Monday, July 26, 2021

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black

On more dispensaries than Starbucks we estimate inside the Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black mainstream student events now we dollars source will extra strength was the extra strength THC oil. On the wire the head of content advice Canadaand welcome to our exclusive line event with my minister doesn’t shoot up earlier this month Canada set it to become the second country in the world to legalize marijuana but the nutsand bolts of the legislation are arty provoking debate I’m here hanging out with four replicon marijuana plants which represents what you’ll be on the ground at home sometime next year but until that Green Day arrives we prepared a short video that’ll give you a feel for what is legislation to look like when it comes to cannabis becomes legal sometime around Canada Day 20 years but it’ll mean government legislation passed by we the provinces could raise the minimum the promises will also figure out whereand how it so 30 g is the maximum amount of need to be able to have a those of you used to buy from the dealer over every household able to grow to four point the legislation also brings in some tough new pen illegal thousand attribution to administer 14 years of jailed same goes for selling me to my eye comparison alcohol to someone who is underage in Ontario come to the possible Wednesday years are competent legal amount of cannabis in your blood while driving you can take anywhere from 1000 fine 10 to enforce that the last week to driver saliva there no details yet on how the federal governmentand the fate of the scores of pot dispensaries from around the country is still like to follow along with our conversation at home you can use the twitter hashtag I asked you to talk we advises at the forefront of reporting on Canada’s legalization in Canada a lot of antigen spearheaded by the reporting work of Monisha Krishnanand I’m very happy to introduce you as are at introducer is a cause now we will on you whether that one of the things like my friend friend wouldn’t know me long think it’s just really really funny that I’m the one in charge of legalizing marijuana because I they know that I am the boring party when it comes to drugs of any type never really into it on number years ago you as as anyone has upset at having an evening where there was a pastor around I took a but it’s never been on never been my thing it’s never been something that was big for me on but convincing need to move towards legalization was very much down on policy based on the fact that the current approach is not working it’s hurting Canadians its funding criminals areand we had to make a change in policy will out out quite frankly recognizing that it’s a choice the number of adults are going to make in recognizing that were in the system right now either because of adults making the choice on underage Canadians have easier access to itand any other country in the worldand for the organizations making billions of dollars a year on the trait means that somewhere our system is failing to do what one hopes it is just keep Canadian faith and not criminals will try minister judo is my question for you is this has announced it is moving towards the federal legalization of marijuana while is from the administration in America to suggest they are moving away from the federal legalization of marijuana so I guess my question is what you know about marijuana that they don’t know please what are the things that that we are learning is directly because of the experience in a number US state legal we been able to go downand learn from their successes their failures definitely helped us inform how were going to move forward on on the legalization frame one of the differences we see a Colorado move forward very much with a commercial mindsetand already thinking about profitsand revenue whereas were approaching purely from a public healthand safety standpoint all the question of of revenueand taxation is secondary to the fact that we want to make sure keeping our community safeand not hurting Canadians will turn it around first how would Canadians feel than any other country telling us who we can into work on something that we are very proud of the fact that we set our rules about who we can acceptand not to be told you can accept these people you of those people we make determinations we have to respect the United States is allowed to make determinations of who they want into the country we had formation sessions where officials increase their officials on the frame that were looking for but the legalization framework were looking at but quite frankly the discussions going on in the United States between the various statesand the federal government are a lot more on germane or interesting to them than what were doing work really needs is still here in the league Young front Tonyand his recent we entered the justice system as a result of cannabis possession is a question for you dependence on about a year ago I was charged with marijuana possessionand if convicted I’m really afraid that I won’t be able to travel to my other countries to see my family I addition to that and become the next prime minister if I can get a decent job because these charges given that all this it can be legalized in about a year what would you say to someone in my position on what first emphasized that it is for pointedly legalizing it which we are we havingand until we change the law loss currently now at the same time I have to recognize that unfortunate is a lot of unfairness to Canadian in the current approachand illustrate with with the story went one I haven’t told very often but is really helped me thinking about my own processing in industry my little brother Nishi item 20 years ago in avalanche accident six months before he was driving back at home from from the West Coast across the country terrible terrible car accident on his truck tumbledand a cigarette box went flying across the highwayand when the police were helping him clean upand Kelly opened up a couple of junk so he was charge of possession when he got back home to Montréal my dad okay don’t worry about it reached out to his friends in the legal community got the best possible lawyerand was very confident that we were the medieval make charges go we were able to do that because we had resources that had a couple connectionsand we were confident that my little brother was in the criminal however people from minority communities marginalized communities without economic resources are not the kind of option to go through include the name of the justice system one of the fundamental unfairness of this current system is that it affects different people at different different different communities in a different wayand Canada supposed to be fair for everyone that’s one of the reasons why we are going to be changing the law at the same time until we actually change the law we can take steps towards moving retroactively so sorry after you change that law what happens to people that were previously affected by it when it was illegal we will start a process where we tryand look at how to make things fair for for the free in the meantime our focus is on on making sure were changing legislation to fix what’s broken about a system it’s hurting Canadians like youand then will take steps to look at what we can do for for those people who have criminal records or something no longer on about when I learned a lot now what because the moratorium now decriminalized now which is another thing people are saying will generally legalized why not decriminalize right now I’m sorry decriminalizing the only people were going to be growingand allowed to sell it will be criminalsand if you decriminalizing possession about your not creating a legal framework for producing an element of the organized crime Hells Angels street gangs controlling the sale of marijuanaand we don’t want that we want to get the profits out of there we want to make sure that were protecting underage Canadians from being able to purchase marijuana so that we had a system in place that is a better system than our current system the current system in which we’ve already it fair that some people are much more likely to get arrested practically from minority communities that’s one of the things we need to change but never like about decriminalization is sort of allowing okay well if you have that we won’t questions about where you got from her who is making money off of it you’re just not to get get in trouble for we are moving forward in a rigorous responsible way that can protect Canadians communitiesand allow adults to make informed choices with a level of quality control is actually there now I’m in the right systemand I can understand everyone’s certain people in patients but I also understand other people’s worries that we need to get it rightand the balance was my first operationand allowing I think what were what were focused on looking for license producers is making sure that there are no criminal elements in those license producers we know he reports that the criminal organized crime is very much in the business five of growingand selling weed right now we need to make sure either that is not the case moving forward so as we look for for a licensing licensing at producers working to do criminal background checksand ensure that this is being done responsible will be able to within a negative evaluationand these are these are part of the things that were very much at working out in terms of we have a whole year to run run towards the actual actual availability of this but the will to be responsibleand read about it if someone is convicted of of drug trafficking already don’t want them with an opportunity to sell legally or electronically brought our drivers we will legislation this that has been proposed authorizes the the police to use an approved device for roadside testing for for cannabis at roadside the the the measure that you make reference to about the ability of police officer to demand a roadside screening test is for alcohol that currently is authorized under our law is even in right spot checks are at an inaccurate time hundredand deals’ or people are pulled over with a please pull people over the circumstances the last they’ve had anything to drinkand make certain observationsand they have reasonable suspicion that will make the demand for roadside test the new legislation is is it would then allow them to ask everyone to submit to that task in jurisdictions where they’ve done they seem as much as a 50 reduction in impaired deathand that this is been admitted in 18 European countries in Australianand New Zealand impaired driving is the number one criminal cause of death in this countryand that we the potential with this legislation to say literally hundreds of livesand not only to Sprint death but but that the countless tragic accidents to take place that that minimum so many peopleand and so we believe this measure is is constitutional because of its full potential to make a roadway saferand to protect the for reference before a device be approved it requires the recommendation of the drunken driving committee of the Canadian Society for forensic scientists if they think what these devices who rigorous testing they have been used in a number of other jurisdictions successfullyand we rely on public policy based on evidence based on the advice of expertsand that will be relying on to approve these devicesand and certainly the evidence produced from will be subject to rigorous examinationand in any subsequent court proceedings I’m sure the be subject to various court challenges but it is I think in everyone’s interest that we do our very best to make sure that Von Forstmann has the legislation the technology that the trainingand resources to keep our basic outline of recreational poor use of resources I want to know how much money the city is wasting in saucer timeand resources to shut down this place that’s to be open for you so Mr Blair I you said that it was shocking that in 2014 22 000 people were arrested on but obviously were still seeing his dispensary rates happening in Torontoand elsewhere so should we expect more of these is that you know Europe’s legalization 1 one of the things that we are trying to deal with in the introduction of this legislation is ensuring that whatever cannabis is consumed by adult Canadians is produced under strict regulatory conditions so we know is potency we know its purity we know that it’s safe it’s regulatedand that it’s been testedand and so the enforcement that you’re seeing is the forcing of most of the existing laws for cannabis that is grown outside of the regulated regimeand sold outside of a regulated regime you’ll also noticeand in the enforcement that has taken place in the enforcement’s is overwhelmingly directed at those who are selling the drug not those who are consuming right so where does Vancouver land here because of the city Council you while waiting for the federal government to legalized him up at their own set of regulations obviously to supply not regulated there where’d it where they sitand that religious city cities have a very significant responsibility to manage that the local environment I know guess definitelyand in Vancouver they have initiated a system of regulation based on on municipal bylawsand and innovate they have the ability to do that is one of the reasons when we talk about is legislation over bringing forward we’re going to recognize the important role that provincesand municipalities have investedand sometimes local regulatory responses are more effective than federal law that’s why the role of the provinces territoriesand municipalities in our efforts to create a assay for healthier environment for kids in our communities to support so I cut it down it down it is correct figure it out cells are there more nuanced like I like I I think what will transpire in the over the of the coming months as we work through the power to processes of this legislationand also work with provincesand territories is is each of the provinces has the authorityand quite frankly the appropriate level of governance to determine of a well regulated retail environment that is capable of of supporting the public policy goals that we all share the protection of our kids in the safety of our communitiesand and so they’ll bring in that that legislationand end we very much respect for his Columbiaand every other provinceand territory’s roleand and write to to introduce legislation that works for them while surveyed certainly be interesting to shakes outand you know we talk a lot of protection of kids in the penalty that is legislation certainly reflect at on providing cannabis to a minor can land a note up to 14 years in prison whereas if you have fibers that minor life in Ontario when you’re in jail so how do we reconcile what actually it’s important to understand that when we talk about a maximum penalty of 14 years that’s for the worst crimeand the worst offender for so somebody’s on to threeand is done at 27 times as the type of of thing that the maximum penalties are for is a hybrid offenseand as well we fully anticipate that you will see provincial regulations as we do with alcohol for a for example young person in possession of cannabis it’s far more appropriate to do with that young person not putting them in jeopardy the criminal record but we want to keep this district out of the hands of kidsand so what you’ll see is provincial legislation that will prohibit their possession of the drugand that will enable any enforcement to ensure that it’s kept in the hands of kids but those kids are in jeopardy of getting a come record yet I recognize there is a spectrum of offenses that leads to maximum sentence obviously but when you the criminal codeand leaving Canada like a terrorist activity hold the same maximum prison sentence as growing snake hands so who is this person that you know is can be going so much Kenneth that 14 years again worst offenderand andand worst offense but were trying to do is ensure that there is a well regulated safe supply for adults who choose to use this drugand it’s also very much part of our policy goals is to keep this drug in any form under the hands of kids because the science is quite strong that it represents a very significant health riskand interest to the outcome for those kidsand so we we believe very strongly that I believe is a national consensus that we should all do our best to protect the most vulnerable people in our societyand the circuit so I immediately recognized that provincially product the product things are to be fairly dynamic in the next year let’s say we have seen HEWITT as he devised the correspondentand the necessity thanks I take on last year I worked in a documentary about the transition from the grayand the black markets actually in Québecand we had a clip from simple visual safe two years in prison after getting cut with half 1 million worth of weed back in 2009and unlike the liberal government he doesn’t think legalization is going to impact the black also find all like a piece of self adhesive processes anything that would legalization like organized crime will still on the cannabis industry will try getting more sophisticated so there they understand it to compete going forward there you have to have quality productand you know the type it’s a note to compete in some surveyed that making noise like they want to stay in the marketand continue to compete Mexican mice my question will be in French on but she can please answer in Frenchand then in English for our Québec viewersand he worked on the these are constantly asked Steve Lockeand ideas pennies are silent will pads national healthcare jumped on this ticket to action while polenta stay in the there’s no black market for beer for alcohol you’re allowed to bring it over alternative that flashing over I may need that file is not the signal plow like a table of all the vacation verbal level of capacity at the league gave her course in the I need to send in is uncle estate at the Wii on that she will yet get need a located in the only pickle here on a Sunday. This Country Illegally Who Are Perpetrating Violence and Take You and I Are Fresh against Many Also and Many of Them Are Good People You Keep Leaving Them Out Of Your Quote If You Want Me to Go There Although There but Here’s There Is a Choice Here and It’s It It Is a Choice on Life Couldn’t Be More Proud to Be Standing That Donald Trump Is Standing for the Right to Life It’s a Principle That Sen Nice Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black For Men and Women Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: I I love to know that but come on in battle and in secret but you know whether the brightest and best now is the relative will not be Okie Yankee will know you may go and send it back saying you to take a Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black walk a bit and you you you you you don’t really know what Betty was face trying to make the word anything made me I’m really babe they go you just try and get the word out and in his lab assignment and it is 30 minute now I’m know you treat 330 50 Godbey is no way the great thing about the exact social media platforms grow make your think totally Christian people that I appreciate that you over the top with John Prieto on May birds nest and we all but I only know this that I think that we write what supreme of the great speech used be human comment that telling No question they don’t know know by don’t try the baby I know he could be making the child we know what Amanda might all definitely in the of material and it was really good you know I lost an arm it was and I like the way he talked about trust in the bully saying this in the name and I got a surreal stuff right after he fell you know how to spell the defendant we he had on a delicate plan on trial trolling for so met with actual know you know you no more is when you got to go get a real man to handle the route that. Com as well as resulting is absolutely Nancy’s a funny shit like I can help out 106 and In the ADA during the coming too hard to see what is traction on foot on the old weak marijuana the last hunger for content that we recently that the judge found that the interest in the only going to increase from here many times interest that were sold is more for its use for contacts just our listeners through Christine just look at historyand the really fascinating that listeners can share over cocktails with their friends this weekendand impress everybody you are so did you found to see in the graves of people in Siberiaand agent going back to 500 BC on the scene as shown in the scene. Is at all and went to prison and was there to protect my daughter with DCF try to come take what would become of my daughter and that’s out and that’s how vital it is having a man in the home that’s how vital it is to have foresight and be able to think shit through before you make because of my daughter did not have a father she would’ve been a lot more danger and she said because a mother can fight for her they can only do so much sometimes it takes the strength and the authority and the power of a main to protect the child that’s why a man is seen as the provider and the protect because a duty but when women get brainwashed with this feminism bullshit it’s not designed to may empower the women it all it’s actually designed to leave the children vulnerable that’s why they want to get rid that’s why they daylight getting rid of the fathers that’s why in Democratic districts especially you have the highest rates of people on welfare and you have the lowest rates of fathers in the home