Monday, May 10, 2021

I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt

I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt

And continue to fight for us though you have been wronged so much the I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt s time to spice things up july 6th coming to fentybeauty sephora harvey nichols and sephorainjcp. New york I have added some extra 7pm and 9pm performances across the soho playhouse dates 6 24 feb get it done info tickets Funny babyyodateeshirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt Nice babyyodateeshirt Trending Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: babyyodateeshirt Joaquin Castro Invites Harassment of His Own Constituents For Their Support of President Trump The Democrats all consuming hatred of President Trump leads to some Dale Sand This knucklehead and his twin brother has never done anything good for the State of Texas ever Union workers need to be VERY careful and think twice about supporting a I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt Democrat in 2020 They want to totally get rid of American’s private health insurance which would include your excellent health benefits Sally Pipes Union workers be careful what you wish for 2020 Dems might ruin your excellent health benefits Union workers have some of the best health benefits around Medicare for All would take those benefits away and lead to long waits for poor quality care Ryan Moore I will not be supporting a socialist I mean a Democrat in 2020 or ever Instead I’ll vote for America and for all Americans to succeed Mohammad Diinooz The only thing I can support you with is thinking about the lives of ordinary workers because workers are the eyes of the community Scaramucci who like so many others had nothing to do with my Election victory is only upset that I didn t want him back in the Administration where he desperately wanted to be Also I seldom had time to return his many calls to me He just wanted to be on TV. And go down to the end of the hall is directly beside the human resource department number 68 what is the man’s problem number 69 where will the men probably go next number 70 where is the technical support staff office located go on to the next page hard for directions you will hear some short talks given by a single speaker you will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk select the best response to each question. I’m back to let you know I can really shake’ em down and I just missed your birthday I see maybe you could regard this like a hand grenade and say it came close enough dedication for those who know or at least want to our modern vantage point is far too obscured for this to be entirely accurate especially when our communication skills have been demented by deception ever since we learned how to talk which is probably natural for a species so desperately in need of answers so all corrections are appreciated and all literary efforts are welcome this is after all meant to be a colloaborative effort so only a few central characters will be introduced here writing the actual play falls to you dossier starring rocky mountains the showstopper ice ages co starring the plateau featuring colorado sea cameo volcanic relief special guest appearance parallel lines and introducing the hinge rocky mountains since this project is meant to improve everyone’s awareness of our surroundings by increasing our understanding of how the grand canyon was formed its focus will remain on the rocky mountains however some relevant detours will be explored such as noting how incredibly remarkable it is to live on a planet that developed two entirely new mountain ranges the rockies and the himalayas at virtually the same time about fifty five million years ago and in areas almost diametrically opposed to one another in the northern hemisphere maybe these occurrences were completely random maybe the secret of these twin mountain ranges can be found in the potsdam potato since it shows a vortex of gravitational activity over the indian ocean directly above the back edge of the indian subcontinent in ideal position to leverage it across the sea of course that would require the vortex to have remained in a most the exact same position for millions of years barely vacillating after it separated india from the northeast corner of africa but we don’t know enough about how gravitational fields work to say whether or not this is likely let alone truthful maybe this simultaneous mountain building is simply a result of cause and effect tectonic movement the himalayas became inevitable as soon as india broke free the only real question was where it would eventually collide with the asian shelf yet the impact of a partial tectonic plate whirling into a larger land mass could have been anticipated especially when the redistribution of weight had an effect on the planet’s equilibrium and since the rockies began their abnormal evolution tens of millions of years before the himalayas it’s possible the rockies were a necessary response that prevented an imbalance that had the potential to induce a wobble which could have threatened earth’s rotation and possibly endangered its orbit meaning these mountains could have been a planetary version of affixing sails to both the fore and aft of a boat to better control its trajectory or maybe as earth’s crust cooled and grew thick enough to deprive the mantle of direct sunlight maybe the simple action of rotating on its axis provided enough centrifugal force to naturally push the growing abundance of cold rocks in opposite directions where in a matter of convenience to the hot mantle they were deposited under the continents and eventually elevated the plateaus to heights that exposed them to crushing glaciers high velocity winds and relentless erosion until the huge boulders were worn down into more palatable fragments that were more easily digested once they were shoved beneath the surface for recycling ah the challenges that await one thing is certain after the sun erupted into being every planet in this solar system was a red hot mess for about a billion years earth was one of many galactic pinballs that accumulated mass through collisions with other objects as they all increased in size near the end of this violent phase of planet building the tiny scraps in the asteroid belt between jupiter and mars qualified as little more than a cosmic slag pile outside of the quarry that assembled four planets in the inner oort cloud although those four planets are not now what they once were mercury is commonly viewed as the first of these four planets but that’s just bad information based on thinking we’re smart enough to see what’s going on from a mere glance mercury is not a planet like the other moon sized orbs in this solar system mercury never gained enough mass to establish its own orbit let alone inflict its will so it ended up in a tug of war with a larger competitor and got flung from its original place in space judging by it’s size this place was somewhere just beyond mars farther if it emerged from the outer oort cloud there were all kinds of pinballs flying around out there but the fact that we don’t even know where mercury formed in the oort cloud speaks volumes about how little we know in general the first four planets got smaller as they evolved farther from the sun venus started closest and it’s the largest mars is farthest and smallest that makes the other two planets a mystery since there only appears to be one of them again that’s a face value assessment and it’s incorrect the second planet remains in its original order it is earth so that means the third planet seems to have disappeared which is quite comical since it passes us all exactly once every day what romantics might describe as this solar system’s great love affair began long before earth and luna became attracted to one another they grew up very close to each other like next door neighbors and this proximity made it inevitable that they would get together once they matured as they got bigger earth tugged luna towards the sun as if seeking a public display of affection luna meanwhile lured earth away from the sun as if seeking some privacy before confirming their mutual attraction round and round they went dancing in the starlight they just couldn’t resist each other then when they found time to have an intimate moment their embrace lit up the skies on planets and moons alike luna was devastated by the encounter it was left as a shell of its former self so broken up that it spent millions of years picking up the pieces of its shattered existence having no choice in the matter it collected remnants from the fallout just to get back to a third of its original size another third maybe more was absorbed by its estranged partner the rest was vaporized or ejected into space luna was reduced to an empty core surrounded by a collection of cold castaway rocks forever incapable of generating its own momentum its essence had been stolen by earth and its orbit became fixed leaving it to stare out into the cosmos permanently dazed and seemingly unwilling to so much as dignify the presence of the planet that had enraptured destroyed and confined it it was a trajedy but still a beautiful necessity for the planet that yearned to breathe a similar romance played out on the far side of the asteroid belt four planets evolved jupiter closest to the sun is the biggest neptune is farthest and smallest only four times bigger than earth and yet it appears to be a mere speck in comparison to the gaseous giants circling the outer oort cloud where dependable heat will not arrive until the sun enters its red giant phase the distances between the planets are far greater out there which allowed hundreds of moons to evolve before they were scooped up as satellites or thrown out of the solar system and into deep space perhaps these distances explain why uranus never fell under saturn’s spell although uranus does maintain the most eccentric orbit on the solar plane and its axis is tilted at a ninety eight degrees which means it rumbles along like a bowling ball instead of spinning like a top and does so as if it were drunk so maybe these two extreme characteristics in addition to the extra distances between the planets were all necessary conditions that allowed uranus to escape saturn’s influence then again these abnormalities may be indications that they too are irrevocably attracted to one another and are therefore destined to have a massive collision in which case it might be wise to wonder if earth had more plentiful and vibrant rings than luna before they had their little rendezvous ah the challenges as the withering fire from the great collisions subsided earth was just as listless as luna still luna’s forfeit may have been the only irregularity during planetary evolution in the inner oort cloud and earth is the only planet with water so maybe these two facts are related there is another possibility to explain water favorable conditions and proportions of elements were produced within a certain radius by the sun’s explosive inception in what we commonly refer to as the goldilocks zone this might only seem likely if evidence of water is found on mars in the absence of hard evidence we can only consider probabilities based on available facts mars is farther from the sun and therefore cooler than earth so its surface hardened first this could have made it hospitable to liquids sooner but how much sooner tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions mars is roughly half the size of earth so it would take a much smaller volume of liquid to cover seventy percent of it’s surface which is how it is here but why couldn’t the percentage be different if the percentage was higher there would be less surface area for lakes or rivers form and therefore less evidence of their existence and the opposite would be true if the percentage was lower also the colder average temperature on mars would mean ice ages were a lot more intense than the ones we’ve seen here even if they didn’t involve drinkable water that could have promoted life mars also has a massive gash on its face that extends across more than ten percent of its entire surface it’s a truly remarkable scar called the valles marineris and it’s four times as long as the grand canyon as well as over five times as wide that makes it about fifty times larger than the grand canyon considering how much smaller mars is than earth now the current explanation for valles marineris which should set off your bullshit detector is that it’s just a humongous crack in the surface this would be a surface with mountains that prove there was prolonged tectonic activity on the planet so why would magma not have bubbled up through the massive wound and tried to close it the fact of the matter is that our grand canyon is extremely young and it’s adjacent to the painted desert so if the valles marineris is right next to the juvantae chasm which is also absurdly colorful and amazing to look at then both areas on both planets were more than likely created by similar events those would be similar liquid driven events and that increases the likelihood that mars once held oceans and since these oceans could have easily covered most of the surface including the area around valles marineris and juvantae chasm these two landmarks might be showing us where the last martian liquids drained away of course both factors could be required before a planet can develop water it may need to come together within a certain proximity to a fledgling star and it may need to benefit from a collision of a certain combined mass so maybe mars had a romantic interlude of its own a menage a’ trois with it’s two more manageable satellites after they all conspired to ship