Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Essential Af 2020 T Shirt

Said though is itdoesn’t necessarily align with who I ambut it provides me a Essential Af 2020 T Shirt comfortablepaycheck I make a good living and it wasa five or six out of ten and that thatplace is dangerous because it preventsus from making the change is gonna befar more meaningful so as you’re askingyourself some questions jack askyourself some questions are gonna makeyou uncomfortable what is my passiondoes this career will align with myvalues can I cultivate this into apassion and if so can I turn it into mymission I’m gonna talk about the obverseof that for a second let’s say that Jackdoes decide to start a career which youdoes decide to start a career which youknow we’re not gonna tell you to or notto do that but let’s say that you lookyou’re looking at this career I’m gonnastart this the question I want to beasking myself is am I going to have timeto cultivate passion am I am I going tohave time to cultivate these hobbiesbecause if you’re getting out of collegeyes you’re gonna have to find a jobyou’re gonna have to eventually. I mean yeah it’sdefinitely an awesome platform yeah forsure and so for 2017 as we get back tobasics I’m gonna continue to focus on myhealth I won’t have a lot of updates foryou until I make some progress because Idon’t want to just say well here’s whereI stand right now I want to say here’swell here’s what I’ve learned because Iwant to help you if you have any sort ofissues around that and so my chemicalsensitivities are really bad this yearwe had a new office a new recordingstudio set up here at the University ofMontana there’s a startup incubator herewhich sounds far more impressive than itactually is but it’s a pretty sweetplace yeah it’s a cool building and thatwe had this this room recarpet it andrefinished with with paint and we hadthe furniture set up and like we wereready to go with this brand newbeautiful recording studio that we weresetting out but I was so terriblysensitive to theeverything in that room the paint thecarpet everything else that we had tojust we had to leave we had to strip upthe carpet and. Shack essentiallythat was just falling down on them andokayyou should have seen this shag it waslike it was two classrooms in the shackand they had like a 3 foot wall dividingthem so like the teachers literallywould have to like talk over each otherwhen they when they would teach and thenwhen it rained I mean the if they had aroof and the rain was coming in fromother places and they would have tocancel school and it was it was justunbelievable like the to be able to goover there and you had just like givethem like a really awesome upgrade and Igotta tell you when when you’re welcomenow I thank you for coming but not youknow I remember when we were like at theparty where they were like you knowbasically thanking us I partnered with anon profit coffee roaster slash cafethat was over there called Jaicoffeehouse and they were thanking usand it was it was really funny becauseI’m and of course I’m getting this newtranslation I didn’t practice um on mymy llao llao language but but anyway umI I remember the guy saying you

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Friends from my former lifeback in the corporate world who havetalked to me about yeah we finallystarted a Essential Af 2020 T Shirt donation box they thought Iwas crazy when I was first becoming aminimalist and I didn’t try to impose mybrand of of minimalism on them theystarted seeing the benefits and so theywanted on board too and if you can ifyou can really tap into those benefitsyou’ll see that you don’t even have toget them to ask and they’ll startputting things in the donation boxbecause they are gonna be mirroring youthey’re not going it’s gonna be muchharder for you to try to force them togive away half of their things orwhatever they’re not gonna be on boardwith that but if they see the benefitsand they see that you’re doing it andyou are personally experiencing somebenefits they’re gonna start mirroringyou we all know that kids a mirror forsure I mean I see this with with Ellaall the time and and I know that if ifI’m trying to explain something to herthe best way for me to explain somethingto her is by doing the thing by havingher. Thiscomes from DJ eighty this review istitled awesome awesome DJ eighty writesit’s so refreshing I never realized howbombarded with ads I was until Ilistened to this ad free podcast well weare really really glad that youappreciate that we want to make sure weadd as much value as possible and yeahwe don’t want to sell you a bunch ofcrap we just want you to have what youneed you know it’s interesting because Ilisten to a lot of podcast and I feelthe same wayit’s we used to okay there isn’tanything inherently wrong withadvertisers I think we should we shouldjust put that out there they can be abit dangerous though I mean if youremember growing up in Ohio we had somepretty terrible local advertisementsLaRosa’s pizza remember that yeah fourseven one one one oneBob’s no big bugs carpet yes oh buthere’s the thing like I never feltcompelled to go to big Bob’s to topurchase carpet I didn’t feel like thisimpulse to purchase immediately thoseare terrible commercials and so theyweren’t very dangerous at the time butadvertisements. York City and he hasdone a bunch of really amazingcommercial work a very talented visualgenius but hadn’t done a feature lengthfilm yet and he had wanted to dosomething meaningful and with hiscreative skills and talents and so hedecided you know what if I can partnerup with these guys after we talked himinto it basically I can create somethingmeaningful and so three years ago westarted working on a documentary and wedid that because we didn’t want thisjourney to continue to just be the Joshand Ryan show it’s great that we have amessage that we’re able to communicatewith people but and they’re able to findvalue in it but let’s show people thereare other lifestyles out there as wellso with the documentary we went outthere and we we interviewed minimalistfamilies and minimalist architects andminimalist entrepreneurs and travelersand tiny house enthusiasts and soAssociate wait so economistsand neuropsychology Errol psychologistsand neuroscientists and we found thatthey’re basically all of these differentall of these different
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