See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black On more dispensaries than Starbucks we estimate inside the Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black mainstream student events now we dollars source will extra strength was the extra strength THC oil. On the wire the head of content advice Canadaand welcome to our exclusive line event with my minister doesn’t shoot up earlier this month Canada set it to become the second country in the world to legalize marijuana but the nutsand bolts of the legislation are arty provoking debate I’m here hanging out with four replicon marijuana plants which represents what you’ll be on the ground at home sometime next year but until that Green Day arrives we prepared a short video that’ll give you a feel for what is legislation to look like when it comes to cannabis becomes legal sometime around Canada Day 20 years but it’ll mean government legislation passed by we the provinces could raise the minimum the promises will also figure out whereand how it so 30 g is the maximum amount of need to be able to have a those of you used to buy from the dealer over every household able to grow to four point the legislation also brings in some tough new pen illegal thousand attribution to administer 14 years of jailed same goes for selling me to my eye comparison alcohol to someone who is underage in Ontario come to the possible Wednesday years are competent legal amount of cannabis in your blood while driving you can take anywhere from 1000 fine 10 to enforce that the last week to driver saliva there no details yet on how the federal governmentand the fate of the scores of pot dispensaries from around the country is still like to follow along with our conversation at home you can use the twitter hashtag I asked you to talk we advises at the forefront of reporting on Canada’s legalization in Canada a lot of antigen spearheaded by the reporting work of Monisha Krishnanand I’m very happy to introduce you as are at introducer is a cause now we will on you whether that one of the things like my friend friend wouldn’t know me long think it’s just really really funny that I’m the one in charge of legalizing marijuana because I they know that I am the boring party when it comes to drugs of any type never really into it on number years ago you as as anyone has upset at having an evening where there was a pastor around I took a but it’s never been on never been my thing it’s never been something that was big for me on but convincing need to move towards legalization was very much down on policy based on the fact that the current approach is not working it’s hurting Canadians its funding criminals areand we had to make a change in policy will out out quite frankly recognizing that it’s a choice the number of adults are going to make in recognizing that were in the system right now either because of adults making the choice on underage Canadians have easier access to itand any other country in the worldand for the organizations making billions of dollars a year on the trait means that somewhere our system is failing to do what one hopes it is just keep Canadian faith and not criminals will try minister judo is my question for you is this has announced it is moving towards the federal legalization of marijuana while is from the administration in America to suggest they are moving away from the federal legalization of marijuana so I guess my question is what you know about marijuana that they don’t know please what are the things that that we are learning is directly because of the experience in a number US state legal we been able to go downand learn from their successes their failures definitely helped us inform how were going to move forward on on the legalization frame one of the differences we see a Colorado move forward very much with a commercial mindsetand already thinking about profitsand revenue whereas were approaching purely from a public healthand safety standpoint all the question of of revenueand taxation is secondary to the fact that we want to make sure keeping our community safeand not hurting Canadians will turn it around first how would Canadians feel than any other country telling us who we can into work on something that we are very proud of the fact that we set our rules about who we can acceptand not to be told you can accept these people you of those people we make determinations we have to respect the United States is allowed to make determinations of who they want into the country we had formation sessions where officials increase their officials on the frame that were looking for but the legalization framework were looking at but quite frankly the discussions going on in the United States between the various statesand the federal government are a lot more on germane or interesting to them than what were doing work really needs is still here in the league Young front Tonyand his recent we entered the justice system as a result of cannabis possession is a question for you dependence on about a year ago I was charged with marijuana possessionand if convicted I’m really afraid that I won’t be able to travel to my other countries to see my family I addition to that and become the next prime minister if I can get a decent job because these charges given that all this it can be legalized in about a year what would you say to someone in my position on what first emphasized that it is for pointedly legalizing it which we are we havingand until we change the law loss currently now at the same time I have to recognize that unfortunate is a lot of unfairness to Canadian in the current approachand illustrate with with the story went one I haven’t told very often but is really helped me thinking about my own processing in industry my little brother Nishi item 20 years ago in avalanche accident six months before he was driving back at home from from the West Coast across the country terrible terrible car accident on his truck tumbledand a cigarette box went flying across the highwayand when the police were helping him clean upand Kelly opened up a couple of junk so he was charge of possession when he got back home to Montréal my dad okay don’t worry about it reached out to his friends in the legal community got the best possible lawyerand was very confident that we were the medieval make charges go we were able to do that because we had resources that had a couple connectionsand we were confident that my little brother was in the criminal however people from minority communities marginalized communities without economic resources are not the kind of option to go through include the name of the justice system one of the fundamental unfairness of this current system is that it affects different people at different different different communities in a different wayand Canada supposed to be fair for everyone that’s one of the reasons why we are going to be changing the law at the same time until we actually change the law we can take steps towards moving retroactively so sorry after you change that law what happens to people that were previously affected by it when it was illegal we will start a process where we tryand look at how to make things fair for for the free in the meantime our focus is on on making sure were changing legislation to fix what’s broken about a system it’s hurting Canadians like youand then will take steps to look at what we can do for for those people who have criminal records or something no longer on about when I learned a lot now what because the moratorium now decriminalized now which is another thing people are saying will generally legalized why not decriminalize right now I’m sorry decriminalizing the only people were going to be growingand allowed to sell it will be criminalsand if you decriminalizing possession about your not creating a legal framework for producing an element of the organized crime Hells Angels street gangs controlling the sale of marijuanaand we don’t want that we want to get the profits out of there we want to make sure that were protecting underage Canadians from being able to purchase marijuana so that we had a system in place that is a better system than our current system the current system in which we’ve already it fair that some people are much more likely to get arrested practically from minority communities that’s one of the things we need to change but never like about decriminalization is sort of allowing okay well if you have that we won’t questions about where you got from her who is making money off of it you’re just not to get get in trouble for we are moving forward in a rigorous responsible way that can protect Canadians communitiesand allow adults to make informed choices with a level of quality control is actually there now I’m in the right systemand I can understand everyone’s certain people in patients but I also understand other people’s worries that we need to get it rightand the balance was my first operationand allowing I think what were what were focused on looking for license producers is making sure that there are no criminal elements in those license producers we know he reports that the criminal organized crime is very much in the business five of growingand selling weed right now we need to make sure either that is not the case moving forward so as we look for for a licensing licensing at producers working to do criminal background checksand ensure that this is being done responsible will be able to within a negative evaluationand these are these are part of the things that were very much at working out in terms of we have a whole year to run run towards the actual actual availability of this but the will to be responsibleand read about it if someone is convicted of of drug trafficking already don’t want them with an opportunity to sell legally or electronically brought our drivers we will legislation this that has been proposed authorizes the the police to use an approved device for roadside testing for for cannabis at roadside the the the measure that you make reference to about the ability of police officer to demand a roadside screening test is for alcohol that currently is authorized under our law is even in right spot checks are at an inaccurate time hundredand deals’ or people are pulled over with a please pull people over the circumstances the last they’ve had anything to drinkand make certain observationsand they have reasonable suspicion that will make the demand for roadside test the new legislation is is it would then allow them to ask everyone to submit to that task in jurisdictions where they’ve done they seem as much as a 50 reduction in impaired deathand that this is been admitted in 18 European countries in Australianand New Zealand impaired driving is the number one criminal cause of death in this countryand that we the potential with this legislation to say literally hundreds of livesand not only to Sprint death but but that the countless tragic accidents to take place that that minimum so many peopleand and so we believe this measure is is constitutional because of its full potential to make a roadway saferand to protect the for reference before a device be approved it requires the recommendation of the drunken driving committee of the Canadian Society for forensic scientists if they think what these devices who rigorous testing they have been used in a number of other jurisdictions successfullyand we rely on public policy based on evidence based on the advice of expertsand that will be relying on to approve these devicesand and certainly the evidence produced from will be subject to rigorous examinationand in any subsequent court proceedings I’m sure the be subject to various court challenges but it is I think in everyone’s interest that we do our very best to make sure that Von Forstmann has the legislation the technology that the trainingand resources to keep our basic outline of recreational poor use of resources I want to know how much money the city is wasting in saucer timeand resources to shut down this place that’s to be open for you so Mr Blair I you said that it was shocking that in 2014 22 000 people were arrested on but obviously were still seeing his dispensary rates happening in Torontoand elsewhere so should we expect more of these is that you know Europe’s legalization 1 one of the things that we are trying to deal with in the introduction of this legislation is ensuring that whatever cannabis is consumed by adult Canadians is produced under strict regulatory conditions so we know is potency we know its purity we know that it’s safe it’s regulatedand that it’s been testedand and so the enforcement that you’re seeing is the forcing of most of the existing laws for cannabis that is grown outside of the regulated regimeand sold outside of a regulated regime you’ll also noticeand in the enforcement that has taken place in the enforcement’s is overwhelmingly directed at those who are selling the drug not those who are consuming right so where does Vancouver land here because of the city Council you while waiting for the federal government to legalized him up at their own set of regulations obviously to supply not regulated there where’d it where they sitand that religious city cities have a very significant responsibility to manage that the local environment I know guess definitelyand in Vancouver they have initiated a system of regulation based on on municipal bylawsand and innovate they have the ability to do that is one of the reasons when we talk about is legislation over bringing forward we’re going to recognize the important role that provincesand municipalities have investedand sometimes local regulatory responses are more effective than federal law that’s why the role of the provinces territoriesand municipalities in our efforts to create a assay for healthier environment for kids in our communities to support so I cut it down it down it is correct figure it out cells are there more nuanced like I like I I think what will transpire in the over the of the coming months as we work through the power to processes of this legislationand also work with provincesand territories is is each of the provinces has the authorityand quite frankly the appropriate level of governance to determine of a well regulated retail environment that is capable of of supporting the public policy goals that we all share the protection of our kids in the safety of our communitiesand and so they’ll bring in that that legislationand end we very much respect for his Columbiaand every other provinceand territory’s roleand and write to to introduce legislation that works for them while surveyed certainly be interesting to shakes outand you know we talk a lot of protection of kids in the penalty that is legislation certainly reflect at on providing cannabis to a minor can land a note up to 14 years in prison whereas if you have fibers that minor life in Ontario when you’re in jail so how do we reconcile what actually it’s important to understand that when we talk about a maximum penalty of 14 years that’s for the worst crimeand the worst offender for so somebody’s on to threeand is done at 27 times as the type of of thing that the maximum penalties are for is a hybrid offenseand as well we fully anticipate that you will see provincial regulations as we do with alcohol for a for example young person in possession of cannabis it’s far more appropriate to do with that young person not putting them in jeopardy the criminal record but we want to keep this district out of the hands of kidsand so what you’ll see is provincial legislation that will prohibit their possession of the drugand that will enable any enforcement to ensure that it’s kept in the hands of kids but those kids are in jeopardy of getting a come record yet I recognize there is a spectrum of offenses that leads to maximum sentence obviously but when you the criminal codeand leaving Canada like a terrorist activity hold the same maximum prison sentence as growing snake hands so who is this person that you know is can be going so much Kenneth that 14 years again worst offenderand andand worst offense but were trying to do is ensure that there is a well regulated safe supply for adults who choose to use this drugand it’s also very much part of our policy goals is to keep this drug in any form under the hands of kids because the science is quite strong that it represents a very significant health riskand interest to the outcome for those kidsand so we we believe very strongly that I believe is a national consensus that we should all do our best to protect the most vulnerable people in our societyand the circuit so I immediately recognized that provincially product the product things are to be fairly dynamic in the next year let’s say we have seen HEWITT as he devised the correspondentand the necessity thanks I take on last year I worked in a documentary about the transition from the grayand the black markets actually in Québecand we had a clip from simple visual safe two years in prison after getting cut with half 1 million worth of weed back in 2009and unlike the liberal government he doesn’t think legalization is going to impact the black also find all like a piece of self adhesive processes anything that would legalization like organized crime will still on the cannabis industry will try getting more sophisticated so there they understand it to compete going forward there you have to have quality productand you know the type it’s a note to compete in some surveyed that making noise like they want to stay in the marketand continue to compete Mexican mice my question will be in French on but she can please answer in Frenchand then in English for our Québec viewersand he worked on the these are constantly asked Steve Lockeand ideas pennies are silent will pads national healthcare jumped on this ticket to action while polenta stay in the there’s no black market for beer for alcohol you’re allowed to bring it over alternative that flashing over I may need that file is not the signal plow like a table of all the vacation verbal level of capacity at the league gave her course in the I need to send in is uncle estate at the Wii on that she will yet get need a located in the only pickle here on a Sunday. This Country Illegally Who Are Perpetrating Violence and Take You and I Are Fresh against Many Also and Many of Them Are Good People You Keep Leaving Them Out Of Your Quote If You Want Me to Go There Although There but Here’s There Is a Choice Here and It’s It It Is a Choice on Life Couldn’t Be More Proud to Be Standing That Donald Trump Is Standing for the Right to Life It’s a Principle That Sen Nice Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black For Men and Women Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: I I love to know that but come on in battle and in secret but you know whether the brightest and best now is the relative will not be Okie Yankee will know you may go and send it back saying you to take a Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black walk a bit and you you you you you don’t really know what Betty was face trying to make the word anything made me I’m really babe they go you just try and get the word out and in his lab assignment and it is 30 minute now I’m know you treat 330 50 Godbey is no way the great thing about the exact social media platforms grow make your think totally Christian people that I appreciate that you over the top with John Prieto on May birds nest and we all but I only know this that I think that we write what supreme of the great speech used be human comment that telling No question they don’t know know by don’t try the baby I know he could be making the child we know what Amanda might all definitely in the of material and it was really good you know I lost an arm it was and I like the way he talked about trust in the bully saying this in the name and I got a surreal stuff right after he fell you know how to spell the defendant we he had on a delicate plan on trial trolling for so met with actual know you know you no more is when you got to go get a real man to handle the route that. Com as well as resulting is absolutely Nancy’s a funny shit like I can help out 106 and In the ADA during the coming too hard to see what is traction on foot on the old weak marijuana the last hunger for content that we recently that the judge found that the interest in the only going to increase from here many times interest that were sold is more for its use for contacts just our listeners through Christine just look at historyand the really fascinating that listeners can share over cocktails with their friends this weekendand impress everybody you are so did you found to see in the graves of people in Siberiaand agent going back to 500 BC on the scene as shown in the scene. Is at all and went to prison and was there to protect my daughter with DCF try to come take what would become of my daughter and that’s out and that’s how vital it is having a man in the home that’s how vital it is to have foresight and be able to think shit through before you make because of my daughter did not have a father she would’ve been a lot more danger and she said because a mother can fight for her they can only do so much sometimes it takes the strength and the authority and the power of a main to protect the child that’s why a man is seen as the provider and the protect because a duty but when women get brainwashed with this feminism bullshit it’s not designed to may empower the women it all it’s actually designed to leave the children vulnerable that’s why they want to get rid that’s why they daylight getting rid of the fathers that’s why in Democratic districts especially you have the highest rates of people on welfare and you have the lowest rates of fathers in the home See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 1