mercury out of their celestial boudoir while earth and luna were moping around the sun surface temperatures here were measured in thousands of degrees meaning liquids would have been predominantly suspended in the air as gases in addition these temperatures would not have dropped evenly around the world earth’s orbit was still static at the time so the far side of the planet was constantly exposed to darkness as well as the frigid excess of space it therfore cooled much faster than the near side where the sun’s heat kept the surface churning while its gravity drew undulations and little peaks skyward so within a few short tens of millions of years the dark side developed an eggshell thin crust while the bright side built a couple of land masses dotted with hundreds of hills stretching upward like tiny peeps in a birds’ nest the effect was kind of like a sword maker drawing a glowing blade from a forge and plunging it into a bucket of water but only on one side the cold side contracted while expansion towards the sun on the warm side caused a weight imbalance causing the planet to spin on its axis at the same time it became slightly more oblong than round as if it had been squeezed together at the poles a billion years of rapid cooling ensued the crust which has only hardened to a few miles thick in modern oceanic plates and anywhere between twenty to thirty miles thick in modern continental shelves was still exceptionally thin when earth was young maybe the plates were approaching a mile thick and the shelves a few miles they slid past each other with relative ease since there were only two massive continents and their edges were lubricated by molten seams just below the surface the northern continent was comprised of asia and north america with the latter high in the arctic and the entire land mass was at a forty five degree angle to how it appears today the southern continent included africa antarctica australia and south america which is an accurate total of six since europe is and always has been on the same continental shelf as asia before earth became inhabitable the crust was still unstable enough for magma to break through with great regularity this relieved pressure as the plates and shelves drifted about and enhanced lubrication wherever lava flows reached the seams it also sped up the cooling process as the volcanoes spewed ash into the sky the magic of life began as soon as the surface dropped below two hundred ten degrees although we have yet to pinpoint exactly when this occurred it also remains possible that life blossomed a little sooner slightly underground out of the sun’s view since iron and water are all that are required for amino acids to form and amino acids are the building blocks of dna the pacific plate is where water most likely ponded first regardless if there was a residual effect from being the quicker cooling side of the planet it had thousands of craters from being assaulted by meteors not to mention millions of ripples and undulations all perfect for ponding and the formation of lakes and then seas and oceans that presented another barrier to deprive the mantle from the light of day evaporation and condensation led to steamy humidity earth was saturated with sensuous rain volcanoes may very well have brought about their own demise after a billion years of dominance but not before they built the planet’s first mountain range the makhonjwa mountains in southern africa produced some of the richest diamond and gold mines we’ve ever found the fact that veins of gold were able to solidify on the surface shows that the temperature had dropped below two thousand degrees while the ejection of bulk quantities of carbon suggest the mantle’s temperature was still higher than its melting point much as earth’s core remains today the hamersley range in australia rose into being a few hundred million years after the makhonjwas erupted the hamersleys have a high content of iron ore and iron has a higher melting point than gold this iron hardened as the crust grew thicker beneath the surface where it presented an obstruction to the pyroclastic flow that was feeding the volcanoes only a few hundred miles away this was an inconvenience so it was pushed aside where it accumulated under the continental shelf until it produced a bulge that through an arduous process that lasted more than half a billion years was pushed up to the surface the bulge was deeper than it was high none of the hamersleys are close to a mile high today and it was constantly shoved by the free flowing mantle until it broke australia off of africa and pushed it eastward leaving behind fissures and faultlines that eventually freed antarctica as well two more mountain ranges began to form in southern africa about three billion years ago both were just as slow to grow as the hamersleys the waterberg range sprouted about 2 7 billion years ago and took eight hundred million years to reach full prominence they contain a generous amount of sandstone which is ideal for cultivating lush environs and were therefore infinitely important to how life evolved but it’s the magaliesberg range that preceded them by three hundred million years that probably hold the key to understanding exactly what happened in the area to fully appreciate the entire situation we need to keep in mind that all four of earth’s earliest mountain ranges evolved within a few hundred miles of each other the region was a hotbed for volcanic and seismic activity for about two billion years and the magaliesbergs were at the center of it all they started on a rather low plateau that accumulated airborne sediments until three billion years ago when a volcanic dome began to form as lava worked its way into weak areas and air pockets inside of the thickest crust on earth pressure built and fissures developed as the dome pushed the plateau higher and higher something had to give that was when a supervolcano blew the place to pieces it surely wasn’t the first supervolcano it was merely the first one to carve its signature in stone for anyone to see all strata that hadn’t been blown clear was ruptured by the eruptions the hills that had been built above the bubble collapsed when it popped they more or less fell into the crater and became fixed in place by planetary masonry as the sixty five thousand acre lava field cooled setting them at improbable angles this was another beautiful catastrophe that worked to our advantage and in the end it just might be that these four mountain ranges anchored africa in place with the three that remain on the continent explaining why it has barely wavered throughout history barely drifting north and slightly east always on the opposite side of the planet from the pacific never to come in direct contact with it south america was next to develop mountains about two billion years ago these are the guiana highlands they were also attached to the original southern continent and contain diamonds iron and gold but there aren’t any volcanoes near them so these metals arrived on the surface by being pushed up from below by the original slow method of mountain building like the hamersleys the guianas are relatively low only a few of them crest over a mile high and they also rest on a bulge that extends deep beneath the surface and was propelled by pyroclastic flow to separate south america from africa beginning about 1 7 billion years ago right around the same time enough pressure had built beneath the northern continent for volcanoes to start building the black hills these are located at the very center of what would become north america these gold laden hills took almost a billion years to fully develop because the southern half of the range was pushed up from below another trait the black hills had in common with their african cousins is that they originated in the coldest region on the planet only near the arctic as opposed to the antarctic while this also produced a huge bulge under the continental shelf this one did not develop enough traction to part the conjoined continent this only added to the tectonic stress in the area so much so that another volcanic area developed a few hundred miles away this began halfway through the black hills’ evolution about one and a half billion years ago and resulted in the saint francois mountains once again lava became trapped in the bulging crust and both mountain ranges experienced supervolcanoes once the pressure became too great for the planet to bear as these early mountain groups settled and became inactive the crust solidified enough to prevent the plates and shelves from floating about like so many giant gears on the face of a grand old clock yet calibration was required before they could rotate cohesively the pacific plate has always been the largest tectonic feature on the planet it may have once encompassed as much as half of the surface before mountain building began and even though it lost a few teeth over time it still represents a third of the surface today so it always had enough mass to impose itself on it’s neighbors to be the catalyst for synchronized movement the one great cog capable of setting the tectonic machinery in cohesive motion and keeping it in proper working order the pacific may have originally been set in motion by the swirling magma in the mantle but it certainly assumed a clockwise rotation once it bit into the soft underbelly of the asian shelf asia was close to eight thousand miles across at the time so it represented about a quarter of the surface when it came into contact with the pacific meaning that once these two behemoths got firm grips on each other over half and as much as two thirds of the crust began to work in unison asia assumed a counterclockwise rotation as if the pacific would have permitted anything else and this created a tremendous amount of stress near the pinchpoint where the two great gears were in direct conflict relief was again provided by volcanic activity and as the pinchpoint rotated down the asian coast it left behind a train of hundreds of volcanoes the most intense eruptions were usually very close to the pinchpoint and many volcanoes went dormant as they traveled farther away from it their procession is plainly visible on any map starting from the northeastern corner of modern russia where at least twenty nine volcanoes formed the kamchatka peninsula continuing parallel to the coast where no less than a hundred and eighteen volcanoes built japan and sliding farther south onto one of the pacific’s broken teeth where thirty seven or more volcanoes created the philippines meaning a generous percentage of earth’s volcanoes granted us some of the most awe inspiring splendor we could have ever hoped for the pinchpoint also exerted its influence over the mantle which has always been in flux with major flows intensifying and receding around subcurrents generated at various levels all the way down to the core some of the friction caused by the world’s largest land masses grinding on its largest ocean was transferred onto the pyroclastic flow as they pushed down on it this created a current running from south to north and from west to east along the pacific’s outer edge it was once powerful enough to have pulled at all of the continents even the implacable africa like feeding hunks of meat into a sausage grinder australia and antarctica hadn’t gone very far before they were drawn back to africa where they nuzzled against it’s chin like a couple of lost children reunited with their mother south america too had ventured only a short distance and it returned to whisper in africa’s ear and as they drifted to the northeast together asia snuggled the top of africa’s brow like a proud parent who had just watched their child do something marvelous this was the face of pangea the supercontinent as asia squeezed the mediterranean sea into africa much of the tectonic resistance was registered in the middle of the european peninsula this gave rise to the alpine mountains the increasing pressure across the width of asia also required some kind of relief and this was provided by the most concentrated area of volcanic activity in earth’s history iceland unlike the famous ring of fire that almost encircles the pacific which happens to be the only area that surpasses the planet’s most underappreciated workhorse in seismic activity or tectonic importance iceland is rather diminutive a virtual dot in an ocean that’s half the size of the pacific making it a poignant example of looks can be deceiving because it’s the most prolific mover and shaker in history to this day it’s still responsible for a third of earth’s volcanic activity although that percentage was certainly higher a few hundred million years ago since the burgeoning island served as the powder keg that blew asia in two working in conjunction with the little dynamo was another critical factor that helped sever north america from asia this is the mid atlantic ridge which began as a simple rift between south america and africa since the bottoms of those two continents never touched during the days of pangea this rift led directly to the seam between the continents that continued all the way up africa’s northwestern coast then as iceland became more active and pounded on the surface like a jackhammer a gouge was produced far above the seam it ran down the west coast of ireland before it was pulled away from england and made a drastic lateral move into the bay of biscayne most likely as the result of a supervolcano that yanked newfoundland away from europe when the gouge met the seam and therefore the rift which happened just after north america bounced off of africa and buckled the atlas mountains into the sky the mid atlantic ridge was created it’s a virtual conveyor belt of raw materials that has pushed the