Thursday, November 5, 2020

So God Made A Farmer Chicken Flower Vintage Retro T Shirt

Of real consequence for everything we can economy and health children kind of country we live in all online really the worst public health crisis sensory management the worst economic the Great Depression a So God Made A Farmer Chicken Flower Vintage Retro T Shirt little reckoning with has brought a new coalition of constant to the streets of our country find out the line I found people who elected every challenge me even more difficult to solve the failed and Donald Trent 83 consider better faculty fellow cell can now will be an incredible first lady is great great upright of extended family. Was Charged with Investigating Trump University This Is the Difference between a Foundation That Does Good Work As Secretary Of State Who Acted in Accord with American Interest in Somebody Who Is Conflicted in Doing Work around the World and Won’t Share with the American Public What He’s Doing and What Does Conflicts Are Responsible Want to North Korea to Take the Trump Foundations a Private Family Foundation They Give Virtually Every Cent in the Trump Foundation to Charitable Causes Leslie 10 on the Dollar and the Clinton Foundation Has Gone to Terrible Cause I Thousand Dollars Portrait Transcends on the Dollar the Clinton Foundation Is Not a Terrible Causes It Has Been a Platform for for the Clintons to Travel the World to Have Staff but Honestly Center We Would Know A Lot More about It Hillary Clinton Would Just Turn over the 33 000 Emails Which You Private Foundations North Korean with Lawrence and Reaching Preemptive Action If We Look a President Should Take Action to Defend United States against Him and You Have To Present. One of the worst child predators even though he is no day by present me to be here all you be there was for me now with cancer when the first people who called me with general real warmth and incurring if call me and say it made me cry current president has made me cry too but it’s never anything to do with his warmth occurring so you start a cancer sure knows that we all understand surfing loss may repeat that is also something about sacrifice he volunteered and was deployed to Afghanistan and returned to become highly effective public servant to good evening Biden lived a life of service in office and in uniform we put your life on the line for this country you do it because it’s the country you live in but because it’s a country you believe in I believe in this country because America uniquely holds the promise of a place where everyone can belong we know that for too many and for too long that promise has been denied but we also know America is at its best when we make that circle of belonging wider just