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 1

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 2

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 2

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 3

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 3

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 4

Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black - from 4

On more dispensaries than Starbucks we estimate inside the Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black mainstream student events now we dollars source will extra strength was the extra strength THC oil. On the wire the head of content advice Canadaand welcome to our exclusive line event with my minister doesn’t shoot up earlier this month Canada set it to become the second country in the world to legalize marijuana but the nutsand bolts of the legislation are arty provoking debate I’m here hanging out with four replicon marijuana plants which represents what you’ll be on the ground at home sometime next year but until that Green Day arrives we prepared a short video that’ll give you a feel for what is legislation to look like when it comes to cannabis becomes legal sometime around Canada Day 20 years but it’ll mean government legislation passed by we the provinces could raise the minimum the promises will also figure out whereand how it so 30 g is the maximum amount of need to be able to have a those of you used to buy from the dealer over every household able to grow to four point the legislation also brings in some tough new pen illegal thousand attribution to administer 14 years of jailed same goes for selling me to my eye comparison alcohol to someone who is underage in Ontario come to the possible Wednesday years are competent legal amount of cannabis in your blood while driving you can take anywhere from 1000 fine 10 to enforce that the last week to driver saliva there no details yet on how the federal governmentand the fate of the scores of pot dispensaries from around the country is still like to follow along with our conversation at home you can use the twitter hashtag I asked you to talk we advises at the forefront of reporting on Canada’s legalization in Canada a lot of antigen spearheaded by the reporting work of Monisha Krishnanand I’m very happy to introduce you as are at introducer is a cause now we will on you whether that one of the things like my friend friend wouldn’t know me long think it’s just really really funny that I’m the one in charge of legalizing marijuana because I they know that I am the boring party when it comes to drugs of any type never really into it on number years ago you as as anyone has upset at having an evening where there was a pastor around I took a but it’s never been on never been my thing it’s never been something that was big for me on but convincing need to move towards legalization was very much down on policy based on the fact that the current approach is not working it’s hurting Canadians its funding criminals areand we had to make a change in policy will out out quite frankly recognizing that it’s a choice the number of adults are going to make in recognizing that were in the system right now either because of adults making the choice on underage Canadians have easier access to itand any other country in the worldand for the organizations making billions of dollars a year on the trait means that somewhere our system is failing to do what one hopes it is just keep Canadian faith and not criminals will try minister judo is my question for you is this has announced it is moving towards the federal legalization of marijuana while is from the administration in America to suggest they are moving away from the federal legalization of marijuana so I guess my question is what you know about marijuana that they don’t know please what are the things that that we are learning is directly because of the experience in a number US state legal we been able to go downand learn from their successes their failures definitely helped us inform how were going to move forward on on the legalization frame one of the differences we see a Colorado move forward very much with a commercial mindsetand already thinking about profitsand revenue whereas were approaching purely from a public healthand safety standpoint all the question of of revenueand taxation is secondary to the fact that we want to make sure keeping our community safeand not hurting Canadians will turn it around first how would Canadians feel than any other country telling us who we can into work on something that we are very proud of the fact that we set our rules about who we can acceptand not to be told you can accept these people you of those people we make determinations we have to respect the United States is allowed to make determinations of who they want into the country we had formation sessions where officials increase their officials on the frame that were looking for but the legalization framework were looking at but quite frankly the discussions going on in the United States between the various statesand the federal government are a lot more on germane or interesting to them than what were doing work really needs is still here in the league Young front Tonyand his recent we entered the justice system as a result of cannabis possession is a question for you dependence on about a year ago I was charged with marijuana possessionand if convicted I’m really afraid that I won’t be able to travel to my other countries to see my family I addition to that and become the next prime minister if I can get a decent job because these charges given that all this it can be legalized in about a year what would you say to someone in my position on what first emphasized that it is for pointedly legalizing it which we are we havingand until we change the law loss currently now at the same time I have to recognize that unfortunate is a lot of unfairness to Canadian in the current approachand illustrate with with the story went one I haven’t told very often but is really helped me thinking about my own processing in industry my little brother Nishi item 20 years ago in avalanche accident six months before he was driving back at home from from the West Coast across the country terrible terrible car accident on his truck tumbledand a cigarette box went flying across the highwayand when the police were helping him clean upand Kelly opened up a couple of junk so he was charge of possession when he got back home to Montréal my dad okay don’t worry about it reached out to his friends in the legal community got the best possible lawyerand was very confident that we were the medieval make charges go we were able to do that because we had resources that had a couple connectionsand we were confident that my little brother was in the criminal however people from minority communities marginalized communities without economic resources are not the kind of option to go through include the name of the justice system one of the fundamental unfairness of this current system is that it affects different people at different different different communities in a different wayand Canada supposed to be fair for everyone that’s one of the reasons why we are going to be changing the law at the same time until we actually change the law we can take steps towards moving retroactively so sorry after you change that law what happens to people that were previously affected by it when it was illegal we will start a process where we tryand look at how to make things fair for for the free in the meantime our focus is on on making sure were changing legislation to fix what’s broken about a system it’s hurting Canadians like youand then will take steps to look at what we can do for for those people who have criminal records or something no longer on about when I learned a lot now what because the moratorium now decriminalized now which is another thing people are saying will generally legalized why not decriminalize right now I’m sorry decriminalizing the only people were going to be growingand allowed to sell it will be criminalsand if you decriminalizing possession about your not creating a legal framework for producing an element of the organized crime Hells Angels street gangs controlling the sale of marijuanaand we don’t want that we want to get the profits out of there we want to make sure that were protecting underage Canadians from being able to purchase marijuana so that we had a system in place that is a better system than our current system the current system in which we’ve already it fair that some people are much more likely to get arrested practically from minority communities that’s one of the things we need to change but never like about decriminalization is sort of allowing okay well if you have that we won’t questions about where you got from her who is making money off of it you’re just not to get get in trouble for we are moving forward in a rigorous responsible way that can protect Canadians communitiesand allow adults to make informed choices with a level of quality control is actually there now I’m in the right systemand I can understand everyone’s certain people in patients but I also understand other people’s worries that we need to get it rightand the balance was my first operationand allowing I think what were what were focused on looking for license producers is making sure that there are no criminal elements in those license producers we know he reports that the criminal organized crime is very much in the business five of growingand selling weed right now we need to make sure either that is not the case moving forward so as we look for for a licensing licensing at producers working to do criminal background checksand ensure that this is being done responsible will be able to within a negative evaluationand these are these are part of the things that were very much at working out in terms of we have a whole year to run run towards the actual actual availability of this but the will to be responsibleand read about it if someone is convicted of of drug trafficking already don’t want them with an opportunity to sell legally or electronically brought our drivers we will legislation this that has been proposed authorizes the the police to use an approved device for roadside testing for for cannabis at roadside the the the measure that you make reference to about the ability of police officer to demand a roadside screening test is for alcohol that currently is authorized under our law is even in right spot checks are at an inaccurate time hundredand deals’ or people are pulled over with a please pull people over the circumstances the last they’ve had anything to drinkand make certain observationsand they have reasonable suspicion that will make the demand for roadside test the new legislation is is it would then allow them to ask everyone to submit to that task in jurisdictions where they’ve done they seem as much as a 50 reduction in impaired deathand that this is been admitted in 18 European countries in Australianand New Zealand impaired driving is the number one criminal cause of death in this countryand that we the potential with this legislation to say literally hundreds of livesand not only to Sprint death but but that the countless tragic accidents to take place that that minimum so many peopleand and so we believe this measure is is constitutional because of its full potential to make a roadway saferand to protect the for reference before a device be approved it requires the recommendation of the drunken driving committee of the Canadian Society for forensic scientists if they think what these devices who rigorous testing they have been used in a number of other jurisdictions successfullyand we rely on public policy based on evidence based on the advice of expertsand that will be relying on to approve these devicesand and certainly the evidence produced from will be subject to rigorous examinationand in any subsequent court proceedings I’m sure the be subject to various court challenges but it is I think in everyone’s interest that we do our very best to make sure that Von Forstmann has the legislation the technology that the trainingand resources to keep our basic outline of recreational poor use of resources I want to know how much money the city is wasting in saucer timeand resources to shut down this place that’s to be open for you so Mr Blair I you said that it was shocking that in 2014 22 000 people were arrested on but obviously were still seeing his dispensary rates happening in Torontoand elsewhere so should we expect more of these is that you know Europe’s legalization 1 one of the things that we are trying to deal with in the introduction of this legislation is ensuring that whatever cannabis is consumed by adult Canadians is produced under strict regulatory conditions so we know is potency we know its purity we know that it’s safe it’s regulatedand that it’s been testedand and so the enforcement that you’re seeing is the forcing of most of the existing laws for cannabis that is grown outside of the regulated regimeand sold outside of a regulated regime you’ll also noticeand in the enforcement that has taken place in the enforcement’s is overwhelmingly directed at those who are selling the drug not those who are consuming right so where does Vancouver land here because of the city Council you while waiting for the federal government to legalized him up at their own set of regulations obviously to supply not regulated there where’d it where they sitand that religious city cities have a very significant responsibility to manage that the local environment I know guess definitelyand in Vancouver they have initiated a system of regulation based on on municipal bylawsand and innovate they have the ability to do that is one of the reasons when we talk about is legislation over bringing forward we’re going to recognize the important role that provincesand municipalities have investedand sometimes local regulatory responses are more effective than federal law that’s why the role of the provinces territoriesand municipalities in our efforts to create a assay for healthier environment for kids in our communities to support so I cut it down it down it is correct figure it out cells are there more nuanced like I like I I think what will transpire in the over the of the coming months as we work through the power to processes of this legislationand also work with provincesand territories is is each of the provinces has the authorityand quite frankly the appropriate level of governance to determine of a well regulated retail environment that is capable of of supporting the public policy goals that we all share the protection of our kids in the safety of our communitiesand and so they’ll bring in that that legislationand end we very much respect for his Columbiaand every other provinceand territory’s roleand and write to to introduce legislation that works for them while surveyed certainly be interesting to shakes outand you know we talk a lot of protection of kids in the penalty that is legislation certainly reflect at on providing cannabis to a minor can land a note up to 14 years in prison whereas if you have fibers that minor life in Ontario when you’re in jail so how do we reconcile what actually it’s important to understand that when we talk about a maximum penalty of 14 years that’s for the worst crimeand the worst offender for so somebody’s on to threeand is done at 27 times as the type of of thing that the maximum penalties are for is a hybrid offenseand as well we fully anticipate that you will see provincial regulations as we do with alcohol for a for example young person in possession of cannabis it’s far more appropriate to do with that young person not putting them in jeopardy the criminal record but we want to keep this district out of the hands of kidsand so what you’ll see is provincial legislation that will prohibit their possession of the drugand that will enable any enforcement to ensure that it’s kept in the hands of kids but those kids are in jeopardy of getting a come record yet I recognize there is a spectrum of offenses that leads to maximum sentence obviously but when you the criminal codeand leaving Canada like a terrorist activity hold the same maximum prison sentence as growing snake hands so who is this person that you know is can be going so much Kenneth that 14 years again worst offenderand andand worst offense but were trying to do is ensure that there is a well regulated safe supply for adults who choose to use this drugand it’s also very much part of our policy goals is to keep this drug in any form under the hands of kids because the science is quite strong that it represents a very significant health riskand interest to the outcome for those kidsand so we we believe very strongly that I believe is a national consensus that we should all do our best to protect the most vulnerable people in our societyand the circuit so I immediately recognized that provincially product the product things are to be fairly dynamic in the next year let’s say we have seen HEWITT as he devised the correspondentand the necessity thanks I take on last year I worked in a documentary about the transition from the grayand the black markets actually in Québecand we had a clip from simple visual safe two years in prison after getting cut with half 1 million worth of weed back in 2009and unlike the liberal government he doesn’t think legalization is going to impact the black also find all like a piece of self adhesive processes anything that would legalization like organized crime will still on the cannabis industry will try getting more sophisticated so there they understand it to compete going forward there you have to have quality productand you know the type it’s a note to compete in some surveyed that making noise like they want to stay in the marketand continue to compete Mexican mice my question will be in French on but she can please answer in Frenchand then in English for our Québec viewersand he worked on the these are constantly asked Steve Lockeand ideas pennies are silent will pads national healthcare jumped on this ticket to action while polenta stay in the there’s no black market for beer for alcohol you’re allowed to bring it over alternative that flashing over I may need that file is not the signal plow like a table of all the vacation verbal level of capacity at the league gave her course in the I need to send in is uncle estate at the Wii on that she will yet get need a located in the only pickle here on a Sunday. This Country Illegally Who Are Perpetrating Violence and Take You and I Are Fresh against Many Also and Many of Them Are Good People You Keep Leaving Them Out Of Your Quote If You Want Me to Go There Although There but Here’s There Is a Choice Here and It’s It It Is a Choice on Life Couldn’t Be More Proud to Be Standing That Donald Trump Is Standing for the Right to Life It’s a Principle That Sen Nice Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black For Men and Women Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: I I love to know that but come on in battle and in secret but you know whether the brightest and best now is the relative will not be Okie Yankee will know you may go and send it back saying you to take a Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black walk a bit and you you you you you don’t really know what Betty was face trying to make the word anything made me I’m really babe they go you just try and get the word out and in his lab assignment and it is 30 minute now I’m know you treat 330 50 Godbey is no way the great thing about the exact social media platforms grow make your think totally Christian people that I appreciate that you over the top with John Prieto on May birds nest and we all but I only know this that I think that we write what supreme of the great speech used be human comment that telling No question they don’t know know by don’t try the baby I know he could be making the child we know what Amanda might all definitely in the of material and it was really good you know I lost an arm it was and I like the way he talked about trust in the bully saying this in the name and I got a surreal stuff right after he fell you know how to spell the defendant we he had on a delicate plan on trial trolling for so met with actual know you know you no more is when you got to go get a real man to handle the route that. Com as well as resulting is absolutely Nancy’s a funny shit like I can help out 106 and In the ADA during the coming too hard to see what is traction on foot on the old weak marijuana the last hunger for content that we recently that the judge found that the interest in the only going to increase from here many times interest that were sold is more for its use for contacts just our listeners through Christine just look at historyand the really fascinating that listeners can share over cocktails with their friends this weekendand impress everybody you are so did you found to see in the graves of people in Siberiaand agent going back to 500 BC on the scene as shown in the scene. Is at all and went to prison and was there to protect my daughter with DCF try to come take what would become of my daughter and that’s out and that’s how vital it is having a man in the home that’s how vital it is to have foresight and be able to think shit through before you make because of my daughter did not have a father she would’ve been a lot more danger and she said because a mother can fight for her they can only do so much sometimes it takes the strength and the authority and the power of a main to protect the child that’s why a man is seen as the provider and the protect because a duty but when women get brainwashed with this feminism bullshit it’s not designed to may empower the women it all it’s actually designed to leave the children vulnerable that’s why they want to get rid that’s why they daylight getting rid of the fathers