americas westward for the past few hundred million years both amercan continents were gradually reacquainted with some of the smaller plates that had broken off of the pacific north america shattered some of these decaying teeth before its western coast came into contact with the pacific’s eastern edge about a hundred forty million years ago when the plateaus that gave birth to the rocky mountains were pushed up out of the ocean for the final time Awesome babyyodateeshirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt And continue to fight for us though you have been wronged so much the I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt s time to spice things up july 6th coming to fentybeauty sephora harvey nichols and sephorainjcp. New york I have added some extra 7pm and 9pm performances across the soho playhouse dates 6 24 feb get it done info tickets Funny babyyodateeshirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt Nice babyyodateeshirt Trending Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: babyyodateeshirt Joaquin Castro Invites Harassment of His Own Constituents For Their Support of President Trump The Democrats all consuming hatred of President Trump leads to some Dale Sand This knucklehead and his twin brother has never done anything good for the State of Texas ever Union workers need to be VERY careful and think twice about supporting a I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt Democrat in 2020 They want to totally get rid of American’s private health insurance which would include your excellent health benefits Sally Pipes Union workers be careful what you wish for 2020 Dems might ruin your excellent health benefits Union workers have some of the best health benefits around Medicare for All would take those benefits away and lead to long waits for poor quality care Ryan Moore I will not be supporting a socialist I mean a Democrat in 2020 or ever Instead I’ll vote for America and for all Americans to succeed Mohammad Diinooz The only thing I can support you with is thinking about the lives of ordinary workers because workers are the eyes of the community Scaramucci who like so many others had nothing to do with my Election victory is only upset that I didn t want him back in the Administration where he desperately wanted to be Also I seldom had time to return his many calls to me He just wanted to be on TV. And go down to the end of the hall is directly beside the human resource department number 68 what is the man’s problem number 69 where will the men probably go next number 70 where is the technical support staff office located go on to the next page hard for directions you will hear some short talks given by a single speaker you will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk select the best response to each question. I’m back to let you know I can really shake’ em down and I just missed your birthday I see maybe you could regard this like a hand grenade and say it came close enough dedication for those who know or at least want to our modern vantage point is far too obscured for this to be entirely accurate especially when our communication skills have been demented by deception ever since we learned how to talk which is probably natural for a species so desperately in need of answers so all corrections are appreciated and all literary efforts are welcome this is after all meant to be a colloaborative effort so only a few central characters will be introduced here writing the actual play falls to you dossier starring rocky mountains the showstopper ice ages co starring the plateau featuring colorado sea cameo volcanic relief special guest appearance parallel lines and introducing the hinge rocky mountains since this project is meant to improve everyone’s awareness of our surroundings by increasing our understanding of how the grand canyon was formed its focus will remain on the rocky mountains however some relevant detours will be explored such as noting how incredibly remarkable it is to live on a planet that developed two entirely new mountain ranges the rockies and the himalayas at virtually the same time about fifty five million years ago and in areas almost diametrically opposed to one another in the northern hemisphere maybe these occurrences were completely random maybe the secret of these twin mountain ranges can be found in the potsdam potato since it shows a vortex of gravitational activity over the indian ocean directly above the back edge of the indian subcontinent in ideal position to leverage it across the sea of course that would require the vortex to have remained in a most the exact same position for millions of years barely vacillating after it separated india from the northeast corner of africa but we don’t know enough about how gravitational fields work to say whether or not this is likely let alone truthful maybe this simultaneous mountain building is simply a result of cause and effect tectonic movement the himalayas became inevitable as soon as india broke free the only real question was where it would eventually collide with the asian shelf yet the impact of a partial tectonic plate whirling into a larger land mass could have been anticipated especially when the redistribution of weight had an effect on the planet’s equilibrium and since the rockies began their abnormal evolution tens of millions of years before the himalayas it’s possible the rockies were a necessary response that prevented an imbalance that had the potential to induce a wobble which could have threatened earth’s rotation and possibly endangered its orbit meaning these mountains could have been a planetary version of affixing sails to both the fore and aft of a boat to better control its trajectory or maybe as earth’s crust cooled and grew thick enough to deprive the mantle of direct sunlight maybe the simple action of rotating on its axis provided enough centrifugal force to naturally push the growing abundance of cold rocks in opposite directions where in a matter of convenience to the hot mantle they were deposited under the continents and eventually elevated the plateaus to heights that exposed them to crushing glaciers high velocity winds and relentless erosion until the huge boulders were worn down into more palatable fragments that were more easily digested once they were shoved beneath the surface for recycling ah the challenges that await one thing is certain after the sun erupted into being every planet in this solar system was a red hot mess for about a billion years earth was one of many galactic pinballs that accumulated mass through collisions with other objects as they all increased in size near the end of this violent phase of planet building the tiny scraps in the asteroid belt between jupiter and mars qualified as little more than a cosmic slag pile outside of the quarry that assembled four planets in the inner oort cloud although those four planets are not now what they once were mercury is commonly viewed as the first of these four planets but that’s just bad information based on thinking we’re smart enough to see what’s going on from a mere glance mercury is not a planet like the other moon sized orbs in this solar system mercury never gained enough mass to establish its own orbit let alone inflict its will so it ended up in a tug of war with a larger competitor and got flung from its original place in space judging by it’s size this place was somewhere just beyond mars farther if it emerged from the outer oort cloud there were all kinds of pinballs flying around out there but the fact that we don’t even know where mercury formed in the oort cloud speaks volumes about how little we know in general the first four planets got smaller as they evolved farther from the sun venus started closest and it’s the largest mars is farthest and smallest that makes the other two planets a mystery since there only appears to be one of them again that’s a face value assessment and it’s incorrect the second planet remains in its original order it is earth so that means the third planet seems to have disappeared which is quite comical since it passes us all exactly once every day what romantics might describe as this solar system’s great love affair began long before earth and luna became attracted to one another they grew up very close to each other like next door neighbors and this proximity made it inevitable that they would get together once they matured as they got bigger earth tugged luna towards the sun as if seeking a public display of affection luna meanwhile lured earth away from the sun as if seeking some privacy before confirming their mutual attraction round and round they went dancing in the starlight they just couldn’t resist each other then when they found time to have an intimate moment their embrace lit up the skies on planets and moons alike luna was devastated by the encounter it was left as a shell of its former self so broken up that it spent millions of years picking up the pieces of its shattered existence having no choice in the matter it collected remnants from the fallout just to get back to a third of its original size another third maybe more was absorbed by its estranged partner the rest was vaporized or ejected into space luna was reduced to an empty core surrounded by a collection of cold castaway rocks forever incapable of generating its own momentum its essence had been stolen by earth and its orbit became fixed leaving it to stare out into the cosmos permanently dazed and seemingly unwilling to so much as dignify the presence of the planet that had enraptured destroyed and confined it it was a trajedy but still a beautiful necessity for the planet that yearned to breathe a similar romance played out on the far side of the asteroid belt four planets evolved jupiter closest to the sun is the biggest neptune is farthest and smallest only four times bigger than earth and yet it appears to be a mere speck in comparison to the gaseous giants circling the outer oort cloud where dependable heat will not arrive until the sun enters its red giant phase the distances between the planets are far greater out there which allowed hundreds of moons to evolve before they were scooped up as satellites or thrown out of the solar system and into deep space perhaps these distances explain why uranus never fell under saturn’s spell although uranus does maintain the most eccentric orbit on the solar plane and its axis is tilted at a ninety eight degrees which means it rumbles along like a bowling ball instead of spinning like a top and does so as if it were drunk so maybe these two extreme characteristics in addition to the extra distances between the planets were all necessary conditions that allowed uranus to escape saturn’s influence then again these abnormalities may be indications that they too are irrevocably attracted to one another and are therefore destined to have a massive collision in which case it might be wise to wonder if earth had more plentiful and vibrant rings than luna before they had their little rendezvous ah the challenges as the withering fire from the great collisions subsided earth was just as listless as luna still luna’s forfeit may have been the only irregularity during planetary evolution in the inner oort cloud and earth is the only planet with water so maybe these two facts are related there is another possibility to explain water favorable conditions and proportions of elements were produced within a certain radius by the sun’s explosive inception in what we commonly refer to as the goldilocks zone this might only seem likely if evidence of water is found on mars in the absence of hard evidence we can only consider probabilities based on available facts mars is farther from the sun and therefore cooler than earth so its surface hardened first this could have made it hospitable to liquids sooner but how much sooner tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions mars is roughly half the size of earth so it would take a much smaller volume of liquid to cover seventy percent of it’s surface which is how it is here but why couldn’t the percentage be different if the percentage was higher there would be less surface area for lakes or rivers form and therefore less evidence of their existence and the opposite would be true if the percentage was lower also the colder average temperature on mars would mean ice ages were a lot more intense than the ones we’ve seen here even if they didn’t involve drinkable water that could have promoted life mars also has a massive gash on its face that extends across more than ten percent of its entire surface it’s a truly remarkable scar called the valles marineris and it’s four times as long as the grand canyon as well as over five times as wide that makes it about fifty times larger than the grand canyon considering how much smaller mars is than earth now the current explanation for valles marineris which should set off your bullshit detector is that it’s just a humongous crack in the surface this would be a surface with mountains that prove there was prolonged tectonic activity on the planet so why would magma not have bubbled up through the massive wound and tried to close it the fact of the matter is that our grand canyon is extremely young and it’s adjacent to the painted desert so if the valles marineris is right next to the juvantae chasm which is also absurdly colorful and amazing to look at then both areas on both planets were more than likely created by similar events those would be similar liquid driven events and that increases the likelihood that mars once held oceans and since these oceans could have easily covered most of the surface including the area around valles marineris and juvantae chasm these two landmarks might be showing us where the last