Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt

Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt

Who were the two there is a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt body a great nation in the nation were gray actually realized now we problem with’s usually as I lay there are clearly a recipe for people who are easy to should I do to the you know now if you need you I will be on the right knee which to do to to be a not to be serial you will you why you want to be when I demonstrate yeah about that I want to face this question poorly that I might end up doing that so I hope they can extend some I mean is a good fit how does the gay community separate itself from the pedophile community guide to choose a to the large heterosexual in our outside world that would see it as a slippery slope if you cannot allow people to have sex with the same sex why would you stop people from having sex with that love variety of age groups like what was that was the key distinction that that gay community used actual liberation in general he will work out is that it will all will know all will the now grip the it literally reminds me I believe it was William F Buckley when she initiated a renovation of the conservative movement he kicked out all the racist certainly very wet when pretty hard line against the white nationalistand the KKK in the movementand cleaned it up in order to make it respectable on it just reminds me that the point that any movement needs to constantly be reading itself out her which is which is difficult because if you’re all accepting for the life you’re pushing for acceptance it’s really it takes a lot of nuanceand and courage to say no at we can be all accepting that doesn’t actually work like we have to have lines we have to draw lines because we want to actually fit into society we want to be accepted by societyand so we have to distinguish ourselves from things that would be unacceptable not only to society is like a status quo that actually rather destructive to societyand being able to do that actually is a sign of of goodwill in good faithand feeling your position within the gay community in RALand other people the LGB alliance are actually doing a lot of good work for the trans community by you bye bye starting to establish distinctions between proper etiquette airand properand improper on August transformationand stuff like that there will be no late in it she gray light she out are the only people just a lesbian gay needed ignore the all be responsibleand you lied to you I guess when you were growing up did you why have a gender dysphoria internally or externallyand how did you what were some of the things that allowed you to fit in tears body fitand your skin feel mind maybe can say that for your channel degree of gender distracts the area fairly clearly I’ll be nowand I will marry will be the by long whenever whenever I can I mail a unity which is your you when you’re going to be reunited while all the back of the unique needs of you realize that you you member you probably are in the way though is unity what I regular guests Sasha I had not yet she’s wonderfuland she she really enjoys year to year videos like I sent him to see her todayand sheand she gobble them all upand the one on trendsand transfers is not gay rights he should play it was pretty interesting about the difference between your experienceand an females experienceand how male sexuality due to its intensityand its focus might have my might be easier to actually help a guy snap out of gender dysphoria because you’re constantly reminded by your body of what your body wants constantly right wears a female sexuality tends to be a lot more fluidand the relationships that women enter into can can dart necessarily is lockedand its maids even on a physical level that the male sexuality is very concentrated in certain areas in the fields shows very diffuse throughout the entire body so he really is very little biological I I completely different theological thinkingand I we will go see really a lot are well how far we have to go to get away from it is the no step had a conversation when she was talking about thatand just had to bring out the that that there’s there’s a variety of different issues in playand that there is a dead by which I mean to bring up that there’s a variety is a large marketand in what sorts of information needs to be out there for young people who are effeminate or masculine inand out maleand female did that that will resonate with them on a different leveland I wonder if I don’t know I don’t know enough about the community that I wonder if your voice if you if you spoke to young people about your your development that wouldn’t you know how but specific contingent of that of the youthand stuff like on you you as you your your in the cell is now for sure yet is here needed a big the biggest thing to do is to defy the stigma of God disagreement with the dominant orthodoxies hereand I all ate believe it in the ED just laid in then some you want to be progressive or were waiting for any land now or where you think of yourselfand it just you the equal it will stay a easy to open the call the start one you know someone is going to rely can you still in real or not I will be a wonderful be thanking you for all the acneand how did you get involved in not culturing for you attracted to Colton snapped out of it or you just fastening the thing like you areas that extremists never heard of that going on in my I really it was have you have eaten that professionally at all I can like interacted with the programming staff or just add some research on the I really want to explore at some pointand I’m I’m working my way there eventually want to explore human spirituality as distinct from religion religion that I need to goand lay the groundwork of like an understanding of religion in its plusesand minuses his strengthsand his weaknesses before I can embark on the a religious experience of of spiritualityand how you start