that’s why in Democratic districts especially you have the highest rates of people on welfare and you have the lowest rates of fathers in the home See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black On more dispensaries than Starbucks we estimate inside the Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black mainstream student events now we dollars source will extra strength was the extra strength THC oil. On the wire the head of content advice Canadaand welcome to our exclusive line event with my minister doesn’t shoot up earlier this month Canada set it to become the second country in the world to legalize marijuana but the nutsand bolts of the legislation are arty provoking debate I’m here hanging out with four replicon marijuana plants which represents what you’ll be on the ground at home sometime next year but until that Green Day arrives we prepared a short video that’ll give you a feel for what is legislation to look like when it comes to cannabis becomes legal sometime around Canada Day 20 years but it’ll mean government legislation passed by we the provinces could raise the minimum the promises will also figure out whereand how it so 30 g is the maximum amount of need to be able to have a those of you used to buy from the dealer over every household able to grow to four point the legislation also brings in some tough new pen illegal thousand attribution to administer 14 years of jailed same goes for selling me to my eye comparison alcohol to someone who is underage in Ontario come to the possible Wednesday years are competent legal amount of cannabis in your blood while driving you can take anywhere from 1000 fine 10 to enforce that the last week to driver saliva there no details yet on how the federal governmentand the fate of the scores of pot dispensaries from around the country is still like to follow along with our conversation at home you can use the twitter hashtag I asked you to talk we advises at the forefront of reporting on Canada’s legalization in Canada a lot of antigen spearheaded by the reporting work of Monisha Krishnanand I’m very happy to introduce you as are at introducer is a cause now we will on you whether that one of the things like my friend friend wouldn’t know me long think it’s just really really funny that I’m the one in charge of legalizing marijuana because I they know that I am the boring party when it comes to drugs of any type never really into it on number years ago you as as anyone has upset at having an evening where there was a pastor around I took a but it’s never been on never been my thing it’s never been something that was big for me on but convincing need to move towards legalization was very much down on policy based on the fact that the current approach is not working it’s hurting Canadians its funding criminals areand we had to make a change in policy will out out quite frankly recognizing that it’s a choice the number of adults are going to make in recognizing that were in the system right now either because of adults making the choice on underage Canadians have easier access to itand any other country in the worldand for the organizations making billions of dollars a year on the trait means that somewhere our system is failing to do what one hopes it is just keep Canadian faith and not criminals will try minister judo is my question for you is this has announced it is moving towards the federal legalization of marijuana while is from the administration in America to suggest they are moving away from the federal legalization of marijuana so I guess my question is what you know about marijuana that they don’t know please what are the things that that we are learning is directly because of the experience in a number US state legal we been able to go downand learn from their successes their failures definitely helped us inform how were going to move forward on on the legalization frame one of the differences we see a Colorado move forward very much with a commercial mindsetand already thinking about profitsand revenue whereas were approaching purely from a public healthand safety standpoint all the question of of revenueand taxation is secondary to the fact that we want to make sure keeping our community safeand not hurting Canadians will turn it around first how would Canadians feel than any other country telling us who we can into work on something that we are very proud of the fact that we set our rules about who we can acceptand not to be told you can accept these people you of those people we make determinations we have to respect the United States is allowed to make determinations of who they want into the country we had formation sessions where officials increase their officials on the frame that were looking for but the legalization framework were looking at but quite frankly the discussions going on in the United States between the various statesand the federal government are a lot more on germane or interesting to them than what were doing work really needs is still here in the league Young front Tonyand his recent we entered the justice system as a result of cannabis possession is a question for you dependence on about a year ago I was charged with marijuana possessionand if convicted I’m really afraid that I won’t be able to travel to my other countries to see my family I addition to that and become the next prime minister if I can get a decent job because these charges given that all this it can be legalized in about a year what would you say to someone in my position on what first emphasized that it is for pointedly legalizing it which we are we havingand until we change the law loss currently now at the same time I have to recognize that unfortunate is a lot of unfairness to Canadian in the current approachand illustrate with with the story went one I haven’t told very often but is really helped me thinking about my own processing in industry my little brother Nishi item 20 years ago in avalanche accident six months before he was driving back at home from from the West Coast across the country terrible terrible car accident on his truck tumbledand a cigarette box went flying across the highwayand when the police were helping him clean upand Kelly opened up a couple of junk so he was charge of possession when he got back home to Montréal my dad okay don’t worry about it reached out to his friends in the legal community got the best possible lawyerand was very confident that we were the medieval make charges go we were able to do that because we had resources that had a couple connectionsand we were confident that my little brother was in the criminal however people from minority communities marginalized communities without economic resources are not the kind of option to go through include the name of the justice system one of the fundamental unfairness of this current system is that it affects different people at different different different communities in a different wayand Canada supposed to be fair for everyone that’s one of the reasons why we are going to be changing the law at the same time until we actually change the law we can take steps towards moving retroactively so sorry after you change that law what happens to people that were previously affected by it when it was illegal we will start a process where we tryand look at how to make things fair for for the free in the meantime our focus is on on making sure were changing legislation to fix what’s broken about a system it’s hurting Canadians like youand then will take steps to look at what we can do for for those people who have criminal records or something no longer on about when I learned a lot now what because the moratorium now decriminalized now which is another thing people are saying will generally legalized why not decriminalize right now I’m sorry decriminalizing the only people were going to be growingand allowed to sell it will be criminalsand if you decriminalizing possession about your not creating a legal framework for producing an element of the organized crime Hells Angels street gangs controlling the sale of marijuanaand we don’t want that we want to get the profits out of there we want to make sure that were protecting underage Canadians from being able to purchase marijuana so that we had a system in place that is a better system than our current system the current system in which we’ve already it fair that some people are much more likely to get arrested practically from minority communities that’s one of the things we need to change but never like about decriminalization is sort of allowing okay well if you have that we won’t questions about where you got from her who is making money off of it you’re just not to get get in trouble for we are moving forward in a rigorous responsible way that can protect Canadians communitiesand allow adults to make informed choices with a level of quality control is actually there now I’m in the right systemand I can understand everyone’s certain people in patients but I also understand other people’s worries that we need to get it rightand the balance was my first operationand allowing I think what were what were focused on looking for license producers is making sure that there are no criminal elements in those license producers we know he reports that the criminal organized crime is very much in the business five of growingand selling weed right now we need to make sure either that is not the case moving forward so as we look for for a licensing licensing at producers working to do criminal background checksand ensure that this is being done responsible will be able to within a negative evaluationand these are these are part of the things that were very much at working out in terms of we have a whole year to run run towards the actual actual availability of this but the will to be responsibleand read about it if someone is convicted of of drug trafficking already don’t want them with an opportunity to sell legally or electronically brought our drivers we will legislation this that has been proposed authorizes the the police to use an approved device for roadside testing for for cannabis at roadside the the the measure that you make reference to about the ability of police officer to demand a roadside screening test is for alcohol that currently is authorized under our law is even in right spot checks are at an inaccurate time hundredand deals’ or people are pulled over with a please pull people over the circumstances the last they’ve had anything to drinkand make certain observationsand they have reasonable suspicion that will make the demand for roadside test the new legislation is is it would then allow them to ask everyone to submit to that task in jurisdictions where they’ve done they seem as much as a 50 reduction in impaired deathand that this is been admitted in 18 European countries in Australianand New Zealand impaired driving is the number one criminal cause of death in this countryand that we the potential with this legislation to say literally hundreds of livesand not only to Sprint death but but that the countless tragic accidents to take place that that minimum so many peopleand and so we believe this measure is is constitutional because of its full potential to make a roadway saferand to protect the for reference before a device be approved it requires the recommendation of the drunken driving committee of the Canadian Society for forensic scientists if they think what these devices who rigorous testing they have been used in a number of other jurisdictions successfullyand we rely on public policy based on evidence based on the advice of expertsand that will be relying on to approve these devicesand and certainly the evidence produced from will be subject to rigorous examinationand in any subsequent court proceedings I’m sure the be subject to various court challenges but it is I think in everyone’s interest that we do our very best to make sure that Von Forstmann has the legislation the technology that the trainingand resources to keep our basic outline of recreational poor use of resources I want to know how much money the city is wasting in saucer timeand resources to shut down this place that’s to be open for you so Mr Blair I you said that it was shocking that in 2014 22 000 people were arrested on but obviously were still seeing his dispensary rates happening in Torontoand elsewhere so should we expect more of these is that you know Europe’s legalization 1 one of the things that we are trying to deal with in the introduction of this legislation is ensuring that whatever cannabis is consumed by adult Canadians is produced under strict regulatory conditions so we know is potency we know its purity we know that it’s safe it’s regulatedand that it’s been testedand and so the enforcement that you’re seeing is the forcing of most of the existing laws for cannabis that is grown outside of the regulated regimeand sold outside of a regulated regime you’ll also noticeand in the enforcement that has taken place in the enforcement’s is overwhelmingly directed at those who are selling the drug not those who are consuming right so where does Vancouver land here because of the city Council you while waiting for the federal government to legalized him up at their own set of regulations obviously to supply not regulated there where’d it where they sitand that religious city cities have a very significant responsibility to manage that the local environment I know guess definitelyand in Vancouver they have initiated a system of regulation based on on municipal bylawsand and innovate they have the ability to do that is one of the reasons when we talk about is legislation over bringing forward we’re going to recognize the important role that provincesand municipalities have investedand sometimes local regulatory responses are more effective than federal law that’s why the role of the provinces territoriesand municipalities in our efforts to create a assay for healthier environment for kids in our communities to support so I cut it down it down it is correct figure it out cells are there more nuanced like I like I I think what will transpire in the over the of the coming months as we work through the power to processes of this legislationand also work with provincesand territories is is each of the provinces has the authorityand quite frankly the appropriate level of governance to determine of a well regulated retail environment that is capable of of supporting the public policy goals that we all share the protection of our kids in the safety of our communitiesand and so they’ll bring in that that legislationand end we very much respect for his Columbiaand every other provinceand territory’s roleand and write to to introduce legislation that works for them while surveyed certainly be interesting to shakes outand you know we talk a lot of protection of kids in the penalty that is legislation certainly reflect at on providing cannabis to a minor can land a note up to 14 years in prison whereas if you have fibers that minor life in Ontario when you’re in jail so how do we reconcile what actually it’s important to understand that when we talk about a maximum penalty of 14 years that’s for the worst crimeand the worst offender for so somebody’s on to threeand is done at 27 times as the type of of thing that the maximum penalties are for is a hybrid offenseand as well we fully anticipate that you will see provincial regulations as we do with alcohol for a for example young person in possession of cannabis it’s far more appropriate to do with that young person not putting them in jeopardy the criminal record but we want to keep this district out of the hands of kidsand so what you’ll see is provincial legislation that will prohibit their possession of the drugand that will enable any enforcement to ensure that it’s kept in the hands of kids but those kids are in jeopardy of getting a come record yet I recognize there is a spectrum of offenses that leads to maximum sentence obviously but when you the criminal codeand leaving Canada like a terrorist activity hold the same maximum prison sentence as growing snake hands so who is this person that you know is can be going so much Kenneth that 14 years again worst offenderand andand worst offense but were trying to do is ensure that there is a well regulated safe supply for adults who choose to use this drugand it’s also very much part of our policy goals is to keep this drug in any form under the hands of kids because the science is quite strong that it represents a very significant health riskand interest to the outcome for those kidsand so we we believe very strongly that I believe is a national consensus that we should all do our best to protect the most vulnerable people in our societyand the circuit so I immediately recognized that provincially product the product things are to be fairly dynamic in the next year let’s say we have seen HEWITT as he devised the correspondentand the necessity thanks I take on last year I worked in a documentary about the transition from the grayand the black markets actually in Québecand we had a clip from simple visual safe two years in prison after getting cut with half 1 million worth of weed back in 2009and unlike the liberal government he doesn’t think legalization is going to impact the black also find all like a piece of self adhesive processes anything that would legalization like organized crime will still on the cannabis industry will try getting more sophisticated so there they understand it to compete going forward there you have to have quality productand you know the type it’s a note to compete in some surveyed that making noise like they want to stay in the marketand continue to compete Mexican mice my question will be in French on but she can please answer in Frenchand then in English for our Québec viewersand he worked on the these are constantly asked Steve Lockeand ideas pennies are silent will pads national healthcare jumped on this ticket to action while polenta stay in the there’s no black market for beer for alcohol you’re allowed to bring it over alternative that flashing over I may need that file is not the signal plow like a table of all the vacation verbal level of capacity at the league gave her course in the I need to send in is uncle estate at the Wii on that she will yet get need a located in the only pickle here on a Sunday. This Country Illegally Who Are Perpetrating Violence and Take You and I Are Fresh against Many Also and Many of Them Are Good People You Keep Leaving Them Out Of Your Quote If You Want Me to Go There Although There but Here’s There Is a Choice Here and It’s It It Is a Choice on Life Couldn’t Be More Proud to Be Standing That Donald Trump Is Standing for the Right to Life It’s a Principle That Sen Nice Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black For Men and Women Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: I I love to know that but come on in battle and in secret but you know whether the brightest and best now is the relative will not be Okie Yankee will know you may go and send it back saying you to take a Christian Lion His Name Is Jesus Tee Shirts Black walk a bit and you you you you you don’t really know what Betty was face trying to make the word anything made me I’m really babe they go you just try and get the word out and in his lab assignment and it is 30 minute now I’m know you treat 330 50 Godbey is no way the great thing about the exact social media platforms grow make your think totally Christian people that I appreciate that you over the top with John Prieto on May birds nest and we all but I only know this that I think that we write what supreme of the great speech used be human comment that telling No question they don’t know know by don’t try the baby I know he could be making the child we know what Amanda might all definitely in the of material and it was really good you know I lost an arm it was and I like the way he talked about trust in the bully saying this in the name and I got a surreal stuff right after he fell you know how to spell the defendant we he had on a delicate plan on trial trolling for so met with actual know you know you no more is when you got to go get a real man to handle the route that. Com as well as resulting is absolutely Nancy’s a funny shit like I can help out 106 and In the ADA during the coming too hard to see what is traction on foot on the old weak marijuana the last hunger for content that we recently that the judge found that the interest in the only going to increase from here many times interest that were sold is more for its use for contacts just our listeners through Christine just look at historyand the really fascinating that listeners can share over cocktails with their friends this weekendand impress everybody you are so did you found to see in the graves of people in Siberiaand agent going back to 500 BC on the scene as shown in the scene. Is at all and went to prison and was there to protect my daughter with DCF try to come take what would become of my daughter and that’s out and that’s how vital it is having a man in the home that’s how vital it is to have foresight and be able to think shit through before you make because of my daughter did not have a father she would’ve been a lot more danger and she said because a mother can fight for her they can only do so much sometimes it takes the strength and the authority and the power of a main to protect the child that’s why a man is seen as the provider and the protect because a duty but when women get brainwashed with this feminism bullshit it’s not designed to may empower the women it all it’s actually designed to leave the children vulnerable that’s why they want to get rid that’s why they daylight getting rid of the fathers that’s why in Democratic districts especially you have the highest rates of people on welfare and you have the lowest rates of fathers in the home See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks

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Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White

I m so proud of my girls and their hearts and what amazing moms they are and their work ethic and how they get up and do their best every single day they share they give back they care they are my best friends and my angels thank you girls for teaching me how to be better every single moment we share you give me life and I love you ️ of course I love rob the Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White same but it s international women s day mysquad. Aujourd’hui je suis très déçue et le pire ce sera pas moi mon fils de 8 ans vous ayant pour idole on a reussi difficilement à obtenir d places pour aller ce soir voir le match contre nantes et ce matin on apprend que vous ne jouerez pas c’est sans compter sur neymar di maria qu’il aurait rêvé de voir jouer en vrai habitant le 44. Continue to explore the prestigious world of dr brennan and her elite team official props and wardrobe from the set of bones just released 100’s of new items for sale click here to investigate Pretty Autism Awareness shirt Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Premium Autism Awareness shirt Trending Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Autism Awareness shirt Create your own limitless videos gifs here I am excited to see your limitless cre a Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White ons. Hej sverige today my new book is released in swedish and several other languages it is a book about my career as a football player with lots of interviews with me and former colleagues written by therealmatsolsson I am very proud over it and I hope you will like it as much as I do. This is me in high school playing ophelia from hamlet but this is also me with my best attempt of the rachel hair do that had swept the globe thanks jennifer aniston p s who s gonna watch jen and reese witherspoon on the morning show this weekend me too new episode out today fbf Hot Autism Awareness shirt Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White I m so proud of my girls and their hearts and what amazing moms they are and their work ethic and how they get up and do their best every single day they share they give back they care they are my best friends and my angels thank you girls for teaching me how to be better every single moment we share you give me life and I love you ️ of course I love rob the Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White same but it s international women s day mysquad. Aujourd’hui je suis très déçue et le pire ce sera pas moi mon fils de 8 ans vous ayant pour idole on a reussi difficilement à obtenir d places pour aller ce soir voir le match contre nantes et ce matin on apprend que vous ne jouerez pas c’est sans compter sur neymar di maria qu’il aurait rêvé de voir jouer en vrai habitant le 44. Continue to explore the prestigious world of dr brennan and her elite team official props and wardrobe from the set of bones just released 100’s of new items for sale click here to investigate Pretty Autism Awareness shirt Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Premium Autism Awareness shirt Trending Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Autism Awareness shirt Create your own limitless videos gifs here I am excited to see your limitless cre a Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White ons. Hej sverige today my new book is released in swedish and several other languages it is a book about my career as a football player with lots of interviews with me and former colleagues written by therealmatsolsson I am very proud over it and I hope you will like it as much as I do. This is me in high school playing ophelia from hamlet but this is also me with my best attempt of the rachel hair do that had swept the globe thanks jennifer aniston p s who s gonna watch jen and reese witherspoon on the morning show this weekend me too new episode out today fbf Hot Autism Awareness shirt

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 1

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 1

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 2

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 2

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 3

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 3

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 4

Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White - from 4

I m so proud of my girls and their hearts and what amazing moms they are and their work ethic and how they get up and do their best every single day they share they give back they care they are my best friends and my angels thank you girls for teaching me how to be better every single moment we share you give me life and I love you ️ of course I love rob the Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White same but it s international women s day mysquad. Aujourd’hui je suis très déçue et le pire ce sera pas moi mon fils de 8 ans vous ayant pour idole on a reussi difficilement à obtenir d places pour aller ce soir voir le match contre nantes et ce matin on apprend que vous ne jouerez pas c’est sans compter sur neymar di maria qu’il aurait rêvé de voir jouer en vrai habitant le 44. Continue to explore the prestigious world of dr brennan and her elite team official props and wardrobe from the set of bones just released 100’s of new items for sale click here to investigate Pretty Autism Awareness shirt Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Premium Autism Awareness shirt Trending Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Autism Awareness shirt Create your own limitless videos gifs here I am excited to see your limitless cre a Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White ons. Hej sverige today my new book is released in swedish and several other languages it is a book about my career as a football player with lots of interviews with me and former colleagues written by therealmatsolsson I am very proud over it and I hope you will like it as much as I do. This is me in high school playing ophelia from hamlet but this is also me with my best attempt of the rachel hair do that had swept the globe thanks jennifer aniston p s who s gonna watch jen and reese witherspoon on the morning show this weekend me too new episode out today fbf Hot Autism Awareness shirt Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White I m so proud of my girls and their hearts and what amazing moms they are and their work ethic and how they get up and do their best every single day they share they give back they care they are my best friends and my angels thank you girls for teaching me how to be better every single moment we share you give me life and I love you ️ of course I love rob the Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White same but it s international women s day mysquad. Aujourd’hui je suis très déçue et le pire ce sera pas moi mon fils de 8 ans vous ayant pour idole on a reussi difficilement à obtenir d places pour aller ce soir voir le match contre nantes et ce matin on apprend que vous ne jouerez pas c’est sans compter sur neymar di maria qu’il aurait rêvé de voir jouer en vrai habitant le 44. Continue to explore the prestigious world of dr brennan and her elite team official props and wardrobe from the set of bones just released 100’s of new items for sale click here to investigate Pretty Autism Awareness shirt Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White Premium Autism Awareness shirt Trending Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Autism Awareness shirt Create your own limitless videos gifs here I am excited to see your limitless cre a Je Suis Un Fils Gate J'ai Ete Eleve Par Une Maman Incroyable Elle Est Nee En Mars Tshirts White ons. Hej sverige today my new book is released in swedish and several other languages it is a book about my career as a football player with lots of interviews with me and former colleagues written by therealmatsolsson I am very proud over it and I hope you will like it as much as I do. This is me in high school playing ophelia from hamlet but this is also me with my best attempt of the rachel hair do that had swept the globe thanks jennifer aniston p s who s gonna watch jen and reese witherspoon on the morning show this weekend me too new episode out today fbf Hot Autism Awareness shirt

Check out:

Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt

Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt

In response to last week s tatoosday post we got so many tattoos from last unicorn fans around the world that it will take months to showcase all of them to help make things go slightly faster than that and because it s neat to compare and contrast we re going to make today a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt two tattoosday post take a look at these very different approaches to showing the human and unicorn versions of peter s classic character in one image ashley knight schroeder s tattoo is beautifully stylized I just got this done on saturday the last unicorn has touched my life and helped me through many a rough patch even my sons will watch with me and sing talk along to the movie rippy s tattoos did the work I have no idea who did the original design I saw it and feel in love would love to find the original artist brittni lynn martin and her artist phil meyers from california opted for classic heartfelt look this movie has been my favorite since I was little and is now my favorite book and I have a 3 year old daughter who also loves it and we watch it together so it’s been a huge part of my life so beautiful both of these. What’s up with your customer service call the 1888 number and it says closed even it is only 3 30 pm in west coast business hr is till 4pm send email for returns but no response waited in line for live chat 2 days in a row your live chat went offline and just now I patiently waited for 30 minutes and finally my turn the system put me back on 30 online return was down so I have no way to make return or exchange very disappointed fix ur customer service if there is one exist. Giving new meaning to floral embroidery uk born textile artist sophie king sews modern day messages onto unexpected canvases like rose leaves spot the signature on the petals Pretty Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending, Christmas Trending shirt this Season : Christmas, Unicorn Omg it’s national pizza day but you want healthier hair better skin stronger nails what s a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt gal to do biotin calcium and bamboo extract do all the work in our am protect supplements so you can sit back relax and glow and maybe feel a little less guilty about that slice contact your avon representative to shop espirabyavon today these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration this product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Say it isn’t so we’re picking up and heading to our next location on the avon amp it up tour we had a blast at cma fest and taste of charlotte festival next stop san diego for the san diego county fair june 14th 17th and grand junction for country jam colorado june 14th 17th see you there. Putting together an amazing show with jimmy kimmel for august 15th what do you guys wanna hear me talk about if you don’t have your tix yet get them here Another product: Original shop Trending for this post: Christmas, Unicorn Shirt Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt In response to last week s tatoosday post we got so many tattoos from last unicorn fans around the world that it will take months to showcase all of them to help make things go slightly faster than that and because it s neat to compare and contrast we re going to make today a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt two tattoosday post take a look at these very different approaches to showing the human and unicorn versions of peter s classic character in one image ashley knight schroeder s tattoo is beautifully stylized I just got this done on saturday the last unicorn has touched my life and helped me through many a rough patch even my sons will watch with me and sing talk along to the movie rippy s tattoos did the work I have no idea who did the original design I saw it and feel in love would love to find the original artist brittni lynn martin and her artist phil meyers from california opted for classic heartfelt look this movie has been my favorite since I was little and is now my favorite book and I have a 3 year old daughter who also loves it and we watch it together so it’s been a huge part of my life so beautiful both of these. What’s up with your customer service call the 1888 number and it says closed even it is only 3 30 pm in west coast business hr is till 4pm send email for returns but no response waited in line for live chat 2 days in a row your live chat went offline and just now I patiently waited for 30 minutes and finally my turn the system put me back on 30 online return was down so I have no way to make return or exchange very disappointed fix ur customer service if there is one exist. Giving new meaning to floral embroidery uk born textile artist sophie king sews modern day messages onto unexpected canvases like rose leaves spot the signature on the petals Pretty Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending, Christmas Trending shirt this Season : Christmas, Unicorn Omg it’s national pizza day but you want healthier hair better skin stronger nails what s a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt gal to do biotin calcium and bamboo extract do all the work in our am protect supplements so you can sit back relax and glow and maybe feel a little less guilty about that slice contact your avon representative to shop espirabyavon today these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration this product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Say it isn’t so we’re picking up and heading to our next location on the avon amp it up tour we had a blast at cma fest and taste of charlotte festival next stop san diego for the san diego county fair june 14th 17th and grand junction for country jam colorado june 14th 17th see you there. Putting together an amazing show with jimmy kimmel for august 15th what do you guys wanna hear me talk about if you don’t have your tix yet get them here Another product: Original shop Trending for this post: Christmas, Unicorn Shirt

Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt - from 1

Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt - from 1

In response to last week s tatoosday post we got so many tattoos from last unicorn fans around the world that it will take months to showcase all of them to help make things go slightly faster than that and because it s neat to compare and contrast we re going to make today a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt two tattoosday post take a look at these very different approaches to showing the human and unicorn versions of peter s classic character in one image ashley knight schroeder s tattoo is beautifully stylized I just got this done on saturday the last unicorn has touched my life and helped me through many a rough patch even my sons will watch with me and sing talk along to the movie rippy s tattoos did the work I have no idea who did the original design I saw it and feel in love would love to find the original artist brittni lynn martin and her artist phil meyers from california opted for classic heartfelt look this movie has been my favorite since I was little and is now my favorite book and I have a 3 year old daughter who also loves it and we watch it together so it’s been a huge part of my life so beautiful both of these. What’s up with your customer service call the 1888 number and it says closed even it is only 3 30 pm in west coast business hr is till 4pm send email for returns but no response waited in line for live chat 2 days in a row your live chat went offline and just now I patiently waited for 30 minutes and finally my turn the system put me back on 30 online return was down so I have no way to make return or exchange very disappointed fix ur customer service if there is one exist. Giving new meaning to floral embroidery uk born textile artist sophie king sews modern day messages onto unexpected canvases like rose leaves spot the signature on the petals Pretty Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending, Christmas Trending shirt this Season : Christmas, Unicorn Omg it’s national pizza day but you want healthier hair better skin stronger nails what s a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt gal to do biotin calcium and bamboo extract do all the work in our am protect supplements so you can sit back relax and glow and maybe feel a little less guilty about that slice contact your avon representative to shop espirabyavon today these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration this product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Say it isn’t so we’re picking up and heading to our next location on the avon amp it up tour we had a blast at cma fest and taste of charlotte festival next stop san diego for the san diego county fair june 14th 17th and grand junction for country jam colorado june 14th 17th see you there. Putting together an amazing show with jimmy kimmel for august 15th what do you guys wanna hear me talk about if you don’t have your tix yet get them here Another product: Original shop Trending for this post: Christmas, Unicorn Shirt Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt In response to last week s tatoosday post we got so many tattoos from last unicorn fans around the world that it will take months to showcase all of them to help make things go slightly faster than that and because it s neat to compare and contrast we re going to make today a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt two tattoosday post take a look at these very different approaches to showing the human and unicorn versions of peter s classic character in one image ashley knight schroeder s tattoo is beautifully stylized I just got this done on saturday the last unicorn has touched my life and helped me through many a rough patch even my sons will watch with me and sing talk along to the movie rippy s tattoos did the work I have no idea who did the original design I saw it and feel in love would love to find the original artist brittni lynn martin and her artist phil meyers from california opted for classic heartfelt look this movie has been my favorite since I was little and is now my favorite book and I have a 3 year old daughter who also loves it and we watch it together so it’s been a huge part of my life so beautiful both of these. What’s up with your customer service call the 1888 number and it says closed even it is only 3 30 pm in west coast business hr is till 4pm send email for returns but no response waited in line for live chat 2 days in a row your live chat went offline and just now I patiently waited for 30 minutes and finally my turn the system put me back on 30 online return was down so I have no way to make return or exchange very disappointed fix ur customer service if there is one exist. Giving new meaning to floral embroidery uk born textile artist sophie king sews modern day messages onto unexpected canvases like rose leaves spot the signature on the petals Pretty Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending, Christmas Trending shirt this Season : Christmas, Unicorn Omg it’s national pizza day but you want healthier hair better skin stronger nails what s a Cma Life Santa Hat Plaid T Shirt gal to do biotin calcium and bamboo extract do all the work in our am protect supplements so you can sit back relax and glow and maybe feel a little less guilty about that slice contact your avon representative to shop espirabyavon today these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration this product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Say it isn’t so we’re picking up and heading to our next location on the avon amp it up tour we had a blast at cma fest and taste of charlotte festival next stop san diego for the san diego county fair june 14th 17th and grand junction for country jam colorado june 14th 17th see you there. Putting together an amazing show with jimmy kimmel for august 15th what do you guys wanna hear me talk about if you don’t have your tix yet get them here Another product: Original shop Trending for this post: Christmas, Unicorn Shirt

Shop now:

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Nuture The Change You Want To See In The World Registered Nurse Sunflower T Shirt

Nuture The Change You Want To See In The World Registered Nurse Sunflower T Shirt

Not only the products are shown in the selection, but we also offer other products with this design. Below is a list of products available, Please contact us if you do not see this product in our product options. We will contact you within 12 hours And you will have the product according to your requirements, see more on the available products. Click here to buy this shirt: But if you’re hoping to become the human slave of a feline overlord please look first into adopting from one of the many rescue charities who have animals looking for forever homes. Often an older cat can be more rewarding than kittens (I have taken on two older cats and two kittens in the last 19 years) but remember that if renting, many landlords don’t like pets of any kind except possibly fish, birds, hamsters or similar. One friend, who has links to a local charity, is back to being the slave of nearly 20 overlords and over ladies, all felines although there are a couple of rescue dogs plus ducks, chickens and lots of newts in there as well. When we buy our own property, later this year/early next year with luck, we too will once again become the willing slaves to a number of feline superior beings. We are currently recovering from the loss of the last boss, Princess Kitten, who arrived as a temporary guest and never left. RIP. A Grey cat acts just like a Grey cat. I had one pure Grey cay in my life. And she was a wonderful cat. Very independent. Really, Grey is just a color. It does not indicate a personality. I’m sure there are people who have had grouchy Grey cats too. It is similar to people. Just because a girl is blond, it does not mean that she has all the fun. If that were true, us women would change our hair color just to have more fun. And then we would dye it brunette to get married, because everyone knows brunettes are the only ones having good marriages. Let’s be real here. Your cat’s hair color will not make him nice or grouchy. His eye color won’t make him evil or nice. The length of his hair won’t make your cat better with kids or dogs. Those are all superstitions. Cats have individual personalities that are formed from their nature and their nuture. Cats that are brought up in a loving home have better odds at being loving cats. But you can still get a grouchy cat from a loving home and you can get a wonderful sweet cat from a feral colony. Just love your cat for who he is. And adopt a cat to give him a home, not because he is a certain color. There are two kinds of attacks: the ‘real’ attack, which a cat will only do if it is very anxious, and sees no other way out. This can happen if you chase it, pick it up, and or cuddle it against their will, or do anything that frightens the cat deeply. The ‘play’ attack, where a cat will ‘attack’ your hand for example, mistaking it for a play-toy. This can happen if you roughhouse with your cat a lot, and allow him to play rough with your hand. You should not allow that. If he sees your hand as prey-target-practice, let out a short shriek like you are in pain, and let your hand go limp, wait till he releases it, then take it back. Retrieving your hand while the cat has its nails in it: will only give him more incentive to ‘dead scratch’ the ‘prey’ that is obviously trying to get away (in his mind). Offer him toys the cat is allowed to play with, as soon as it wants to play rough with your hand. Hands are for pets, head bumps, gentle scratches. Not for roughhousing. If a cat trusts you, it will never attack you, and, if it knows your limits: never play too rough with you. 6 Available products for Girl fishing life sunset shirt: Classic Men’s Shirt Classic Women’s Shirt Women’s The Boyfriend Tee Women’s Heather Wicking Tee Women’s Scoop Neck T-shirt Women’s Slouchy top Women’s Organic Tee Men’s Short Sleeve Tee Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee Men’s Cotton Crew Tee Unisex Ultra Cotton Tee Men’s Heather Dri-Fit Tee Men’s Polo Shirt Men’s Jersey Polo Shirt Unisex Ringer Tee Men’s Lightweight Fashion Tee Men’s V-Neck Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve V-Neck Tee Women V-Neck Women’s Jersey Short Sleeve Deep V-Neck Tee Unisex Hoodie Unisex Heavy Blend™ Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Men’s Lightweight Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Unisex French Terry Zip Hoodie AOP Unisex Zip Hoodie Unisex Longsleeve Unisex Jersey Long Sleeve Tee Unisex 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Tee Unisex Tri-Blend 3/4 Raglan Tee Men’s Varsity Jacket Youth T-shirt Sweatshirt Unisex Tank Top Men’s Sleeveless Performance Tee Women’s Cut & Sew Racerback Dress Women’s Pencil Skirt Women’s Cut & Sew Casual Leggings Women’s Sponge Fleece Wide Neck Sweatshirt Kids Regular Fit Tee Infant Long Sleeve Bodysuit Mug $22.99 Phone Case Bags Unisex Flip-Flops Available Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL Available Color: Black, Cardinal Red, Forest Green, Gold, Navy, Royal, Sport Grey, White… Home page: This product belong to thang-dung Nuture The Change You Want To See In The World Registered Nurse Sunflower T Shirt Not only the products are shown in the selection, but we also offer other products with this design. Below is a list of products available, Please contact us if you do not see this product in our product options. We will contact you within 12 hours And you will have the product according to your requirements, see more on the available products. Click here to buy this shirt: But if you’re hoping to become the human slave of a feline overlord please look first into adopting from one of the many rescue charities who have animals looking for forever homes. Often an older cat can be more rewarding than kittens (I have taken on two older cats and two kittens in the last 19 years) but remember that if renting, many landlords don’t like pets of any kind except possibly fish, birds, hamsters or similar. One friend, who has links to a local charity, is back to being the slave of nearly 20 overlords and over ladies, all felines although there are a couple of rescue dogs plus ducks, chickens and lots of newts in there as well. When we buy our own property, later this year/early next year with luck, we too will once again become the willing slaves to a number of feline superior beings. We are currently recovering from the loss of the last boss, Princess Kitten, who arrived as a temporary guest and never left. RIP. A Grey cat acts just like a Grey cat. I had one pure Grey cay in my life. And she was a wonderful cat. Very independent. Really, Grey is just a color. It does not indicate a personality. I’m sure there are people who have had grouchy Grey cats too. It is similar to people. Just because a girl is blond, it does not mean that she has all the fun. If that were true, us women would change our hair color just to have more fun. And then we would dye it brunette to get married, because everyone knows brunettes are the only ones having good marriages. Let’s be real here. Your cat’s hair color will not make him nice or grouchy. His eye color won’t make him evil or nice. The length of his hair won’t make your cat better with kids or dogs. Those are all superstitions. Cats have individual personalities that are formed from their nature and their nuture. Cats that are brought up in a loving home have better odds at being loving cats. But you can still get a grouchy cat from a loving home and you can get a wonderful sweet cat from a feral colony. Just love your cat for who he is. And adopt a cat to give him a home, not because he is a certain color. There are two kinds of attacks: the ‘real’ attack, which a cat will only do if it is very anxious, and sees no other way out. This can happen if you chase it, pick it up, and or cuddle it against their will, or do anything that frightens the cat deeply. The ‘play’ attack, where a cat will ‘attack’ your hand for example, mistaking it for a play-toy. This can happen if you roughhouse with your cat a lot, and allow him to play rough with your hand. You should not allow that. If he sees your hand as prey-target-practice, let out a short shriek like you are in pain, and let your hand go limp, wait till he releases it, then take it back. Retrieving your hand while the cat has its nails in it: will only give him more incentive to ‘dead scratch’ the ‘prey’ that is obviously trying to get away (in his mind). Offer him toys the cat is allowed to play with, as soon as it wants to play rough with your hand. Hands are for pets, head bumps, gentle scratches. Not for roughhousing. If a cat trusts you, it will never attack you, and, if it knows your limits: never play too rough with you. 6 Available products for Girl fishing life sunset shirt: Classic Men’s Shirt Classic Women’s Shirt Women’s The Boyfriend Tee Women’s Heather Wicking Tee Women’s Scoop Neck T-shirt Women’s Slouchy top Women’s Organic Tee Men’s Short Sleeve Tee Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee Men’s Cotton Crew Tee Unisex Ultra Cotton Tee Men’s Heather Dri-Fit Tee Men’s Polo Shirt Men’s Jersey Polo Shirt Unisex Ringer Tee Men’s Lightweight Fashion Tee Men’s V-Neck Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve V-Neck Tee Women V-Neck Women’s Jersey Short Sleeve Deep V-Neck Tee Unisex Hoodie Unisex Heavy Blend™ Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Men’s Lightweight Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Unisex French Terry Zip Hoodie AOP Unisex Zip Hoodie Unisex Longsleeve Unisex Jersey Long Sleeve Tee Unisex 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Tee Unisex Tri-Blend 3/4 Raglan Tee Men’s Varsity Jacket Youth T-shirt Sweatshirt Unisex Tank Top Men’s Sleeveless Performance Tee Women’s Cut & Sew Racerback Dress Women’s Pencil Skirt Women’s Cut & Sew Casual Leggings Women’s Sponge Fleece Wide Neck Sweatshirt Kids Regular Fit Tee Infant Long Sleeve Bodysuit Mug $22.99 Phone Case Bags Unisex Flip-Flops Available Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL Available Color: Black, Cardinal Red, Forest Green, Gold, Navy, Royal, Sport Grey, White… Home page: This product belong to thang-dung

Nuture The Change You Want To See In The World Registered Nurse Sunflower T Shirt - from 1

Nuture The Change You Want To See In The World Registered Nurse Sunflower T Shirt - from 1