martian liquids drained away of course both factors could be required before a planet can develop water it may need to come together within a certain proximity to a fledgling star and it may need to benefit from a collision of a certain combined mass so maybe mars had a romantic interlude of its own a menage a’ trois with it’s two more manageable satellites after they all conspired to ship mercury out of their celestial boudoir while earth and luna were moping around the sun surface temperatures here were measured in thousands of degrees meaning liquids would have been predominantly suspended in the air as gases in addition these temperatures would not have dropped evenly around the world earth’s orbit was still static at the time so the far side of the planet was constantly exposed to darkness as well as the frigid excess of space it therfore cooled much faster than the near side where the sun’s heat kept the surface churning while its gravity drew undulations and little peaks skyward so within a few short tens of millions of years the dark side developed an eggshell thin crust while the bright side built a couple of land masses dotted with hundreds of hills stretching upward like tiny peeps in a birds’ nest the effect was kind of like a sword maker drawing a glowing blade from a forge and plunging it into a bucket of water but only on one side the cold side contracted while expansion towards the sun on the warm side caused a weight imbalance causing the planet to spin on its axis at the same time it became slightly more oblong than round as if it had been squeezed together at the poles a billion years of rapid cooling ensued the crust which has only hardened to a few miles thick in modern oceanic plates and anywhere between twenty to thirty miles thick in modern continental shelves was still exceptionally thin when earth was young maybe the plates were approaching a mile thick and the shelves a few miles they slid past each other with relative ease since there were only two massive continents and their edges were lubricated by molten seams just below the surface the northern continent was comprised of asia and north america with the latter high in the arctic and the entire land mass was at a forty five degree angle to how it appears today the southern continent included africa antarctica australia and south america which is an accurate total of six since europe is and always has been on the same continental shelf as asia before earth became inhabitable the crust was still unstable enough for magma to break through with great regularity this relieved pressure as the plates and shelves drifted about and enhanced lubrication wherever lava flows reached the seams it also sped up the cooling process as the volcanoes spewed ash into the sky the magic of life began as soon as the surface dropped below two hundred ten degrees although we have yet to pinpoint exactly when this occurred it also remains possible that life blossomed a little sooner slightly underground out of the sun’s view since iron and water are all that are required for amino acids to form and amino acids are the building blocks of dna the pacific plate is where water most likely ponded first regardless if there was a residual effect from being the quicker cooling side of the planet it had thousands of craters from being assaulted by meteors not to mention millions of ripples and undulations all perfect for ponding and the formation of lakes and then seas and oceans that presented another barrier to deprive the mantle from the light of day evaporation and condensation led to steamy humidity earth was saturated with sensuous rain volcanoes may very well have brought about their own demise after a billion years of dominance but not before they built the planet’s first mountain range the makhonjwa mountains in southern africa produced some of the richest diamond and gold mines we’ve ever found the fact that veins of gold were able to solidify on the surface shows that the temperature had dropped below two thousand degrees while the ejection of bulk quantities of carbon suggest the mantle’s temperature was still higher than its melting point much as earth’s core remains today the hamersley range in australia rose into being a few hundred million years after the makhonjwas erupted the hamersleys have a high content of iron ore and iron has a higher melting point than gold this iron hardened as the crust grew thicker beneath the surface where it presented an obstruction to the pyroclastic flow that was feeding the volcanoes only a few hundred miles away this was an inconvenience so it was pushed aside where it accumulated under the continental shelf until it produced a bulge that through an arduous process that lasted more than half a billion years was pushed up to the surface the bulge was deeper than it was high none of the hamersleys are close to a mile high today and it was constantly shoved by the free flowing mantle until it broke australia off of africa and pushed it eastward leaving behind fissures and faultlines that eventually freed antarctica as well two more mountain ranges began to form in southern africa about three billion years ago both were just as slow to grow as the hamersleys the waterberg range sprouted about 2 7 billion years ago and took eight hundred million years to reach full prominence they contain a generous amount of sandstone which is ideal for cultivating lush environs and were therefore infinitely important to how life evolved but it’s the magaliesberg range that preceded them by three hundred million years that probably hold the key to understanding exactly what happened in the area to fully appreciate the entire situation we need to keep in mind that all four of earth’s earliest mountain ranges evolved within a few hundred miles of each other the region was a hotbed for volcanic and seismic activity for about two billion years and the magaliesbergs were at the center of it all they started on a rather low plateau that accumulated airborne sediments until three billion years ago when a volcanic dome began to form as lava worked its way into weak areas and air pockets inside of the thickest crust on earth pressure built and fissures developed as the dome pushed the plateau higher and higher something had to give that was when a supervolcano blew the place to pieces it surely wasn’t the first supervolcano it was merely the first one to carve its signature in stone for anyone to see all strata that hadn’t been blown clear was ruptured by the eruptions the hills that had been built above the bubble collapsed when it popped they more or less fell into the crater and became fixed in place by planetary masonry as the sixty five thousand acre lava field cooled setting them at improbable angles this was another beautiful catastrophe that worked to our advantage and in the end it just might be that these four mountain ranges anchored africa in place with the three that remain on the continent explaining why it has barely wavered throughout history barely drifting north and slightly east always on the opposite side of the planet from the pacific never to come in direct contact with it south america was next to develop mountains about two billion years ago these are the guiana highlands they were also attached to the original southern continent and contain diamonds iron and gold but there aren’t any volcanoes near them so these metals arrived on the surface by being pushed up from below by the original slow method of mountain building like the hamersleys the guianas are relatively low only a few of them crest over a mile high and they also rest on a bulge that extends deep beneath the surface and was propelled by pyroclastic flow to separate south america from africa beginning about 1 7 billion years ago right around the same time enough pressure had built beneath the northern continent for volcanoes to start building the black hills these are located at the very center of what would become north america these gold laden hills took almost a billion years to fully develop because the southern half of the range was pushed up from below another trait the black hills had in common with their african cousins is that they originated in the coldest region on the planet only near the arctic as opposed to the antarctic while this also produced a huge bulge under the continental shelf this one did not develop enough traction to part the conjoined continent this only added to the tectonic stress in the area so much so that another volcanic area developed a few hundred miles away this began halfway through the black hills’ evolution about one and a half billion years ago and resulted in the saint francois mountains once again lava became trapped in the bulging crust and both mountain ranges experienced supervolcanoes once the pressure became too great for the planet to bear as these early mountain groups settled and became inactive the crust solidified enough to prevent the plates and shelves from floating about like so many giant gears on the face of a grand old clock yet calibration was required before they could rotate cohesively the pacific plate has always been the largest tectonic feature on the planet it may have once encompassed as much as half of the surface before mountain building began and even though it lost a few teeth over time it still represents a third of the surface today so it always had enough mass to impose itself on it’s neighbors to be the catalyst for synchronized movement the one great cog capable of setting the tectonic machinery in cohesive motion and keeping it in proper working order the pacific may have originally been set in motion by the swirling magma in the mantle but it certainly assumed a clockwise rotation once it bit into the soft underbelly of the asian shelf asia was close to eight thousand miles across at the time so it represented about a quarter of the surface when it came into contact with the pacific meaning that once these two behemoths got firm grips on each other over half and as much as two thirds of the crust began to work in unison asia assumed a counterclockwise rotation as if the pacific would have permitted anything else and this created a tremendous amount of stress near the pinchpoint where the two great gears were in direct conflict relief was again provided by volcanic activity and as the pinchpoint rotated down the asian coast it left behind a train of hundreds of volcanoes the most intense eruptions were usually very close to the pinchpoint and many volcanoes went dormant as they traveled farther away from it their procession is plainly visible on any map starting from the northeastern corner of modern russia where at least twenty nine volcanoes formed the kamchatka peninsula continuing parallel to the coast where no less than a hundred and eighteen volcanoes built japan and sliding farther south onto one of the pacific’s broken teeth where thirty seven or more volcanoes created the philippines meaning a generous percentage of earth’s volcanoes granted us some of the most awe inspiring splendor we could have ever hoped for the pinchpoint also exerted its influence over the mantle which has always been in flux with major flows intensifying and receding around subcurrents generated at various levels all the way down to the core some of the friction caused by the world’s largest land masses grinding on its largest ocean was transferred onto the pyroclastic flow as they pushed down on it this created a current running from south to north and from west to east along the pacific’s outer edge it was once powerful enough to have pulled at all of the continents even the implacable africa like feeding hunks of meat into a sausage grinder australia and antarctica hadn’t gone very far before they were drawn back to africa where they nuzzled against it’s chin like a couple of lost children reunited with their mother south america too had ventured only a short distance and it returned to whisper in africa’s ear and as they drifted to the northeast together asia snuggled the top of africa’s brow like a proud parent who had just watched their child do something marvelous this was the face of pangea the supercontinent as asia squeezed the mediterranean sea into africa much of the tectonic resistance was registered in the middle of the european peninsula this gave rise to the alpine mountains the increasing pressure across the width of asia also required some kind of relief and this was provided by the most concentrated area of volcanic activity in earth’s history iceland unlike the famous ring of fire that almost encircles the pacific which happens to be the only area that surpasses the planet’s most underappreciated workhorse in seismic activity or tectonic importance iceland is rather diminutive a virtual dot in an ocean that’s half the size of the pacific making it a poignant example of looks can be deceiving because it’s the most prolific mover and shaker in history to this day it’s still responsible for a third of earth’s volcanic activity although that percentage was certainly higher a few hundred million years ago since the burgeoning island served as the powder keg that blew asia in two working in conjunction with the little dynamo was another critical factor that helped sever north america from asia this is the mid atlantic ridge which began as a simple rift between south america and africa since the bottoms of those two continents never touched during the days of pangea this rift led directly to the seam between the continents that continued all the way up africa’s northwestern coast then as iceland became more active and pounded on the surface like a jackhammer a gouge was produced far above the seam it ran down the west coast of ireland before it was pulled away from england and made a drastic lateral move into the bay of biscayne most likely as the result of a supervolcano that yanked newfoundland away from europe when the gouge met the seam and therefore the rift which happened just after north america bounced off of africa and buckled the atlas mountains into the sky the mid atlantic ridge was created it’s a virtual conveyor belt of raw materials that has pushed the americas westward for the past few hundred million years both amercan continents were gradually reacquainted with some of the smaller plates that had broken off of the pacific north america shattered some of these decaying teeth before its western coast came into contact with the pacific’s eastern edge about a hundred forty million years ago when the plateaus that gave birth to the rocky mountains were pushed up out of the ocean for the final time Awesome babyyodateeshirt