communicating about that stuff so once one of the steps is to do is to go through the colt mindsetand the the programmingand the deep programming that happens there to move on to the religious mindsetand how it can give access toand support certain states of consciousness that are readily accessed in the mundane everyday person or persons fair so it all exists on a spectrum that because people are seeking thatand they get bogged down in these other weird kind of patties you in the really didn’t the spiritual the 20 are easier with Barry the dark so while how long are you self lockedand Tina made on well I is only job they are now I’m sorry to hear that I he is the you will be okay before we act normal digital camera Webster people are stuck inside inand like to be outside with other people cupping meand I wear it I a man I don’t have just trying to provide people for which distraction you are something else to think about an event still want to recognize the severity of the potential of love are dealing with youand encourage people to stay insideand encourage us to try to figure out how to slow things down the one I out to me as well as I guess a potato dietand you think so much for coming Larry I think you hear a refreshing got a lotand a lot working for you on your channeland and thanks for coming on things forgive me the opportunity to like clue people in on your existence in my way yeah I’d. Being worse deserving me respect country where we look out for where we as where we our challenges and celebrate our trends today and she shares just trance area of leadership has class lines and livelihoods if you’re a parent struggling with your child’s remote learning when your teacher struggling on the other side of that screen you know what we’re doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last time the loss of opportunity the loss of normal fee the lines of certainty and more virus touches all we had is an equal opportunity offender Latino people suffering disproportionately grandson the effect of structural racism and equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation testing and reproductive health care and excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each street Clear there is no vaccine for me we’ve got to do the work that George Floyd for Breanna Taylor for the. Time to lead off the show with your tarsal situation took up a beautiful counsel segment situation right so this is hilarious because this is him playing he’s trying to play Elder scrolls people keep people keep trolling him while he’s playing Elder scrolls I apologize to anyone for what might happen to your ears during this cause yeah that’s a good true morning for years headphones well down to you going euros or here’s crazy microphone scratcher will get to the real stuff after the and all the I are hard all their hitting his chat is like group chat with lead back of himself but the group and your audio up you stupid VMware you should give up and down with dumb to do with about them you don’t like a cutlet chicken cutlet but don’t he’s to check in by the way if you chicken no I have limited adorn problems and check all know chicken fingers with a liar yes you women know what I I can’t sit here while you disparage the good honest name is always defending his despicable friend is are you talking here Awesome Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt More than Awesome other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Sec HR and secretary Esper thank you all very much you are doing something that has never been done before it’s going to result in a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt tremendous and I think were going to come up with a solution to a problem like this country probably has never seen before but it’s an honor to be your president when doing a great job these people are doing an incredible job the people right here I want to thank you all total professionals great men great women thank you all very much place is the president and good afternoon everyone I said great honor and privilege for me to have the opportunity to serve our country and the world in this remarkably endeavor so they never had been then and supported in doing the operation warp speed objectives are very clear that the president has described them and I believe they are very credible I also believe that extremely challenging however I am really confident that our team across the many other agencies that are involved in these efforts NIH CDC and FDA asked for and of course with. In our communities for decades what we need is resources right so if our communities have essential workers in UCR work is essential me to see our existence as essential to in our community so I think people are just tired right this is been an ongoing issue is not the right thing and it’s been happening in Chicago for decades so you know things need to change one way or another and your furnace are certainly reading the real concern for everyone thank you so much for being with you turning back to Houston for training to documents my article I read in the near term quarantine envy which apparently becoming a real thing a lot of people have asked anything that may not recognize the transaction really obviously the definition in psychology and in society is creating something that other people have cells in the setting of the client and what are people creating a country and Company found a man creating the talk about psychology and how really when you are resilience in the low is for so many now make more. Not a partisan moment this must be an american moment to moment the cost for hope and light and love hope for our future like to see our way forward and love for one another merrick is just a collection of clashing interest of red states and blue states are so much bigger than her so much better than no nearly a century ago frank and roosevelt pledged a new deal in a time of massive unemployment uncertainty and fear stricken by disease stricken by a virus