Monday, November 16, 2020

Let'S Be Honest Being My Stepdad Is Way Easier Than Living With My Mom T-Shirt

All yeah sonext time you know maybe do it somewheredifferent. Seek it out like wefound the good one that we wan a Let'S Be Honest Being My Stepdad Is Way Easier Than Living With My Mom T-Shirt o gospeak at butthose four things that we just mentionedare a great snapshot of a community ifyou’re just gonna spend a day or twothere in terms of taking pictures I didan experiment I think for a year I wroteabout it in our book essential which isan essay collection at 150 essays inthere and I think the title that I saidwas something like why I don’t takephotos during vacation and and it wasreally about being present being in themoment it was an experiment I did for awhile where I refused any time I went ona vacation or traveling somewhere Irefused to take a photo and then what Ilearned from that is I’d also didn’twant to deprive myself of taking asnapshot at the moment I have a goodfriend of ours Adam who is aphotographer and he is a very town ofphotography took many of our picturesearly on for the website and he he wastalking about how he was considering hewas contemplating switching from digitalhe had this nice digital camera takeGregg takes great pictures. Just go to ourYouTube page there youtube com slash theminimalists we have two TEDx talks thereI did one and he did all the backgroundtheatrics that one was this year andthen a couple years ago he did onecalled a rich life with a less and inthat TEDx talk he talks about thispacking party where he boxed upeverything that he owns literallypretended like he was moving so he hadthis huge 2 000 square foot condo andeverything he owned he boxed up as if hewere moving so even his furniture hiselectronics his toiletries his clotheshis kitchen utensils everything that heowned pretending he was moving and overthe course of about three weeks heunboxed only the items he needed and helearned some pretty important lessonsthroughout that process mainly at theend of this three week process 80 ofhis stuff was still in boxes and you’relike I can’t even remember what’s inmost of these boxes I worked so hardover the last decade to accumulate allover the last decade to accumulate allthese things to make me happy but thosethings aren’t

Source: Let'S Be Honest Being My Stepdad Is Way Easier Than Living With My Mom T-Shirt

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Let'S Be Honest Being My Stepdad Is Way Easier Than Living With My Mom T-Shirt
Let'S Be Honest Being My Stepdad Is Way Easier Than Living With My Mom T-Shirt

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Inalignment I in her gut and alcohol ifshe drinks more than like just a Let'S Be Honest Being My Stepdad Is Way Easier Than Living With My Mom T-Shirt coupledrinks it really hurts her and for melike if I like over the weekend I don’tknow how many drinks I had but likeMonday morning I woke up and I had likeyou know like the rosy red cheek I myscalp was really dry so there are theseadverse effects that um that yeah wehave definitely been you know kind offlirting with cutting it out but I guessyou know when it comes to alcohol ingeneral I would just say like no alcoholis not the devil right but if it issomething that you have in your lifethat is a pacifier and it is havingan adverse effect meaning that it is itis a net negative in your life then itcertainly is something that you knowsome you know people should stay awayfrom so during the holiday seasonyeah if first off don’t feel pressuredto drink but if you’re someone who hasyou know an issue with alcohol then likeif it was me I would avoid the situationlike if I was really really strugglingwith alcoholI wouldn’t went to the lake last we. We livedin the cabin in the middle of nowherepopulation 870 with that 2020 ruleworked really really well so if you’resomeone who’s holding onto a bunch ofjust incase items yeah start with thatrule that to start getting start gettingrid of stuff the 9090 rule basically ifyou have an object you haven’t used inthe last 90 days you’d be honest withyourself as you if you ask yourself ifyou’re gonna use it in the next 90 daysand the answer is no to get rid of itit’s it’s that covers pretty much allseasons um again our theory is is itworks 99 at a time but that’s just saidit works the majority of the time butyeah incorporating habits like that willhelp you maintain but you gotta stick tothose habits it’s like any otherany other habits you bring into yourlife like I said with working out likeonce you stop well then guess whatyou’re going to start to get unhealthyagain yeah and one of the things I’vereally found empowering allowed me to tolet go of many of the things I washolding on to it’s called the tin tinmaterial possessions. EarlyJanuary she tweeted me and said have youcreated your top ten list or top 15 it’san awesome list dude every year like Ilook forward to it man it’s such awesomereviews I appreciate that and so I’vegot 15 of them there and then somehonorable mentions on the list and I’mcurrently listening to a group called aquill oh they have an awesome EP andhopefully one day they’ll put a a albumout and it’ll make it onto one of theselists so the minimalist calm slash soundcheck it out and let me know you cancomment there as well on on my Google post which is where the minimalist calmslash sound will take you I’d love tohear some of your favorite picks of 2015yeah for me this week I’ve got to giveit give a shout out to my friend RobinDevine over at she makes hats calm whoknitted methis delightful wool hat that I’mwearing right now let’s be honest shehas knitted you at least seven differenthats and it’s not because he’s hoardinghats it’s because he loses somehow Millywhy you gotta call me out like that okayso she made me this
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