I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt - from 1

I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt - from 1

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And go down to the end of the hall is directly beside the human resource department number 68 what is the man’s problem number 69 where will the men probably go next number 70 where is the technical support staff office located go on to the next page hard for directions you will hear some short talks given by a single speaker you will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk select the best response to each question. I’m back to let you know I can really shake’ em down and I just missed your birthday I see maybe you could regard this like a hand grenade and say it came close enough dedication for those who know or at least want to our modern vantage point is far too obscured for this to be entirely accurate especially when our communication skills have been demented by deception ever since we learned how to talk which is probably natural for a species so desperately in need of answers so all corrections are appreciated and all literary efforts are welcome this is after all meant to be a colloaborative effort so only a few central characters will be introduced here writing the actual play falls to you dossier starring rocky mountains the showstopper ice ages co starring the plateau featuring colorado sea cameo volcanic relief special guest appearance parallel lines and introducing the hinge rocky mountains since this project is meant to improve everyone’s awareness of our surroundings by increasing our understanding of how the grand canyon was formed its focus will remain on the rocky mountains however some relevant detours will be explored such as noting how incredibly remarkable it is to live on a planet that developed two entirely new mountain ranges the rockies and the himalayas at virtually the same time about fifty five million years ago and in areas almost diametrically opposed to one another in the northern hemisphere maybe these occurrences were completely random maybe the secret of these twin mountain ranges can be found in the potsdam potato since it shows a vortex of gravitational activity over the indian ocean directly above the back edge of the indian subcontinent in ideal position to leverage it across the sea of course that would require the vortex to have remained in a most the exact same position for millions of years barely vacillating after it separated india from the northeast corner of africa but we don’t know enough about how gravitational fields work to say whether or not this is likely let alone truthful maybe this simultaneous mountain building is simply a result of cause and effect tectonic movement the himalayas became inevitable as soon as india broke free the only real question was where it would eventually collide with the asian shelf yet the impact of a partial tectonic plate whirling into a larger land mass could have been anticipated especially when the redistribution of weight had an effect on the planet’s equilibrium and since the rockies began their abnormal evolution tens of millions of years before the himalayas it’s possible the rockies were a necessary response that prevented an imbalance that had the potential to induce a wobble which could have threatened earth’s rotation and possibly endangered its orbit meaning these mountains could have been a planetary version of affixing sails to both the fore and aft of a boat to better control its trajectory or maybe as earth’s crust cooled and grew thick enough to deprive the mantle of direct sunlight maybe the simple action of rotating on its axis provided enough centrifugal force to naturally push the growing abundance of cold rocks in opposite directions where in a matter of convenience to the hot mantle they were deposited under the continents and eventually elevated the plateaus to heights that exposed them to crushing glaciers high velocity winds and relentless erosion until the huge boulders were worn down into more palatable fragments that were more easily digested once they were shoved beneath the surface for recycling ah the challenges that await one thing is certain after the sun erupted into being every planet in this solar system was a red hot mess for about a billion years earth was one of many galactic pinballs that accumulated mass through collisions with other objects as they all increased in size near the end of this violent phase of planet building the tiny scraps in the asteroid belt between jupiter and mars qualified as little more than a cosmic slag pile outside of the quarry that assembled four planets in the inner oort cloud although those four planets are not now what they once were mercury is commonly viewed as the first of these four planets but that’s just bad information based on thinking we’re smart enough to see what’s going on from a mere glance mercury is not a planet like the other moon sized orbs in this solar system mercury never gained enough mass to establish its own orbit let alone inflict its will so it ended up in a tug of war with a larger competitor and got flung from its original place in space judging by it’s size this place was somewhere just beyond mars farther if it emerged from the outer oort cloud there were all kinds of pinballs flying around out there but the fact that we don’t even know where mercury formed in the oort cloud speaks volumes about how little we know in general the first four planets got smaller as they evolved farther from the sun venus started closest and it’s the largest mars is farthest and smallest that makes the other two planets a mystery since there only appears to be one of them again that’s a face value assessment and it’s incorrect the second planet remains in its original order it is earth so that means the third planet seems to have disappeared which is quite comical since it passes us all exactly once every day what romantics might describe as this solar system’s great love affair began long before earth and luna became attracted to one another they grew up very close to each other like next door neighbors and this proximity made it inevitable that they would get together once they matured as they got bigger earth tugged luna towards the sun as if seeking a public display of affection luna meanwhile lured earth away from the sun as if seeking some privacy before confirming their mutual attraction round and round they went dancing in the starlight they just couldn’t resist each other then when they found time to have an intimate moment their embrace lit up the skies on planets and moons alike luna was devastated by the encounter it was left as a shell of its former self so broken up that it spent millions of years picking up the pieces of its shattered existence having no choice in the matter it collected remnants from the fallout just to get back to a third of its original size another third maybe more was absorbed by its estranged partner the rest was vaporized or ejected into space luna was reduced to an empty core surrounded by a collection of cold castaway rocks forever incapable of generating its own momentum its essence had been stolen by earth and its orbit became fixed leaving it to stare out into the cosmos permanently dazed and seemingly unwilling to so much as dignify the presence of the planet that had enraptured destroyed and confined it it was a trajedy but still a beautiful necessity for the planet that yearned to breathe a similar romance played out on the far side of the asteroid belt four planets evolved jupiter closest to the sun is the biggest neptune is farthest and smallest only four times bigger than earth and yet it appears to be a mere speck in comparison to the gaseous giants circling the outer oort cloud where dependable heat will not arrive until the sun enters its red giant phase the distances between the planets are far greater out there which allowed hundreds of moons to evolve before they were scooped up as satellites or thrown out of the solar system and into deep space perhaps these distances explain why uranus never fell under saturn’s spell although uranus does maintain the most eccentric orbit on the solar plane and its axis is tilted at a ninety eight degrees which means it rumbles along like a bowling ball instead of spinning like a top and does so as if it were drunk so maybe these two extreme characteristics in addition to the extra distances between the planets were all necessary conditions that allowed uranus to escape saturn’s influence then again these abnormalities may be indications that they too are irrevocably attracted to one another and are therefore destined to have a massive collision in which case it might be wise to wonder if earth had more plentiful and vibrant rings than luna before they had their little rendezvous ah the challenges as the withering fire from the great collisions subsided earth was just as listless as luna still luna’s forfeit may have been the only irregularity during planetary evolution in the inner oort cloud and earth is the only planet with water so maybe these two facts are related there is another possibility to explain water favorable conditions and proportions of elements were produced within a certain radius by the sun’s explosive inception in what we commonly refer to as the goldilocks zone this might only seem likely if evidence of water is found on mars in the absence of hard evidence we can only consider probabilities based on available facts mars is farther from the sun and therefore cooler than earth so its surface hardened first this could have made it hospitable to liquids sooner but how much sooner tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions mars is roughly half the size of earth so it would take a much smaller volume of liquid to cover seventy percent of it’s surface which is how it is here but why couldn’t the percentage be different if the percentage was higher there would be less surface area for lakes or rivers form and therefore less evidence of their existence and the opposite would be true if the percentage was lower also the colder average temperature on mars would mean ice ages were a lot more intense than the ones we’ve seen here even if they didn’t involve drinkable water that could have promoted life mars also has a massive gash on its face that extends across more than ten percent of its entire surface it’s a truly remarkable scar called the valles marineris and it’s four times as long as the grand canyon as well as over five times as wide that makes it about fifty times larger than the grand canyon considering how much smaller mars is than earth now the current explanation for valles marineris which should set off your bullshit detector is that it’s just a humongous crack in the surface this would be a surface with mountains that prove there was prolonged tectonic activity on the planet so why would magma not have bubbled up through the massive wound and tried to close it the fact of the matter is that our grand canyon is extremely young and it’s adjacent to the painted desert so if the valles marineris is right next to the juvantae chasm which is also absurdly colorful and amazing to look at then both areas on both planets were more than likely created by similar events those would be similar liquid driven events and that increases the likelihood that mars once held oceans and since these oceans could have easily covered most of the surface including the area around valles marineris and juvantae chasm these two landmarks might be showing us where the last martian liquids drained away of course both factors could be required before a planet can develop water it may need to come together within a certain proximity to a fledgling star and it may need to benefit from a collision of a certain combined mass so maybe mars had a romantic interlude of its own a menage a’ trois with it’s two more manageable satellites after they all conspired to ship mercury out of their celestial boudoir while earth and luna were moping around the sun surface temperatures here were measured in thousands of degrees meaning liquids would have been predominantly suspended in the air as gases in addition these temperatures would not have dropped evenly around the world earth’s orbit was still static at the time so the far side of the planet was constantly exposed to darkness as well as the frigid excess of space it therfore cooled much faster than the near side where the sun’s heat kept the surface churning while its gravity drew undulations and little peaks skyward so within a few short tens of millions of years the dark side developed an eggshell thin crust while the bright side built a couple of land masses dotted with hundreds of hills stretching upward like tiny peeps in a birds’ nest the effect was kind of like a sword maker drawing a glowing blade from a forge and plunging it into a bucket of