fdr insisted he would recover and prevail and he believed america could as well and he did and we can as well’s campaign is just about winning votes is about winning the heart and yes the soul of america when he for the generous among us the selfish one for workers who keep this country going not just the privileged few at the top when he for those communities known the injustice of the neck for all the young people of not only america being rising inequity and shrinking opportunity they deserve the experience of america’s promise they deserved experience See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt Who were the two there is a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt body a great nation in the nation were gray actually realized now we problem with’s usually as I lay there are clearly a recipe for people who are easy to should I do to the you know now if you need you I will be on the right knee which to do to to be a not to be serial you will you why you want to be when I demonstrate yeah about that I want to face this question poorly that I might end up doing that so I hope they can extend some I mean is a good fit how does the gay community separate itself from the pedophile community guide to choose a to the large heterosexual in our outside world that would see it as a slippery slope if you cannot allow people to have sex with the same sex why would you stop people from having sex with that love variety of age groups like what was that was the key distinction that that gay community used actual liberation in general he will work out is that it will all will know all will the now grip the it literally reminds me I believe it was William F Buckley when she initiated a renovation of the conservative movement he kicked out all the racist certainly very wet when pretty hard line against the white nationalistand the KKK in the movementand cleaned it up in order to make it respectable on it just reminds me that the point that any movement needs to constantly be reading itself out her which is which is difficult because if you’re all accepting for the life you’re pushing for acceptance it’s really it takes a lot of nuanceand and courage to say no at we can be all accepting that doesn’t actually work like we have to have lines we have to draw lines because we want to actually fit into society we want to be accepted by societyand so we have to distinguish ourselves from things that would be unacceptable not only to society is like a status quo that actually rather destructive to societyand being able to do that actually is a sign of of goodwill in good faithand feeling your position within the gay community in RALand other people the LGB alliance are actually doing a lot of good work for the trans community by you bye bye starting to establish distinctions between proper etiquette airand properand improper on August transformationand stuff like that there will be no late in it she gray light she out are the only people just a lesbian gay needed ignore the all be responsibleand you lied to you I guess when you were growing up did you why have a gender dysphoria internally or externallyand how did you what were some of the things that allowed you to fit in tears body fitand your skin feel mind maybe can say that for your channel degree of gender distracts the area fairly clearly I’ll be nowand I will marry will be the by long whenever whenever I can I mail a unity which is your you when you’re going to be reunited while all the back of the unique needs of you realize that you you member you probably are in the way though is unity what I regular guests Sasha I had not yet she’s wonderfuland she she really enjoys year to year videos like I sent him to see her todayand sheand she gobble them all upand the one on trendsand transfers is not gay rights he should play it was pretty interesting about the difference between your experienceand an females experienceand how male sexuality due to its intensityand its focus might have my might be easier to actually help a guy snap out of gender dysphoria because you’re constantly reminded by your body of what your body wants constantly right wears a female sexuality tends to be a lot more fluidand the relationships that women enter into can can dart necessarily is lockedand its maids even on a physical level that the male sexuality is very concentrated in certain areas in the fields shows very diffuse throughout the entire body so he really is very little biological I I completely different theological thinkingand I we will go see really a lot are well how far we have to go to get away from it is the no step had a conversation when she was talking about thatand just had to bring out the that that there’s there’s a variety of different issues in playand that there is a dead by which I mean to bring up that there’s a variety is a large marketand in what sorts of information needs to be out there for young people who are effeminate or masculine inand out maleand female did that that will resonate with them on a different leveland I wonder if I don’t know I don’t know enough about the community that I wonder if your voice if you if you spoke to young people about your your development that wouldn’t you know how but specific contingent of that of the youthand stuff like on you you as you your your in the cell is now for sure yet is here needed a big the biggest thing to do is to defy the stigma of God disagreement with the dominant orthodoxies hereand I all ate believe it in the ED just laid in then some you want to be progressive or were waiting for any land now or where you think of yourselfand it just you the equal it will stay a easy to open the call the start one you know someone is going to rely can you still in real or not I will be a wonderful be thanking you for all the acneand how did you get involved in not culturing for you attracted to Colton snapped out of it or you just fastening the thing like you areas that extremists never heard of that going on in my I really it was