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Listen that’s what it’s about masks most child molesters love the whole the if you were a So God Made A Farmer Chicken Flower Vintage Retro T Shirt child molester would you not want to see the entire kids face why would you God oh my God all my God I don’t know what you know is I think I happen to know when I see a beautiful woman and she’s wearing a mask I think I wonder if she’s got an upgrade or downgrade maybe she is adding a beautiful smile or maybe she’s hiding some buckled teeth is she one issue with its winning. Go there is a third actress I can remember thinking at the time of these would fit to be one woman so it must be for another role that they’re all going in for turns out was wonder what you are going in for they selected her now before I give my opinion about this let me preface what I want to say with this I’m going to give this a shot when the movie opens going with check my prejudices at the door check my preconceived notions at the door going space a movieand I’ll judge it on some errands but since were talking outand we just heard about it I got to my first impressions this is terrible terrible casting just awful because for several reasons number one I was one of the simpler things out of the way I want 95 pound one woman dies a beautiful woman absolutely that’s gracious got exotic looking at one for woman what all that kind of stuff but what incarnation when we look at where there’s the complex animated movies or whatever one only 95 pounds we need somebody a little bit more like oh the enemy fire they were just time at the other day who seems to some aluminum or physically do like her now rated you can get her on the horse steroids get her pumping iron as fast he can pull a little muscle on but her frame I’m sorry that is not one of the other reason I have a problem with this is fastand furious she has been acceptable for the role she was playing but I’ve never look at her snatch something this actress cannot only play in a small sign role this actress put on her own shoulders carry a franchiseand you know that DCand Warner Bro are just planning on using a wonder woman just as a little side character ministerial to another user is now our wonder woman for the Justice league universe moving for you know the wonder woman franchise now based around her I never believe that she is the type of doctors who carry a franchise sell for for those plus she’s language a little bit so for all those reasons physically I don’t think it’s a criteria I don’t think she has that level of acting ability to carry an entire major league franchise on her shoulders I just don’t see now maybe we’ll go see ministerial two 2015and she will blow our socks off we got it open the possibility it’s very possible escape our fingers crossed I like the casting decisions Warner Broand Zack Snyder made so far so we give them the benefit of the doubt my initial reaction is this is awful anyway we think Campbell got back in town select training than the male sortand will I’m good to give her the benefit of the doubt I think whether she’s a great actress in the fastand the furious actorsand actresses always have the different roles so if they saw that the actor you come up with your character firstand then go get the best actor for what were saying I not giving disclaimers to death here she might end up being awesome we have to remain open to that possibility comes from an island of Amazon’s who’s to say that all the position you incarnated in the same site as my or my quibbles with thisand she’s gonna bulk up she might not have the building frame of what’s the idealized version of one woman but in a mean that’s neither here nor there for me as long as they keep true to the actual characterand make a really cool character out of this version of oneand that’s all that matters in a I’m sure that they got it under control so I’m yes if I just as you were to hear that they cast downand out but in a minute just like Ben Affleck for minerals like wineand I like now is actually that makes a lot of sense so in a bout healingand hope hoping I’m I’m right I wanted to be horrible here today I’m I’m I’m very negative on this I think this is a terrible decision but there is not entity anybody more hoping that they this was this that this is a stroke of genius I would hope that this is a stroke of geniusand that she can knock your socks offand is going to be awesome keep our fingers crossed my enthusiasm of our lives who are official first topic today how long are you going to acquaint before considering that out to to the role of the over The other day we talked about where confess if you go from here now stuff three options that they had this was one of the options not because I don’t think it’s it’s a valid option because I never dreamed in 1 million years universal consider being already halfway done filming scrapping of they got reworked the scriptand start again that’s what they’re doing okay with it actually I’m totally okay that like logisticallyand makes life a lot simpler despite the fact that start over again then say trying to patchwork in makeshiftand very awkward departure of the Paul Walker character out of the film because it’s not like they were 90 done filming they just had finished his last couple of scenes all that kind of stuff now once again on the actual options does not have their party replaced with another actor I will still firmly stand on the ground that you replace them with another actor absolutely replaced with another actor I mention this the other day but it bears repeating their some people say respect for Paul Walker you don’t replace them that’s bull crap that is absolute stupidityand nonsense because if you’re a guy like Paul Walker who pour your heart passion mine soul strength everything into that characterand that role you honor him by making it the best fastand furious ever there was some guy who was an architect right now this dream of a building this story skyscraperand when it was 60 stories tall he passed away he wants to go welland respect for him to stop it at 60 stories now if you honor him you take that building all the way to where was supposed to go on the shoulders of what he built the Paul Walker fast appears as important as the rock is become fastand furious is about Domand Brian that’s what this franchise is about is about Domand Brian anything planning to take this to fastand furious nineand 10 with Domand Brian Paul Walker you take it to nine or 10 with Donand write this some people say well you know I will deal with you some Your Pl. We are renewing home and help more people see only just about the best more like a very 122 next Indiana here in South Bend we once feared that our best days were behind us but then we reimagined our economy with new jobs and new industries the Hoosier state is ready to lead America’s recovery with our diverse communities are talented workers and our best in the world agriculture Joe Biden’s plan gives us a blueprint to revitalize industrial cities and rural areas like Indiana Cas two votes for my friend Bernie Sanders 86 votes for the next president Joe Biden we’re going to talk to you tonight about biofuels the powerful storm that swept dry last week to take the terrible farmers for small businesses and their families were still without power for what generation are worried about the next generation many of our world find out if I had a plan to help the and will healthcare Sarah you made great place where were rated generation probably Sanders 35 is our president Joe Biden Kentucky one day
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