water but only on one side the cold side contracted while expansion towards the sun on the warm side caused a weight imbalance causing the planet to spin on its axis at the same time it became slightly more oblong than round as if it had been squeezed together at the poles a billion years of rapid cooling ensued the crust which has only hardened to a few miles thick in modern oceanic plates and anywhere between twenty to thirty miles thick in modern continental shelves was still exceptionally thin when earth was young maybe the plates were approaching a mile thick and the shelves a few miles they slid past each other with relative ease since there were only two massive continents and their edges were lubricated by molten seams just below the surface the northern continent was comprised of asia and north america with the latter high in the arctic and the entire land mass was at a forty five degree angle to how it appears today the southern continent included africa antarctica australia and south america which is an accurate total of six since europe is and always has been on the same continental shelf as asia before earth became inhabitable the crust was still unstable enough for magma to break through with great regularity this relieved pressure as the plates and shelves drifted about and enhanced lubrication wherever lava flows reached the seams it also sped up the cooling process as the volcanoes spewed ash into the sky the magic of life began as soon as the surface dropped below two hundred ten degrees although we have yet to pinpoint exactly when this occurred it also remains possible that life blossomed a little sooner slightly underground out of the sun’s view since iron and water are all that are required for amino acids to form and amino acids are the building blocks of dna the pacific plate is where water most likely ponded first regardless if there was a residual effect from being the quicker cooling side of the planet it had thousands of craters from being assaulted by meteors not to mention millions of ripples and undulations all perfect for ponding and the formation of lakes and then seas and oceans that presented another barrier to deprive the mantle from the light of day evaporation and condensation led to steamy humidity earth was saturated with sensuous rain volcanoes may very well have brought about their own demise after a billion years of dominance but not before they built the planet’s first mountain range the makhonjwa mountains in southern africa produced some of the richest diamond and gold mines we’ve ever found the fact that veins of gold were able to solidify on the surface shows that the temperature had dropped below two thousand degrees while the ejection of bulk quantities of carbon suggest the mantle’s temperature was still higher than its melting point much as earth’s core remains today the hamersley range in australia rose into being a few hundred million years after the makhonjwas erupted the hamersleys have a high content of iron ore and iron has a higher melting point than gold this iron hardened as the crust grew thicker beneath the surface where it presented an obstruction to the pyroclastic flow that was feeding the volcanoes only a few hundred miles away this was an inconvenience so it was pushed aside where it accumulated under the continental shelf until it produced a bulge that through an arduous process that lasted more than half a billion years was pushed up to the surface the bulge was deeper than it was high none of the hamersleys are close to a mile high today and it was constantly shoved by the free flowing mantle until it broke australia off of africa and pushed it eastward leaving behind fissures and faultlines that eventually freed antarctica as well two more mountain ranges began to form in southern africa about three billion years ago both were just as slow to grow as the hamersleys the waterberg range sprouted about 2 7 billion years ago and took eight hundred million years to reach full prominence they contain a generous amount of sandstone which is ideal for cultivating lush environs and were therefore infinitely important to how life evolved but it’s the magaliesberg range that preceded them by three hundred million years that probably hold the key to understanding exactly what happened in the area to fully appreciate the entire situation we need to keep in mind that all four of earth’s earliest mountain ranges evolved within a few hundred miles of each other the region was a hotbed for volcanic and seismic activity for about two billion years and the magaliesbergs were at the center of it all they started on a rather low plateau that accumulated airborne sediments until three billion years ago when a volcanic dome began to form as lava worked its way into weak areas and air pockets inside of the thickest crust on earth pressure built and fissures developed as the dome pushed the plateau higher and higher something had to give that was when a supervolcano blew the place to pieces it surely wasn’t the first supervolcano it was merely the first one to carve its signature in stone for anyone to see all strata that hadn’t been blown clear was ruptured by the eruptions the hills that had been built above the bubble collapsed when it popped they more or less fell into the crater and became fixed in place by planetary masonry as the sixty five thousand acre lava field cooled setting them at improbable angles this was another beautiful catastrophe that worked to our advantage and in the end it just might be that these four mountain ranges anchored africa in place with the three that remain on the continent explaining why it has barely wavered throughout history barely drifting north and slightly east always on the opposite side of the planet from the pacific never to come in direct contact with it south america was next to develop mountains about two billion years ago these are the guiana highlands they were also attached to the original southern continent and contain diamonds iron and gold but there aren’t any volcanoes near them so these metals arrived on the surface by being pushed up from below by the original slow method of mountain building like the hamersleys the guianas are relatively low only a few of them crest over a mile high and they also rest on a bulge that extends deep beneath the surface and was propelled by pyroclastic flow to separate south america from africa beginning about 1 7 billion years ago right around the same time enough pressure had built beneath the northern continent for volcanoes to start building the black hills these are located at the very center of what would become north america these gold laden hills took almost a billion years to fully develop because the southern half of the range was pushed up from below another trait the black hills had in common with their african cousins is that they originated in the coldest region on the planet only near the arctic as opposed to the antarctic while this also produced a huge bulge under the continental shelf this one did not develop enough traction to part the conjoined continent this only added to the tectonic stress in the area so much so that another volcanic area developed a few hundred miles away this began halfway through the black hills’ evolution about one and a half billion years ago and resulted in the saint francois mountains once again lava became trapped in the bulging crust and both mountain ranges experienced supervolcanoes once the pressure became too great for the planet to bear as these early mountain groups settled and became inactive the crust solidified enough to prevent the plates and shelves from floating about like so many giant gears on the face of a grand old clock yet calibration was required before they could rotate cohesively the pacific plate has always been the largest tectonic feature on the planet it may have once encompassed as much as half of the surface before mountain building began and even though it lost a few teeth over time it still represents a third of the surface today so it always had enough mass to impose itself on it’s neighbors to be the catalyst for synchronized movement the one great cog capable of setting the tectonic machinery in cohesive motion and keeping it in proper working order the pacific may have originally been set in motion by the swirling magma in the mantle but it certainly assumed a clockwise rotation once it bit into the soft underbelly of the asian shelf asia was close to eight thousand miles across at the time so it represented about a quarter of the surface when it came into contact with the pacific meaning that once these two behemoths got firm grips on each other over half and as much as two thirds of the crust began to work in unison asia assumed a counterclockwise rotation as if the pacific would have permitted anything else and this created a tremendous amount of stress near the pinchpoint where the two great gears were in direct conflict relief was again provided by volcanic activity and as the pinchpoint rotated down the asian coast it left behind a train of hundreds of volcanoes the most intense eruptions were usually very close to the pinchpoint and many volcanoes went dormant as they traveled farther away from it their procession is plainly visible on any map starting from the northeastern corner of modern russia where at least twenty nine volcanoes formed the kamchatka peninsula continuing parallel to the coast where no less than a hundred and eighteen volcanoes built japan and sliding farther south onto one of the pacific’s broken teeth where thirty seven or more volcanoes created the philippines meaning a generous percentage of earth’s volcanoes granted us some of the most awe inspiring splendor we could have ever hoped for the pinchpoint also exerted its influence over the mantle which has always been in flux with major flows intensifying and receding around subcurrents generated at various levels all the way down to the core some of the friction caused by the world’s largest land masses grinding on its largest ocean was transferred onto the pyroclastic flow as they pushed down on it this created a current running from south to north and from west to east along the pacific’s outer edge it was once powerful enough to have pulled at all of the continents even the implacable africa like feeding hunks of meat into a sausage grinder australia and antarctica hadn’t gone very far before they were drawn back to africa where they nuzzled against it’s chin like a couple of lost children reunited with their mother south america too had ventured only a short distance and it returned to whisper in africa’s ear and as they drifted to the northeast together asia snuggled the top of africa’s brow like a proud parent who had just watched their child do something marvelous this was the face of pangea the supercontinent as asia squeezed the mediterranean sea into africa much of the tectonic resistance was registered in the middle of the european peninsula this gave rise to the alpine mountains the increasing pressure across the width of asia also required some kind of relief and this was provided by the most concentrated area of volcanic activity in earth’s history iceland unlike the famous ring of fire that almost encircles the pacific which happens to be the only area that surpasses the planet’s most underappreciated workhorse in seismic activity or tectonic importance iceland is rather diminutive a virtual dot in an ocean that’s half the size of the pacific making it a poignant example of looks can be deceiving because it’s the most prolific mover and shaker in history to this day it’s still responsible for a third of earth’s volcanic activity although that percentage was certainly higher a few hundred million years ago since the burgeoning island served as the powder keg that blew asia in two working in conjunction with the little dynamo was another critical factor that helped sever north america from asia this is the mid atlantic ridge which began as a simple rift between south america and africa since the bottoms of those two continents never touched during the days of pangea this rift led directly to the seam between the continents that continued all the way up africa’s northwestern coast then as iceland became more active and pounded on the surface like a jackhammer a gouge was produced far above the seam it ran down the west coast of ireland before it was pulled away from england and made a drastic lateral move into the bay of biscayne most likely as the result of a supervolcano that yanked newfoundland away from europe when the gouge met the seam and therefore the rift which happened just after north america bounced off of africa and buckled the atlas mountains into the sky the mid atlantic ridge was created it’s a virtual conveyor belt of raw materials that has pushed the americas westward for the past few hundred million years both amercan continents were gradually reacquainted with some of the smaller plates that had broken off of the pacific north america shattered some of these decaying teeth before its western coast came into contact with the pacific’s eastern edge about a hundred forty million years ago when the plateaus that gave birth to the rocky mountains were pushed up out of the ocean for the final time Awesome babyyodateeshirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt And continue to fight for us though you have been wronged so much the I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt s time to spice things up july 6th coming to fentybeauty sephora harvey nichols and sephorainjcp. New york I have added some extra 7pm and 9pm performances across the soho playhouse dates 6 24 feb get it done info tickets Funny babyyodateeshirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt Nice babyyodateeshirt Trending Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: babyyodateeshirt Joaquin Castro Invites Harassment of His Own Constituents For Their Support of President Trump The Democrats all consuming hatred of President Trump leads to some Dale Sand This knucklehead and his twin brother has never done anything good for the State of Texas ever Union workers need to be VERY careful and think twice about supporting a I'm A Mom And Wound Care Nurse Nothing Scares Me Floral Nursing Mother Gift T-Shirt Democrat in 2020 They want to totally get rid of American’s private health insurance which would include your excellent health benefits Sally Pipes Union workers be careful what you wish for 2020 Dems might ruin your excellent health benefits Union workers have some of the best health benefits around Medicare for All would take those benefits away and lead to long waits for poor quality care Ryan Moore I will not be supporting a socialist I mean a Democrat in 2020 or ever Instead I’ll vote for America and for all Americans to succeed Mohammad Diinooz The only thing I can support you with is thinking about the lives of ordinary workers because workers are the eyes of the community Scaramucci who like so many others had nothing to do with my Election victory is only upset that I didn t want him back in the Administration where he desperately wanted to be Also I seldom had time to return his many calls to me He just wanted to be on TV. And go down to the end of the hall is directly beside the human resource department number 68 what is the man’s problem number 69 where will the men probably go next number 70 where is the technical support staff office located go on to the next page hard for directions you will hear some short talks given by a single speaker you will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk select the best response to each question. I’m back to let you know I can really shake’ em down and I just missed your birthday I see maybe you could regard this like a hand grenade and say it came close enough dedication for those who know or at least want to our modern vantage point is far too obscured for this to be entirely accurate especially when our communication skills have been demented by deception ever since we learned how to talk which is probably natural for a species so desperately in need of answers so all corrections are appreciated and all literary efforts are welcome this is after all meant to be a colloaborative effort so only a few central characters will be introduced here writing the actual play falls to you dossier starring rocky mountains the showstopper ice ages co starring the plateau featuring colorado sea cameo volcanic relief special guest appearance parallel lines and introducing the hinge rocky mountains since this project is meant to improve everyone’s awareness of our surroundings by increasing our understanding of how the grand canyon was formed its focus will remain on the rocky mountains however some relevant detours will be explored such as noting how incredibly remarkable it is to live on a planet that developed two entirely new mountain ranges the rockies and the himalayas at virtually the same time about fifty five million years ago and in areas almost diametrically opposed to one another in the northern hemisphere maybe these occurrences were completely random maybe the secret of these twin mountain ranges can be found in the potsdam potato since it shows a vortex of gravitational activity over the indian ocean directly above the back edge of the indian subcontinent in ideal position to leverage it across the sea of course that would require the vortex to have remained in a most the exact same position for millions of years barely vacillating after it separated india from the northeast corner of africa but we don’t know enough about how gravitational fields work to say whether or not this is likely let alone truthful maybe this simultaneous mountain building is simply a result of cause and effect tectonic movement the himalayas became inevitable as soon as india broke free the only real question was where it would eventually collide with the asian shelf yet the impact of a partial tectonic plate whirling into a larger land mass could have been anticipated especially when the redistribution of weight had an effect on the planet’s equilibrium and since the rockies began their abnormal evolution tens of millions of years before the himalayas it’s possible the rockies were a necessary response that prevented an imbalance that had the potential to induce a wobble which could have threatened earth’s rotation and possibly endangered its orbit meaning these mountains could have been a planetary version of affixing sails to both the fore and aft of a boat to better control its trajectory or maybe as earth’s crust cooled and grew thick enough to deprive the mantle of direct sunlight maybe the simple action of rotating on its axis provided enough centrifugal force to naturally push the growing abundance of cold rocks in opposite directions where in a matter of convenience to the hot mantle they were deposited under the continents and eventually elevated the plateaus to heights that exposed them to crushing glaciers high velocity winds and relentless erosion until the huge boulders were worn down into more palatable fragments that were more easily digested once they were shoved beneath the surface for recycling ah the challenges that await one thing is certain after the sun erupted into being every planet in this solar system was a red hot mess for about a billion years earth was one of many galactic pinballs that accumulated mass through collisions with other objects as they all increased in size near the end of this violent phase of planet building the tiny scraps in the asteroid belt between jupiter and mars qualified as little more than a cosmic slag pile outside of the quarry that assembled four planets in the inner oort cloud although those four planets are not now what they once were mercury is commonly viewed as the first of these four planets but that’s just bad information based on thinking we’re smart enough to see what’s going on from a mere glance mercury is not a planet like the other moon sized orbs in this solar system mercury never gained enough mass to establish its own orbit let alone inflict its will so it ended up in a tug of war with a larger competitor and got flung from its original place in space judging by it’s size this place was somewhere just beyond mars farther if it emerged from the outer oort cloud there were all kinds of pinballs flying around out there but the fact that we don’t even know where mercury formed in the oort cloud speaks volumes about how little we know in general the first four planets got smaller as they evolved farther from the sun venus started closest and it’s the largest mars is farthest and smallest that makes the other two planets a mystery since there only appears to be one of them again that’s a face value assessment and it’s incorrect the second planet remains in its original order it is earth so that means the third planet seems to have disappeared which is quite comical since it passes us all exactly once every day what romantics might describe as this solar system’s great love affair began long before earth and luna became attracted to one another they grew up very close to each other like next door neighbors and this proximity made it inevitable that they would get together once they matured as they got bigger earth tugged luna towards the sun as if seeking a public display of affection luna meanwhile lured earth away from the sun as if seeking some privacy before confirming their mutual attraction round and round they went dancing in the starlight they just couldn’t resist each other then when they found time to have an intimate moment their embrace lit up the skies on planets and moons alike luna was devastated by the encounter it was left as a shell of its former self so broken up that it spent millions of years picking up the pieces of its shattered existence having no choice in the matter it collected remnants from the fallout just to get back to a third of its original size another third maybe more was absorbed by its estranged partner the rest was vaporized or ejected into space luna was reduced to an empty core surrounded by a collection of cold castaway rocks forever incapable of generating its own momentum its essence had been stolen by earth and its orbit became fixed leaving it to stare out into the cosmos permanently dazed and seemingly unwilling to so much as dignify the presence of the planet that had enraptured destroyed and confined it it was a trajedy but still a beautiful necessity for the planet that yearned to breathe a similar romance played out on the far side of the asteroid belt four planets evolved jupiter closest to the sun is the biggest neptune is farthest and smallest only four times bigger than earth and yet it appears to be a mere speck in comparison to the gaseous giants circling the outer oort cloud where dependable heat will not arrive until the sun enters its red giant phase the distances between the planets are far greater out there which allowed hundreds of moons to evolve before they were scooped up as satellites or thrown out of the solar system and into deep space perhaps these distances explain why uranus never fell under saturn’s spell although uranus does maintain the most eccentric orbit on the solar plane and its axis is tilted at a ninety eight degrees which means it rumbles along like a bowling ball instead of spinning like a top and does so as if it were drunk so maybe these two extreme characteristics in addition to the extra distances between the planets were all necessary conditions that allowed uranus to escape saturn’s influence then again these abnormalities may be indications that they too are irrevocably attracted to one another and are therefore destined to have a massive collision in which case it might be wise to wonder if earth had more plentiful and vibrant rings than luna before they had their little rendezvous ah the challenges as the withering fire from the great collisions subsided earth was just as listless as luna still luna’s forfeit may have been the only irregularity during planetary evolution in the inner oort cloud and earth is the only planet with water so maybe these two facts are related there is another possibility to explain water favorable conditions and proportions of elements were produced within a certain radius by the sun’s explosive inception in what we commonly refer to as the goldilocks zone this might only seem likely if evidence of water is found on mars in the absence of hard evidence we can only consider probabilities based on available facts mars is farther from the sun and therefore cooler than earth so its surface hardened first this could have made it hospitable to liquids sooner but how much sooner tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions mars is roughly half the size of earth so it would take a much smaller volume of liquid to cover seventy percent of it’s surface which is how it is here but why couldn’t the percentage be different if the percentage was higher there would be less surface area for lakes or rivers form and therefore less evidence of their existence and the opposite would be true if the percentage was lower also the colder average temperature on mars would mean ice ages were a lot more intense than the ones we’ve seen here even if they didn’t involve drinkable water that could have promoted life mars also has a massive gash on its face that extends across more than ten percent of its entire surface it’s a truly remarkable scar called the valles marineris and it’s four times as long as the grand canyon as well as over five times as wide that makes it about fifty times larger than the grand canyon considering how much smaller mars is than earth now the current explanation for valles marineris which should set off your bullshit detector is that it’s just a humongous crack in the surface this would be a surface with mountains that prove there was prolonged tectonic activity on the planet so why would magma not have bubbled up through the massive wound and tried to close it the fact of the matter is that our grand canyon is extremely young and it’s adjacent to the painted desert so if the valles marineris is right next to the juvantae chasm which is also absurdly colorful and amazing to look at then both areas on both planets were more than likely created by similar events those would be similar liquid driven events and that increases the likelihood that mars once held oceans and since these oceans could have easily covered most of the surface including the area around valles marineris and juvantae chasm these two landmarks might be showing us where the last martian liquids drained away of course both factors could be required before a planet can develop water it may need to come together within a certain proximity to a fledgling star and it may need to benefit from a collision of a certain combined mass so maybe mars had a romantic interlude of its own a menage a’ trois with it’s two more manageable satellites after they all conspired to ship mercury out of their celestial boudoir while earth and luna were moping around the sun surface temperatures here were measured in thousands of degrees meaning liquids would have been predominantly suspended in the air as gases in addition these temperatures would not have dropped evenly around the world earth’s orbit was still static at the time so the far side of the planet was constantly exposed to darkness as well as the frigid excess of space it therfore cooled much faster than the near side where the sun’s heat kept the