month only as a special immediate download from conlan press and contains the exact text of the subterranean press edition in three ebook formats mobi epub and pdf if you want to find out what the last unicorn was like before there was a schmendrick or molly grue or red bull or king haggard or any of the rest of the characters you know except for the unicorn and the butterfly now you can this edition will only be available until midnight on december 31st you can get it here I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt I ordered the diaper wipe bundle for the first time this month I was super excited to try this company and with a I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt 40 discount this bargain mama was thrilled I looked up my daughters size and at 27 pounds she nicely fit into the size 4 category I ordered my shipment and quickly opened a bag for home and sent one to school with her day 1 she woke up with the diaper off of her in the soaking wet bed it had cake undone because they were a bit too snug I thought it was a coincidence but it kept happening I sat on the phone and live chat for over 45 minutes waiting for help with returning when I finally got someone I was told I couldn t swap in store to a bigger size and I couldn t swap online only refund my money and reorder even with the 20 off code floating around by reordering with only a percent of my original return I d have to spend over 30 I told the customer service lady to cancel my return I cancelled my monthly bundle also the diapers were average and the wipes are great but the returns and inability to get a customer service assistant on the line in a timely manner has me going somewhere else bummer. Fan jodi williams says I love the last unicorn and have pretty much since I was born when my sister moved here with her cat I couldn’t resist the eyepatch I just wish it was red but sleepyhead didn’t mind he seemed to be proud to wear it. In the latest episode of detail we are taking a look at what jewell loyd of the seattle storm can do to take her game to yet another level watch it now on espn I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T ShirtPremium Trending, Vote Save America Spring Season will Presents Who Love: Trump, 2020 Online exclusive shade line and define with our new endless eyes palette the I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Trump 2020 T Shirt unique triple duty palette features shades for shadow liner and brows all in one just 12. Dark blue elegant intelligent sophisticated wear it with lime hot pink burnt orange or pale pink for a pop of color comment with a if you’re bold in blue contact your avon representative to shop avonjewelry today. In the summer of 1962 peter s beagle then just 23 years old made his first attempt to write the last unicorn he ultimately abandoned the 85 pages he wrote that summer using just a couple of pages of it when he returned to work on the story several years later and wrote the novel that has become famous around the world in 2006 subterranean press published that radically different first draft with an introduction and afterword by peter in a book called the last unicorn the lost version they printed 1000 copies all of which were sold out before publication today the handful of used copies on the market go for anywhere from 500 to 2000 in price but now you can read an ebook edition of the last unicorn the lost version for just 15 it’s available this month only as a special immediate download from conlan press and contains the exact text of the subterranean press edition in three ebook formats mobi epub and pdf if you want to find out what the last unicorn was like before there was a schmendrick or molly grue or red bull or king haggard or any of the rest of the characters you know except for the unicorn and the butterfly now you can this edition will only be available until midnight on december 31st you can get it here

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Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt

Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt

I DONT EVEN KNOW THIS PERSON.. I am really jealous of utopia 2025: The Royal Library of digital Alexandria university 4.0 this is Utopia 2025. we can gather knowledge in a new digital Alexandria? .Alexandria of Egypt was for three centuries the most important cultural center of the … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt RECCOM.ORG La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine. People who worship you are OFF in the head. don’t change the world until you have a better plan.. ” A child will lead them “. Rents need to be lower. America has people working like slaves just to pay rent..thats crazy…. thanks for your support in our generation. Thanks sir from Bangladesh. Put up tents for the homeless while there are not enough shelter for them. We have so many parks in every cities and we should be able to use a few parks to help them have a place to sleep. Of course we need parks that have restrooms. People in the com… See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 1 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 3 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 2 The colour of a persons skin should be irrelevant. Why does this archaic issue continue to be. We are all proud of our heritage. Whatever colour or lack there of. Underneath we are all the boring same. Maybe we should carry a varied colour flag to … See More. I never saw that tag line before….unbought and unbossed. Dems should embrace that in opposition to the bought republicans. Women’s greatest superpower is the ability to persist despite odds being stacked against them.. My hero! She would be so proud right now especially since her protege Congresswoman. Yes! Help us empower young women of color! Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt MAMABIRDINTERVIEWS.COM Home | Mamabird Interviews. In 1980 I was working on EMK’s presidential campaign and I spent a day with her while she campaigned for Ted. She took the time to sit with a group of us young women and gave us a “pep” talk about creating our own destiny. An amazing and inspirational … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt I was just literally thinking about this yesterday . Those poor babies will be messed up mentally for life. We should have to pay for their healthcare.. Those children will need PTSD therapy. The most effective is called E.M.D.R.. Work harder on getting those children out of those cages and back with their families.. Now this must be adopted into Federal law to prevent it from ever happening again. Like all of 45’s horrific EO’s.. Seems like a good job for recent College grads who can’t find jobs. Send them to countries to locate the parents, in groups of course, like Americorps.. Sad to say it’s going to be a long time. Some children have been abused, some will not recognize their parents and some may never recover from the cruelty of trump administration.. This cruel, racist tactic never should have happened. So many guilty and complicit people allowed it to happen. Praying all these families can be happily reunited. Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt I DONT EVEN KNOW THIS PERSON.. I am really jealous of utopia 2025: The Royal Library of digital Alexandria university 4.0 this is Utopia 2025. we can gather knowledge in a new digital Alexandria? .Alexandria of Egypt was for three centuries the most important cultural center of the … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt RECCOM.ORG La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine. People who worship you are OFF in the head. don’t change the world until you have a better plan.. ” A child will lead them “. Rents need to be lower. America has people working like slaves just to pay rent..thats crazy…. thanks for your support in our generation. Thanks sir from Bangladesh. Put up tents for the homeless while there are not enough shelter for them. We have so many parks in every cities and we should be able to use a few parks to help them have a place to sleep. Of course we need parks that have restrooms. People in the com… See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 1 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 3 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 2 The colour of a persons skin should be irrelevant. Why does this archaic issue continue to be. We are all proud of our heritage. Whatever colour or lack there of. Underneath we are all the boring same. Maybe we should carry a varied colour flag to … See More. I never saw that tag line before….unbought and unbossed. Dems should embrace that in opposition to the bought republicans. Women’s greatest superpower is the ability to persist despite odds being stacked against them.. My hero! She would be so proud right now especially since her protege Congresswoman. Yes! Help us empower young women of color! Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt MAMABIRDINTERVIEWS.COM Home | Mamabird Interviews. In 1980 I was working on EMK’s presidential campaign and I spent a day with her while she campaigned for Ted. She took the time to sit with a group of us young women and gave us a “pep” talk about creating our own destiny. An amazing and inspirational … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt I was just literally thinking about this yesterday . Those poor babies will be messed up mentally for life. We should have to pay for their healthcare.. Those children will need PTSD therapy. The most effective is called E.M.D.R.. Work harder on getting those children out of those cages and back with their families.. Now this must be adopted into Federal law to prevent it from ever happening again. Like all of 45’s horrific EO’s.. Seems like a good job for recent College grads who can’t find jobs. Send them to countries to locate the parents, in groups of course, like Americorps.. Sad to say it’s going to be a long time. Some children have been abused, some will not recognize their parents and some may never recover from the cruelty of trump administration.. This cruel, racist tactic never should have happened. So many guilty and complicit people allowed it to happen. Praying all these families can be happily reunited.

Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt - from 1

Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt - from 1

I DONT EVEN KNOW THIS PERSON.. I am really jealous of utopia 2025: The Royal Library of digital Alexandria university 4.0 this is Utopia 2025. we can gather knowledge in a new digital Alexandria? .Alexandria of Egypt was for three centuries the most important cultural center of the … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt RECCOM.ORG La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine. People who worship you are OFF in the head. don’t change the world until you have a better plan.. ” A child will lead them “. Rents need to be lower. America has people working like slaves just to pay rent..thats crazy…. thanks for your support in our generation. Thanks sir from Bangladesh. Put up tents for the homeless while there are not enough shelter for them. We have so many parks in every cities and we should be able to use a few parks to help them have a place to sleep. Of course we need parks that have restrooms. People in the com… See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 1 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 3 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 2 The colour of a persons skin should be irrelevant. Why does this archaic issue continue to be. We are all proud of our heritage. Whatever colour or lack there of. Underneath we are all the boring same. Maybe we should carry a varied colour flag to … See More. I never saw that tag line before….unbought and unbossed. Dems should embrace that in opposition to the bought republicans. Women’s greatest superpower is the ability to persist despite odds being stacked against them.. My hero! She would be so proud right now especially since her protege Congresswoman. Yes! Help us empower young women of color! Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt MAMABIRDINTERVIEWS.COM Home | Mamabird Interviews. In 1980 I was working on EMK’s presidential campaign and I spent a day with her while she campaigned for Ted. She took the time to sit with a group of us young women and gave us a “pep” talk about creating our own destiny. An amazing and inspirational … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt I was just literally thinking about this yesterday . Those poor babies will be messed up mentally for life. We should have to pay for their healthcare.. Those children will need PTSD therapy. The most effective is called E.M.D.R.. Work harder on getting those children out of those cages and back with their families.. Now this must be adopted into Federal law to prevent it from ever happening again. Like all of 45’s horrific EO’s.. Seems like a good job for recent College grads who can’t find jobs. Send them to countries to locate the parents, in groups of course, like Americorps.. Sad to say it’s going to be a long time. Some children have been abused, some will not recognize their parents and some may never recover from the cruelty of trump administration.. This cruel, racist tactic never should have happened. So many guilty and complicit people allowed it to happen. Praying all these families can be happily reunited. Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt I DONT EVEN KNOW THIS PERSON.. I am really jealous of utopia 2025: The Royal Library of digital Alexandria university 4.0 this is Utopia 2025. we can gather knowledge in a new digital Alexandria? .Alexandria of Egypt was for three centuries the most important cultural center of the … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt RECCOM.ORG La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine La biblioteca di Alessandria – Reccom Magazine. People who worship you are OFF in the head. don’t change the world until you have a better plan.. ” A child will lead them “. Rents need to be lower. America has people working like slaves just to pay rent..thats crazy…. thanks for your support in our generation. Thanks sir from Bangladesh. Put up tents for the homeless while there are not enough shelter for them. We have so many parks in every cities and we should be able to use a few parks to help them have a place to sleep. Of course we need parks that have restrooms. People in the com… See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 1 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 3 Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt 2 The colour of a persons skin should be irrelevant. Why does this archaic issue continue to be. We are all proud of our heritage. Whatever colour or lack there of. Underneath we are all the boring same. Maybe we should carry a varied colour flag to … See More. I never saw that tag line before….unbought and unbossed. Dems should embrace that in opposition to the bought republicans. Women’s greatest superpower is the ability to persist despite odds being stacked against them.. My hero! She would be so proud right now especially since her protege Congresswoman. Yes! Help us empower young women of color! Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt MAMABIRDINTERVIEWS.COM Home | Mamabird Interviews. In 1980 I was working on EMK’s presidential campaign and I spent a day with her while she campaigned for Ted. She took the time to sit with a group of us young women and gave us a “pep” talk about creating our own destiny. An amazing and inspirational … See More Just A Crazy Ass Mama T-Shirt I was just literally thinking about this yesterday . Those poor babies will be messed up mentally for life. We should have to pay for their healthcare.. Those children will need PTSD therapy. The most effective is called E.M.D.R.. Work harder on getting those children out of those cages and back with their families.. Now this must be adopted into Federal law to prevent it from ever happening again. Like all of 45’s horrific EO’s.. Seems like a good job for recent College grads who can’t find jobs. Send them to countries to locate the parents, in groups of course, like Americorps.. Sad to say it’s going to be a long time. Some children have been abused, some will not recognize their parents and some may never recover from the cruelty of trump administration.. This cruel, racist tactic never should have happened. So many guilty and complicit people allowed it to happen. Praying all these families can be happily reunited.

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Standard Model Of Elementary Particles T Shirt

Standard Model Of Elementary Particles T Shirt

In the Standard Model of particle physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because the elementary constituents of atoms are quantum entities which do not have an inherent “size” or “volume” in any everyday sense of the word. Due to the exclusion principle and other fundamental interactions, some “point particles” known as fermions (quarks, leptons), and many composites and atoms, are effectively forced to keep a distance from other particles under everyday conditions; this creates the property of matter which appears to us as matter taking up space. See  more at: Standard Model Of Elementary Particles T Shirt In the Standard Model of particle physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because the elementary constituents of atoms are quantum entities which do not have an inherent “size” or “volume” in any everyday sense of the word. Due to the exclusion principle and other fundamental interactions, some “point particles” known as fermions (quarks, leptons), and many composites and atoms, are effectively forced to keep a distance from other particles under everyday conditions; this creates the property of matter which appears to us as matter taking up space. See  more at:

Standard Model Of Elementary Particles T Shirt - from 1

Standard Model Of Elementary Particles T Shirt - from 1

In the Standard Model of particle physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because the elementary constituents of atoms are quantum entities which do not have an inherent “size” or “volume” in any everyday sense of the word. Due to the exclusion principle and other fundamental interactions, some “point particles” known as fermions (quarks, leptons), and many composites and atoms, are effectively forced to keep a distance from other particles under everyday conditions; this creates the property of matter which appears to us as matter taking up space. See  more at: Standard Model Of Elementary Particles T Shirt In the Standard Model of particle physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because the elementary constituents of atoms are quantum entities which do not have an inherent “size” or “volume” in any everyday sense of the word. Due to the exclusion principle and other fundamental interactions, some “point particles” known as fermions (quarks, leptons), and many composites and atoms, are effectively forced to keep a distance from other particles under everyday conditions; this creates the property of matter which appears to us as matter taking up space. See  more at:

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