Not only the products are shown in the selection, but we also offer other products with this design. Below is a list of products available, Please contact us if you do not see this product in our product options. We will contact you within 12 hours And you will have the product according to your requirements, see more on the available products. Click here to buy this shirt: But if you’re hoping to become the human slave of a feline overlord please look first into adopting from one of the many rescue charities who have animals looking for forever homes. Often an older cat can be more rewarding than kittens (I have taken on two older cats and two kittens in the last 19 years) but remember that if renting, many landlords don’t like pets of any kind except possibly fish, birds, hamsters or similar. One friend, who has links to a local charity, is back to being the slave of nearly 20 overlords and over ladies, all felines although there are a couple of rescue dogs plus ducks, chickens and lots of newts in there as well. When we buy our own property, later this year/early next year with luck, we too will once again become the willing slaves to a number of feline superior beings. We are currently recovering from the loss of the last boss, Princess Kitten, who arrived as a temporary guest and never left. RIP. A Grey cat acts just like a Grey cat. I had one pure Grey cay in my life. And she was a wonderful cat. Very independent. Really, Grey is just a color. It does not indicate a personality. I’m sure there are people who have had grouchy Grey cats too. It is similar to people. Just because a girl is blond, it does not mean that she has all the fun. If that were true, us women would change our hair color just to have more fun. And then we would dye it brunette to get married, because everyone knows brunettes are the only ones having good marriages. Let’s be real here. Your cat’s hair color will not make him nice or grouchy. His eye color won’t make him evil or nice. The length of his hair won’t make your cat better with kids or dogs. Those are all superstitions. Cats have individual personalities that are formed from their nature and their nuture. Cats that are brought up in a loving home have better odds at being loving cats. But you can still get a grouchy cat from a loving home and you can get a wonderful sweet cat from a feral colony. Just love your cat for who he is. And adopt a cat to give him a home, not because he is a certain color. There are two kinds of attacks: the ‘real’ attack, which a cat will only do if it is very anxious, and sees no other way out. This can happen if you chase it, pick it up, and or cuddle it against their will, or do anything that frightens the cat deeply. The ‘play’ attack, where a cat will ‘attack’ your hand for example, mistaking it for a play-toy. This can happen if you roughhouse with your cat a lot, and allow him to play rough with your hand. You should not allow that. If he sees your hand as prey-target-practice, let out a short shriek like you are in pain, and let your hand go limp, wait till he releases it, then take it back. Retrieving your hand while the cat has its nails in it: will only give him more incentive to ‘dead scratch’ the ‘prey’ that is obviously trying to get away (in his mind). Offer him toys the cat is allowed to play with, as soon as it wants to play rough with your hand. Hands are for pets, head bumps, gentle scratches. Not for roughhousing. If a cat trusts you, it will never attack you, and, if it knows your limits: never play too rough with you. 6 Available products for Girl fishing life sunset shirt: Classic Men’s Shirt Classic Women’s Shirt Women’s The Boyfriend Tee Women’s Heather Wicking Tee Women’s Scoop Neck T-shirt Women’s Slouchy top Women’s Organic Tee Men’s Short Sleeve Tee Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee Men’s Cotton Crew Tee Unisex Ultra Cotton Tee Men’s Heather Dri-Fit Tee Men’s Polo Shirt Men’s Jersey Polo Shirt Unisex Ringer Tee Men’s Lightweight Fashion Tee Men’s V-Neck Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve V-Neck Tee Women V-Neck Women’s Jersey Short Sleeve Deep V-Neck Tee Unisex Hoodie Unisex Heavy Blend™ Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Men’s Lightweight Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Unisex French Terry Zip Hoodie AOP Unisex Zip Hoodie Unisex Longsleeve Unisex Jersey Long Sleeve Tee Unisex 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Tee Unisex Tri-Blend 3/4 Raglan Tee Men’s Varsity Jacket Youth T-shirt Sweatshirt Unisex Tank Top Men’s Sleeveless Performance Tee Women’s Cut & Sew Racerback Dress Women’s Pencil Skirt Women’s Cut & Sew Casual Leggings Women’s Sponge Fleece Wide Neck Sweatshirt Kids Regular Fit Tee Infant Long Sleeve Bodysuit Mug $22.99 Phone Case Bags Unisex Flip-Flops Available Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL Available Color: Black, Cardinal Red, Forest Green, Gold, Navy, Royal, Sport Grey, White… Home page: This product belong to thang-dung Nuture The Change You Want To See In The World Registered Nurse Sunflower T Shirt Not only the products are shown in the selection, but we also offer other products with this design. Below is a list of products available, Please contact us if you do not see this product in our product options. We will contact you within 12 hours And you will have the product according to your requirements, see more on the available products. Click here to buy this shirt: But if you’re hoping to become the human slave of a feline overlord please look first into adopting from one of the many rescue charities who have animals looking for forever homes. Often an older cat can be more rewarding than kittens (I have taken on two older cats and two kittens in the last 19 years) but remember that if renting, many landlords don’t like pets of any kind except possibly fish, birds, hamsters or similar. One friend, who has links to a local charity, is back to being the slave of nearly 20 overlords and over ladies, all felines although there are a couple of rescue dogs plus ducks, chickens and lots of newts in there as well. When we buy our own property, later this year/early next year with luck, we too will once again become the willing slaves to a number of feline superior beings. We are currently recovering from the loss of the last boss, Princess Kitten, who arrived as a temporary guest and never left. RIP. A Grey cat acts just like a Grey cat. I had one pure Grey cay in my life. And she was a wonderful cat. Very independent. Really, Grey is just a color. It does not indicate a personality. I’m sure there are people who have had grouchy Grey cats too. It is similar to people. Just because a girl is blond, it does not mean that she has all the fun. If that were true, us women would change our hair color just to have more fun. And then we would dye it brunette to get married, because everyone knows brunettes are the only ones having good marriages. Let’s be real here. Your cat’s hair color will not make him nice or grouchy. His eye color won’t make him evil or nice. The length of his hair won’t make your cat better with kids or dogs. Those are all superstitions. Cats have individual personalities that are formed from their nature and their nuture. Cats that are brought up in a loving home have better odds at being loving cats. But you can still get a grouchy cat from a loving home and you can get a wonderful sweet cat from a feral colony. Just love your cat for who he is. And adopt a cat to give him a home, not because he is a certain color. There are two kinds of attacks: the ‘real’ attack, which a cat will only do if it is very anxious, and sees no other way out. This can happen if you chase it, pick it up, and or cuddle it against their will, or do anything that frightens the cat deeply. The ‘play’ attack, where a cat will ‘attack’ your hand for example, mistaking it for a play-toy. This can happen if you roughhouse with your cat a lot, and allow him to play rough with your hand. You should not allow that. If he sees your hand as prey-target-practice, let out a short shriek like you are in pain, and let your hand go limp, wait till he releases it, then take it back. Retrieving your hand while the cat has its nails in it: will only give him more incentive to ‘dead scratch’ the ‘prey’ that is obviously trying to get away (in his mind). Offer him toys the cat is allowed to play with, as soon as it wants to play rough with your hand. Hands are for pets, head bumps, gentle scratches. Not for roughhousing. If a cat trusts you, it will never attack you, and, if it knows your limits: never play too rough with you. 6 Available products for Girl fishing life sunset shirt: Classic Men’s Shirt Classic Women’s Shirt Women’s The Boyfriend Tee Women’s Heather Wicking Tee Women’s Scoop Neck T-shirt Women’s Slouchy top Women’s Organic Tee Men’s Short Sleeve Tee Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee Men’s Cotton Crew Tee Unisex Ultra Cotton Tee Men’s Heather Dri-Fit Tee Men’s Polo Shirt Men’s Jersey Polo Shirt Unisex Ringer Tee Men’s Lightweight Fashion Tee Men’s V-Neck Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve V-Neck Tee Women V-Neck Women’s Jersey Short Sleeve Deep V-Neck Tee Unisex Hoodie Unisex Heavy Blend™ Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Men’s Lightweight Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Unisex French Terry Zip Hoodie AOP Unisex Zip Hoodie Unisex Longsleeve Unisex Jersey Long Sleeve Tee Unisex 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Tee Unisex Tri-Blend 3/4 Raglan Tee Men’s Varsity Jacket Youth T-shirt Sweatshirt Unisex Tank Top Men’s Sleeveless Performance Tee Women’s Cut & Sew Racerback Dress Women’s Pencil Skirt Women’s Cut & Sew Casual Leggings Women’s Sponge Fleece Wide Neck Sweatshirt Kids Regular Fit Tee Infant Long Sleeve Bodysuit Mug $22.99 Phone Case Bags Unisex Flip-Flops Available Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL Available Color: Black, Cardinal Red, Forest Green, Gold, Navy, Royal, Sport Grey, White… Home page: This product belong to thang-dung

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I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black

Lisa M. SheltonThis is exactly what America doesn’t want to see anymore. We’re sick of it.15 . Gabe EisnerI don’t follow either of these people. Why did I get this?10 . Seleste SabatinoSo now bc a bunch of rich a$$holes get involved, those of us who have suffered for decades can basically still get ignored, but the rich can have a new project to fix people & Look like “hero’s” or some shit. Whatever, they will only help people that l… See more8 . Fallon Pendleton-DoolinIf only insurance companies were compassionate about mental health. 8 . Val A. BaSo Sad…making Money out of mental health……there are so many things happening in the world…Nicaragua, El Salvador, Palestine etc. where mental health is a big problem. But also normal families who have an uncle, an aunt , a sister, a child e… See more8 . Amy PriceMental health is a huge issue yet the Libercrats turn a blind eye when it’s convenient and also push false information on people that don’t do their own research.6  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black Kricket SaucedoAh, yes… please interview the rich elites who can afford the perfect diets, proper medications, therapy, and everything else that helps mental illness and disorders. Nevermind the people who have crippling disorders and can’t afford any of the neces… See more44 . Matt Lindholm-GuentherPrince Harry? I’m not interested.7 . Wendy CookAs a mental health professional I don’t care who is brave enough to share their story. People from all walks of life have mental health struggles. I am grateful that there is attention brought to the need to prioritize mental health. For anyone who … See more4 . Fatmah KoukashWHAT IS HAPPENING IN PALESTIN !If you don’t know what’s been happening check the hashtag #SaveSheikhJarrah Because as we sit in our peaceful homes there are people getting kicked out opf theirs as we speak and it breaks my heart. … See more8 . Anita KoperStuff it Oprah You don’t do anything unless there is drama and sensationalism attached in it for you !!17  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black Lisa M. SheltonThis is exactly what America doesn’t want to see anymore. We’re sick of it.15 . Gabe EisnerI don’t follow either of these people. Why did I get this?10 . Seleste SabatinoSo now bc a bunch of rich a$$holes get involved, those of us who have suffered for decades can basically still get ignored, but the rich can have a new project to fix people & Look like “hero’s” or some shit. Whatever, they will only help people that l… See more8 . Fallon Pendleton-DoolinIf only insurance companies were compassionate about mental health. 8 . Val A. BaSo Sad…making Money out of mental health……there are so many things happening in the world…Nicaragua, El Salvador, Palestine etc. where mental health is a big problem. But also normal families who have an uncle, an aunt , a sister, a child e… See more8 . Amy PriceMental health is a huge issue yet the Libercrats turn a blind eye when it’s convenient and also push false information on people that don’t do their own research.6  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black Kricket SaucedoAh, yes… please interview the rich elites who can afford the perfect diets, proper medications, therapy, and everything else that helps mental illness and disorders. Nevermind the people who have crippling disorders and can’t afford any of the neces… See more44 . Matt Lindholm-GuentherPrince Harry? I’m not interested.7 . Wendy CookAs a mental health professional I don’t care who is brave enough to share their story. People from all walks of life have mental health struggles. I am grateful that there is attention brought to the need to prioritize mental health. For anyone who … See more4 . Fatmah KoukashWHAT IS HAPPENING IN PALESTIN !If you don’t know what’s been happening check the hashtag #SaveSheikhJarrah Because as we sit in our peaceful homes there are people getting kicked out opf theirs as we speak and it breaks my heart. … See more8 . Anita KoperStuff it Oprah You don’t do anything unless there is drama and sensationalism attached in it for you !!17  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 1

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 1

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 2

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 2

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 3

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 3

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 4

I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black - from 4

Lisa M. SheltonThis is exactly what America doesn’t want to see anymore. We’re sick of it.15 . Gabe EisnerI don’t follow either of these people. Why did I get this?10 . Seleste SabatinoSo now bc a bunch of rich a$$holes get involved, those of us who have suffered for decades can basically still get ignored, but the rich can have a new project to fix people & Look like “hero’s” or some shit. Whatever, they will only help people that l… See more8 . Fallon Pendleton-DoolinIf only insurance companies were compassionate about mental health. 8 . Val A. BaSo Sad…making Money out of mental health……there are so many things happening in the world…Nicaragua, El Salvador, Palestine etc. where mental health is a big problem. But also normal families who have an uncle, an aunt , a sister, a child e… See more8 . Amy PriceMental health is a huge issue yet the Libercrats turn a blind eye when it’s convenient and also push false information on people that don’t do their own research.6  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black Kricket SaucedoAh, yes… please interview the rich elites who can afford the perfect diets, proper medications, therapy, and everything else that helps mental illness and disorders. Nevermind the people who have crippling disorders and can’t afford any of the neces… See more44 . Matt Lindholm-GuentherPrince Harry? I’m not interested.7 . Wendy CookAs a mental health professional I don’t care who is brave enough to share their story. People from all walks of life have mental health struggles. I am grateful that there is attention brought to the need to prioritize mental health. For anyone who … See more4 . Fatmah KoukashWHAT IS HAPPENING IN PALESTIN !If you don’t know what’s been happening check the hashtag #SaveSheikhJarrah Because as we sit in our peaceful homes there are people getting kicked out opf theirs as we speak and it breaks my heart. … See more8 . Anita KoperStuff it Oprah You don’t do anything unless there is drama and sensationalism attached in it for you !!17  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black Lisa M. SheltonThis is exactly what America doesn’t want to see anymore. We’re sick of it.15 . Gabe EisnerI don’t follow either of these people. Why did I get this?10 . Seleste SabatinoSo now bc a bunch of rich a$$holes get involved, those of us who have suffered for decades can basically still get ignored, but the rich can have a new project to fix people & Look like “hero’s” or some shit. Whatever, they will only help people that l… See more8 . Fallon Pendleton-DoolinIf only insurance companies were compassionate about mental health. 8 . Val A. BaSo Sad…making Money out of mental health……there are so many things happening in the world…Nicaragua, El Salvador, Palestine etc. where mental health is a big problem. But also normal families who have an uncle, an aunt , a sister, a child e… See more8 . Amy PriceMental health is a huge issue yet the Libercrats turn a blind eye when it’s convenient and also push false information on people that don’t do their own research.6  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black Kricket SaucedoAh, yes… please interview the rich elites who can afford the perfect diets, proper medications, therapy, and everything else that helps mental illness and disorders. Nevermind the people who have crippling disorders and can’t afford any of the neces… See more44 . Matt Lindholm-GuentherPrince Harry? I’m not interested.7 . Wendy CookAs a mental health professional I don’t care who is brave enough to share their story. People from all walks of life have mental health struggles. I am grateful that there is attention brought to the need to prioritize mental health. For anyone who … See more4 . Fatmah KoukashWHAT IS HAPPENING IN PALESTIN !If you don’t know what’s been happening check the hashtag #SaveSheikhJarrah Because as we sit in our peaceful homes there are people getting kicked out opf theirs as we speak and it breaks my heart. … See more8 . Anita KoperStuff it Oprah You don’t do anything unless there is drama and sensationalism attached in it for you !!17  I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black I Don't Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Kayaking Vintage T-shirts Black

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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black