surface churning while its gravity drew undulations and little peaks skyward so within a few short tens of millions of years the dark side developed an eggshell thin crust while the bright side built a couple of land masses dotted with hundreds of hills stretching upward like tiny peeps in a birds’ nest the effect was kind of like a sword maker drawing a glowing blade from a forge and plunging it into a bucket of water but only on one side the cold side contracted while expansion towards the sun on the warm side caused a weight imbalance causing the planet to spin on its axis at the same time it became slightly more oblong than round as if it had been squeezed together at the poles a billion years of rapid cooling ensued the crust which has only hardened to a few miles thick in modern oceanic plates and anywhere between twenty to thirty miles thick in modern continental shelves was still exceptionally thin when earth was young maybe the plates were approaching a mile thick and the shelves a few miles they slid past each other with relative ease since there were only two massive continents and their edges were lubricated by molten seams just below the surface the northern continent was comprised of asia and north america with the latter high in the arctic and the entire land mass was at a forty five degree angle to how it appears today the southern continent included africa antarctica australia and south america which is an accurate total of six since europe is and always has been on the same continental shelf as asia before earth became inhabitable the crust was still unstable enough for magma to break through with great regularity this relieved pressure as the plates and shelves drifted about and enhanced lubrication wherever lava flows reached the seams it also sped up the cooling process as the volcanoes spewed ash into the sky the magic of life began as soon as the surface dropped below two hundred ten degrees although we have yet to pinpoint exactly when this occurred it also remains possible that life blossomed a little sooner slightly underground out of the sun’s view since iron and water are all that are required for amino acids to form and amino acids are the building blocks of dna the pacific plate is where water most likely ponded first regardless if there was a residual effect from being the quicker cooling side of the planet it had thousands of craters from being assaulted by meteors not to mention millions of ripples and undulations all perfect for ponding and the formation of lakes and then seas and oceans that presented another barrier to deprive the mantle from the light of day evaporation and condensation led to steamy humidity earth was saturated with sensuous rain volcanoes may very well have brought about their own demise after a billion years of dominance but not before they built the planet’s first mountain range the makhonjwa mountains in southern africa produced some of the richest diamond and gold mines we’ve ever found the fact that veins of gold were able to solidify on the surface shows that the temperature had dropped below two thousand degrees while the ejection of bulk quantities of carbon suggest the mantle’s temperature was still higher than its melting point much as earth’s core remains today the hamersley range in australia rose into being a few hundred million years after the makhonjwas erupted the hamersleys have a high content of iron ore and iron has a higher melting point than gold this iron hardened as the crust grew thicker beneath the surface where it presented an obstruction to the pyroclastic flow that was feeding the volcanoes only a few hundred miles away this was an inconvenience so it was pushed aside where it accumulated under the continental shelf until it produced a bulge that through an arduous process that lasted more than half a billion years was pushed up to the surface the bulge was deeper than it was high none of the hamersleys are close to a mile high today and it was constantly shoved by the free flowing mantle until it broke australia off of africa and pushed it eastward leaving behind fissures and faultlines that eventually freed antarctica as well two more mountain ranges began to form in southern africa about three billion years ago both were just as slow to grow as the hamersleys the waterberg range sprouted about 2 7 billion years ago and took eight hundred million years to reach full prominence they contain a generous amount of sandstone which is ideal for cultivating lush environs and were therefore infinitely important to how life evolved but it’s the magaliesberg range that preceded them by three hundred million years that probably hold the key to understanding exactly what happened in the area to fully appreciate the entire situation we need to keep in mind that all four of earth’s earliest mountain ranges evolved within a few hundred miles of each other the region was a hotbed for volcanic and seismic activity for about two billion years and the magaliesbergs were at the center of it all they started on a rather low plateau that accumulated airborne sediments until three billion years ago when a volcanic dome began to form as lava worked its way into weak areas and air pockets inside of the thickest crust on earth pressure built and fissures developed as the dome pushed the plateau higher and higher something had to give that was when a supervolcano blew the place to pieces it surely wasn’t the first supervolcano it was merely the first one to carve its signature in stone for anyone to see all strata that hadn’t been blown clear was ruptured by the eruptions the hills that had been built above the bubble collapsed when it popped they more or less fell into the crater and became fixed in place by planetary masonry as the sixty five thousand acre lava field cooled setting them at improbable angles this was another beautiful catastrophe that worked to our advantage and in the end it just might be that these four mountain ranges anchored africa in place with the three that remain on the continent explaining why it has barely wavered throughout history barely drifting north and slightly east always on the opposite side of the planet from the pacific never to come in direct contact with it south america was next to develop mountains about two billion years ago these are the guiana highlands they were also attached to the original southern continent and contain diamonds iron and gold but there aren’t any volcanoes near them so these metals arrived on the surface by being pushed up from below by the original slow method of mountain building like the hamersleys the guianas are relatively low only a few of them crest over a mile high and they also rest on a bulge that extends deep beneath the surface and was propelled by pyroclastic flow to separate south america from africa beginning about 1 7 billion years ago right around the same time enough pressure had built beneath the northern continent for volcanoes to start building the black hills these are located at the very center of what would become north america these gold laden hills took almost a billion years to fully develop because the southern half of the range was pushed up from below another trait the black hills had in common with their african cousins is that they originated in the coldest region on the planet only near the arctic as opposed to the antarctic while this also produced a huge bulge under the continental shelf this one did not develop enough traction to part the conjoined continent this only added to the tectonic stress in the area so much so that another volcanic area developed a few hundred miles away this began halfway through the black hills’ evolution about one and a half billion years ago and resulted in the saint francois mountains once again lava became trapped in the bulging crust and both mountain ranges experienced supervolcanoes once the pressure became too great for the planet to bear as these early mountain groups settled and became inactive the crust solidified enough to prevent the plates and shelves from floating about like so many giant gears on the face of a grand old clock yet calibration was required before they could rotate cohesively the pacific plate has always been the largest tectonic feature on the planet it may have once encompassed as much as half of the surface before mountain building began and even though it lost a few teeth over time it still represents a third of the surface today so it always had enough mass to impose itself on it’s neighbors to be the catalyst for synchronized movement the one great cog capable of setting the tectonic machinery in cohesive motion and keeping it in proper working order the pacific may have originally been set in motion by the swirling magma in the mantle but it certainly assumed a clockwise rotation once it bit into the soft underbelly of the asian shelf asia was close to eight thousand miles across at the time so it represented about a quarter of the surface when it came into contact with the pacific meaning that once these two behemoths got firm grips on each other over half and as much as two thirds of the crust began to work in unison asia assumed a counterclockwise rotation as if the pacific would have permitted anything else and this created a tremendous amount of stress near the pinchpoint where the two great gears were in direct conflict relief was again provided by volcanic activity and as the pinchpoint rotated down the asian coast it left behind a train of hundreds of volcanoes the most intense eruptions were usually very close to the pinchpoint and many volcanoes went dormant as they traveled farther away from it their procession is plainly visible on any map starting from the northeastern corner of modern russia where at least twenty nine volcanoes formed the kamchatka peninsula continuing parallel to the coast where no less than a hundred and eighteen volcanoes built japan and sliding farther south onto one of the pacific’s broken teeth where thirty seven or more volcanoes created the philippines meaning a generous percentage of earth’s volcanoes granted us some of the most awe inspiring splendor we could have ever hoped for the pinchpoint also exerted its influence over the mantle which has always been in flux with major flows intensifying and receding around subcurrents generated at various levels all the way down to the core some of the friction caused by the world’s largest land masses grinding on its largest ocean was transferred onto the pyroclastic flow as they pushed down on it this created a current running from south to north and from west to east along the pacific’s outer edge it was once powerful enough to have pulled at all of the continents even the implacable africa like feeding hunks of meat into a sausage grinder australia and antarctica hadn’t gone very far before they were drawn back to africa where they nuzzled against it’s chin like a couple of lost children reunited with their mother south america too had ventured only a short distance and it returned to whisper in africa’s ear and as they drifted to the northeast together asia snuggled the top of africa’s brow like a proud parent who had just watched their child do something marvelous this was the face of pangea the supercontinent as asia squeezed the mediterranean sea into africa much of the tectonic resistance was registered in the middle of the european peninsula this gave rise to the alpine mountains the increasing pressure across the width of asia also required some kind of relief and this was provided by the most concentrated area of volcanic activity in earth’s history iceland unlike the famous ring of fire that almost encircles the pacific which happens to be the only area that surpasses the planet’s most underappreciated workhorse in seismic activity or tectonic importance iceland is rather diminutive a virtual dot in an ocean that’s half the size of the pacific making it a poignant example of looks can be deceiving because it’s the most prolific mover and shaker in history to this day it’s still responsible for a third of earth’s volcanic activity although that percentage was certainly higher a few hundred million years ago since the burgeoning island served as the powder keg that blew asia in two working in conjunction with the little dynamo was another critical factor that helped sever north america from asia this is the mid atlantic ridge which began as a simple rift between south america and africa since the bottoms of those two continents never touched during the days of pangea this rift led directly to the seam between the continents that continued all the way up africa’s northwestern coast then as iceland became more active and pounded on the surface like a jackhammer a gouge was produced far above the seam it ran down the west coast of ireland before it was pulled away from england and made a drastic lateral move into the bay of biscayne most likely as the result of a supervolcano that yanked newfoundland away from europe when the gouge met the seam and therefore the rift which happened just after north america bounced off of africa and buckled the atlas mountains into the sky the mid atlantic ridge was created it’s a virtual conveyor belt of raw materials that has pushed the americas westward for the past few hundred million years both amercan continents were gradually reacquainted with some of the smaller plates that had broken off of the pacific north america shattered some of these decaying teeth before its western coast came into contact with the pacific’s eastern edge about a hundred forty million years ago when the plateaus that gave birth to the rocky mountains were pushed up out of the ocean for the final time Awesome babyyodateeshirt

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