This is our best seller for a reason. Relaxed, tailored and ultra-comfortable, you’ll love the way you look in this durable, reliable classic 100% pre-shrunk cotton (heather gray color is 90% cotton/10% polyester, light heather gray is 98% cotton/2% polyester, heather black is 50% cotton/50% polyester) | Fabric Weight: 5.0 oz (mid-weight) Tip: Buying 2 products or more at the same time will save you quite a lot on shipping fees. You can gift it for mom dad papa mommy daddy mama boyfriend girlfriend grandpa grandma grandfather grandmother husband wife family teacher Its also casual enough to wear for working out shopping running jogging hiking biking or hanging out with friends Unique design personalized design for Valentines day St Patricks day Mothers day Fathers day Birthday More info 53 oz ? pre-shrunk cotton Double-needle stitched neckline bottom hem and sleeves Quarter turned Seven-eighths inch seamless collar Shoulder-to-shoulder taping If you love this shirt, please click on the link to buy it now: Tiffany Haddish has been rocking her elegant short cut since summer 2020, but when it came time to present at the 2021 Golden Globes, she took the look to a whole new level. “Tiffany’s stylist [Law Roach] came to me and suggested we color her hair,” hairstylist Ray Christopher tells Vogue. “I wanted something soft, something that didn’t create harsh lines but complemented her beauty. Blonde was the perfect color,” he says of the hue that paired nicely with her sequined Alberta Ferretti gown. “This might have been one of the most fun Golden Globes I’ve ever done in a long time,” Christopher added in an Instagram caption, explaining that the color was done a few days prior to the ceremony.  On tonight’s Golden Globes red carpet, Cynthia Erivo proved there’s no such thing as too much neon. As if her highlighter green Valentino Haute Couture gown wasn’t enough of a moment on its own, the Genius: Aretha star upped the ante on high-octane color with graphic strokes of purple eyeliner.”We wanted to create something that popped,” says makeup artist Terrell Mullin, who brought Erivo’s eye moment to life. After perfecting Erivo’s glowing complexion with Armani’s Luminous Silk foundation and concealer, the pro rimmed her upper and lower lashlines in combination of Armani Beauty’s Eye Tint in dark purple 53 and Eyes To Kill Designer Liner in Holographic Amethyst for brightness and dimension.“Purple eyeliner is a striking statement that immediately grabs the viewers’ attention,” says Mullin of the fluorescent touch of color. “It’s a true show look that amplifies her gorgeous eyes and adds some whimsy.” With dreaded Monday morning nearly upon us, let Erivo’s mood-boosting neon purple gaze inspire your next Zoom meeting look. “I was inspired by Amanda’s beautiful Oscar de la Renta gown,” Campora tells Vogue, “so I wanted a romantic and iconic style to complement her whole look.” To achieve it, Campora started off with FEKKAI Brilliant Gloss Perfecting Crème on Seyfried’s damp hair. Then, he applied a spritz of Kenra Nitro Memory Crème at the root for lift and protection before blowdrying with a round brush. Campora swooped the hair into a side part and curled lengths with a 1.5-inch curling iron, then pinned each curl while they cooled down. After removing the pins, he brushed out the hair (while Seyfried snacked on a few Girl Scout Samoa cookies) to get the softened look and finished off with FEKKAI Full Blown Volume Texturing Spray “for added texture and volume,” as well as a spray of Kenra Artformation Hairspray to ensure the look would last.  Product detail for this product: Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price. We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts. Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), PayPal, or prepayment by Check, Money Order, or Bank Wire. For schools, universities, and government organizations, we accept purchase orders and prepayment by check Vist our store at: This product belong to nang-tuong Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black This is our best seller for a reason. Relaxed, tailored and ultra-comfortable, you’ll love the way you look in this durable, reliable classic 100% pre-shrunk cotton (heather gray color is 90% cotton/10% polyester, light heather gray is 98% cotton/2% polyester, heather black is 50% cotton/50% polyester) | Fabric Weight: 5.0 oz (mid-weight) Tip: Buying 2 products or more at the same time will save you quite a lot on shipping fees. You can gift it for mom dad papa mommy daddy mama boyfriend girlfriend grandpa grandma grandfather grandmother husband wife family teacher Its also casual enough to wear for working out shopping running jogging hiking biking or hanging out with friends Unique design personalized design for Valentines day St Patricks day Mothers day Fathers day Birthday More info 53 oz ? pre-shrunk cotton Double-needle stitched neckline bottom hem and sleeves Quarter turned Seven-eighths inch seamless collar Shoulder-to-shoulder taping If you love this shirt, please click on the link to buy it now: Tiffany Haddish has been rocking her elegant short cut since summer 2020, but when it came time to present at the 2021 Golden Globes, she took the look to a whole new level. “Tiffany’s stylist [Law Roach] came to me and suggested we color her hair,” hairstylist Ray Christopher tells Vogue. “I wanted something soft, something that didn’t create harsh lines but complemented her beauty. Blonde was the perfect color,” he says of the hue that paired nicely with her sequined Alberta Ferretti gown. “This might have been one of the most fun Golden Globes I’ve ever done in a long time,” Christopher added in an Instagram caption, explaining that the color was done a few days prior to the ceremony.  On tonight’s Golden Globes red carpet, Cynthia Erivo proved there’s no such thing as too much neon. As if her highlighter green Valentino Haute Couture gown wasn’t enough of a moment on its own, the Genius: Aretha star upped the ante on high-octane color with graphic strokes of purple eyeliner.”We wanted to create something that popped,” says makeup artist Terrell Mullin, who brought Erivo’s eye moment to life. After perfecting Erivo’s glowing complexion with Armani’s Luminous Silk foundation and concealer, the pro rimmed her upper and lower lashlines in combination of Armani Beauty’s Eye Tint in dark purple 53 and Eyes To Kill Designer Liner in Holographic Amethyst for brightness and dimension.“Purple eyeliner is a striking statement that immediately grabs the viewers’ attention,” says Mullin of the fluorescent touch of color. “It’s a true show look that amplifies her gorgeous eyes and adds some whimsy.” With dreaded Monday morning nearly upon us, let Erivo’s mood-boosting neon purple gaze inspire your next Zoom meeting look. “I was inspired by Amanda’s beautiful Oscar de la Renta gown,” Campora tells Vogue, “so I wanted a romantic and iconic style to complement her whole look.” To achieve it, Campora started off with FEKKAI Brilliant Gloss Perfecting Crème on Seyfried’s damp hair. Then, he applied a spritz of Kenra Nitro Memory Crème at the root for lift and protection before blowdrying with a round brush. Campora swooped the hair into a side part and curled lengths with a 1.5-inch curling iron, then pinned each curl while they cooled down. After removing the pins, he brushed out the hair (while Seyfried snacked on a few Girl Scout Samoa cookies) to get the softened look and finished off with FEKKAI Full Blown Volume Texturing Spray “for added texture and volume,” as well as a spray of Kenra Artformation Hairspray to ensure the look would last.  Product detail for this product: Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price. We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts. Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), PayPal, or prepayment by Check, Money Order, or Bank Wire. For schools, universities, and government organizations, we accept purchase orders and prepayment by check Vist our store at: This product belong to nang-tuong

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 1

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 1

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 2

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 2

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 3

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 3

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 4

Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black - from 4

This is our best seller for a reason. Relaxed, tailored and ultra-comfortable, you’ll love the way you look in this durable, reliable classic 100% pre-shrunk cotton (heather gray color is 90% cotton/10% polyester, light heather gray is 98% cotton/2% polyester, heather black is 50% cotton/50% polyester) | Fabric Weight: 5.0 oz (mid-weight) Tip: Buying 2 products or more at the same time will save you quite a lot on shipping fees. You can gift it for mom dad papa mommy daddy mama boyfriend girlfriend grandpa grandma grandfather grandmother husband wife family teacher Its also casual enough to wear for working out shopping running jogging hiking biking or hanging out with friends Unique design personalized design for Valentines day St Patricks day Mothers day Fathers day Birthday More info 53 oz ? pre-shrunk cotton Double-needle stitched neckline bottom hem and sleeves Quarter turned Seven-eighths inch seamless collar Shoulder-to-shoulder taping If you love this shirt, please click on the link to buy it now: Tiffany Haddish has been rocking her elegant short cut since summer 2020, but when it came time to present at the 2021 Golden Globes, she took the look to a whole new level. “Tiffany’s stylist [Law Roach] came to me and suggested we color her hair,” hairstylist Ray Christopher tells Vogue. “I wanted something soft, something that didn’t create harsh lines but complemented her beauty. Blonde was the perfect color,” he says of the hue that paired nicely with her sequined Alberta Ferretti gown. “This might have been one of the most fun Golden Globes I’ve ever done in a long time,” Christopher added in an Instagram caption, explaining that the color was done a few days prior to the ceremony.  On tonight’s Golden Globes red carpet, Cynthia Erivo proved there’s no such thing as too much neon. As if her highlighter green Valentino Haute Couture gown wasn’t enough of a moment on its own, the Genius: Aretha star upped the ante on high-octane color with graphic strokes of purple eyeliner.”We wanted to create something that popped,” says makeup artist Terrell Mullin, who brought Erivo’s eye moment to life. After perfecting Erivo’s glowing complexion with Armani’s Luminous Silk foundation and concealer, the pro rimmed her upper and lower lashlines in combination of Armani Beauty’s Eye Tint in dark purple 53 and Eyes To Kill Designer Liner in Holographic Amethyst for brightness and dimension.“Purple eyeliner is a striking statement that immediately grabs the viewers’ attention,” says Mullin of the fluorescent touch of color. “It’s a true show look that amplifies her gorgeous eyes and adds some whimsy.” With dreaded Monday morning nearly upon us, let Erivo’s mood-boosting neon purple gaze inspire your next Zoom meeting look. “I was inspired by Amanda’s beautiful Oscar de la Renta gown,” Campora tells Vogue, “so I wanted a romantic and iconic style to complement her whole look.” To achieve it, Campora started off with FEKKAI Brilliant Gloss Perfecting Crème on Seyfried’s damp hair. Then, he applied a spritz of Kenra Nitro Memory Crème at the root for lift and protection before blowdrying with a round brush. Campora swooped the hair into a side part and curled lengths with a 1.5-inch curling iron, then pinned each curl while they cooled down. After removing the pins, he brushed out the hair (while Seyfried snacked on a few Girl Scout Samoa cookies) to get the softened look and finished off with FEKKAI Full Blown Volume Texturing Spray “for added texture and volume,” as well as a spray of Kenra Artformation Hairspray to ensure the look would last.  Product detail for this product: Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price. We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts. Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), PayPal, or prepayment by Check, Money Order, or Bank Wire. For schools, universities, and government organizations, we accept purchase orders and prepayment by check Vist our store at: This product belong to nang-tuong Curling The Perfect Combination Of Exercise And Sweeping Tshirts Black This is our best seller for a reason. Relaxed, tailored and ultra-comfortable, you’ll love the way you look in this durable, reliable classic 100% pre-shrunk cotton (heather gray color is 90% cotton/10% polyester, light heather gray is 98% cotton/2% polyester, heather black is 50% cotton/50% polyester) | Fabric Weight: 5.0 oz (mid-weight) Tip: Buying 2 products or more at the same time will save you quite a lot on shipping fees. You can gift it for mom dad papa mommy daddy mama boyfriend girlfriend grandpa grandma grandfather grandmother husband wife family teacher Its also casual enough to wear for working out shopping running jogging hiking biking or hanging out with friends Unique design personalized design for Valentines day St Patricks day Mothers day Fathers day Birthday More info 53 oz ? pre-shrunk cotton Double-needle stitched neckline bottom hem and sleeves Quarter turned Seven-eighths inch seamless collar Shoulder-to-shoulder taping If you love this shirt, please click on the link to buy it now: Tiffany Haddish has been rocking her elegant short cut since summer 2020, but when it came time to present at the 2021 Golden Globes, she took the look to a whole new level. “Tiffany’s stylist [Law Roach] came to me and suggested we color her hair,” hairstylist Ray Christopher tells Vogue. “I wanted something soft, something that didn’t create harsh lines but complemented her beauty. Blonde was the perfect color,” he says of the hue that paired nicely with her sequined Alberta Ferretti gown. “This might have been one of the most fun Golden Globes I’ve ever done in a long time,” Christopher added in an Instagram caption, explaining that the color was done a few days prior to the ceremony.  On tonight’s Golden Globes red carpet, Cynthia Erivo proved there’s no such thing as too much neon. As if her highlighter green Valentino Haute Couture gown wasn’t enough of a moment on its own, the Genius: Aretha star upped the ante on high-octane color with graphic strokes of purple eyeliner.”We wanted to create something that popped,” says makeup artist Terrell Mullin, who brought Erivo’s eye moment to life. After perfecting Erivo’s glowing complexion with Armani’s Luminous Silk foundation and concealer, the pro rimmed her upper and lower lashlines in combination of Armani Beauty’s Eye Tint in dark purple 53 and Eyes To Kill Designer Liner in Holographic Amethyst for brightness and dimension.“Purple eyeliner is a striking statement that immediately grabs the viewers’ attention,” says Mullin of the fluorescent touch of color. “It’s a true show look that amplifies her gorgeous eyes and adds some whimsy.” With dreaded Monday morning nearly upon us, let Erivo’s mood-boosting neon purple gaze inspire your next Zoom meeting look. “I was inspired by Amanda’s beautiful Oscar de la Renta gown,” Campora tells Vogue, “so I wanted a romantic and iconic style to complement her whole look.” To achieve it, Campora started off with FEKKAI Brilliant Gloss Perfecting Crème on Seyfried’s damp hair. Then, he applied a spritz of Kenra Nitro Memory Crème at the root for lift and protection before blowdrying with a round brush. Campora swooped the hair into a side part and curled lengths with a 1.5-inch curling iron, then pinned each curl while they cooled down. After removing the pins, he brushed out the hair (while Seyfried snacked on a few Girl Scout Samoa cookies) to get the softened look and finished off with FEKKAI Full Blown Volume Texturing Spray “for added texture and volume,” as well as a spray of Kenra Artformation Hairspray to ensure the look would last.  Product detail for this product: Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price. We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts. Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), PayPal, or prepayment by Check, Money Order, or Bank Wire. For schools, universities, and government organizations, we accept purchase orders and prepayment by check Vist our store at: This product belong to nang-tuong

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