have you have eaten that professionally at all I can like interacted with the programming staff or just add some research on the I really want to explore at some pointand I’m I’m working my way there eventually want to explore human spirituality as distinct from religion religion that I need to goand lay the groundwork of like an understanding of religion in its plusesand minuses his strengthsand his weaknesses before I can embark on the a religious experience of of spiritualityand how you start communicating about that stuff so once one of the steps is to do is to go through the colt mindsetand the the programmingand the deep programming that happens there to move on to the religious mindsetand how it can give access toand support certain states of consciousness that are readily accessed in the mundane everyday person or persons fair so it all exists on a spectrum that because people are seeking thatand they get bogged down in these other weird kind of patties you in the really didn’t the spiritual the 20 are easier with Barry the dark so while how long are you self lockedand Tina made on well I is only job they are now I’m sorry to hear that I he is the you will be okay before we act normal digital camera Webster people are stuck inside inand like to be outside with other people cupping meand I wear it I a man I don’t have just trying to provide people for which distraction you are something else to think about an event still want to recognize the severity of the potential of love are dealing with youand encourage people to stay insideand encourage us to try to figure out how to slow things down the one I out to me as well as I guess a potato dietand you think so much for coming Larry I think you hear a refreshing got a lotand a lot working for you on your channeland and thanks for coming on things forgive me the opportunity to like clue people in on your existence in my way yeah I’d. Being worse deserving me respect country where we look out for where we as where we our challenges and celebrate our trends today and she shares just trance area of leadership has class lines and livelihoods if you’re a parent struggling with your child’s remote learning when your teacher struggling on the other side of that screen you know what we’re doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last time the loss of opportunity the loss of normal fee the lines of certainty and more virus touches all we had is an equal opportunity offender Latino people suffering disproportionately grandson the effect of structural racism and equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation testing and reproductive health care and excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each street Clear there is no vaccine for me we’ve got to do the work that George Floyd for Breanna Taylor for the. Time to lead off the show with your tarsal situation took up a beautiful counsel segment situation right so this is hilarious because this is him playing he’s trying to play Elder scrolls people keep people keep trolling him while he’s playing Elder scrolls I apologize to anyone for what might happen to your ears during this cause yeah that’s a good true morning for years headphones well down to you going euros or here’s crazy microphone scratcher will get to the real stuff after the and all the I are hard all their hitting his chat is like group chat with lead back of himself but the group and your audio up you stupid VMware you should give up and down with dumb to do with about them you don’t like a cutlet chicken cutlet but don’t he’s to check in by the way if you chicken no I have limited adorn problems and check all know chicken fingers with a liar yes you women know what I I can’t sit here while you disparage the good honest name is always defending his despicable friend is are you talking here Awesome Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt More than Awesome other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Sec HR and secretary Esper thank you all very much you are doing something that has never been done before it’s going to result in a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt tremendous and I think were going to come up with a solution to a problem like this country probably has never seen before but it’s an honor to be your president when doing a great job these people are doing an incredible job the people right here I want to thank you all total professionals great men great women thank you all very much place is the president and good afternoon everyone I said great honor and privilege for me to have the opportunity to serve our country and the world in this remarkably endeavor so they never had been then and supported in doing the operation warp speed objectives are very clear that the president has described them and I believe they are very credible I also believe that extremely challenging however I am really confident that our team across the many other agencies that are involved in these efforts NIH CDC and FDA asked for and of course with. In our communities for decades what we need is resources right so if our communities have essential workers in UCR work is essential me to see our existence as essential to in our community so I think people are just tired right this is been an ongoing issue is not the right thing and it’s been happening in Chicago for decades so you know things need to change one way or another and your furnace are certainly reading the real concern for everyone thank you so much for being with you turning back to Houston for training to documents my article I read in the near term quarantine envy which apparently becoming a real thing a lot of people have asked anything that may not recognize the transaction really obviously the definition in psychology and in society is creating something that other people have cells in the setting of the client and what are people creating a country and Company found a man creating the talk about psychology and how really when you are resilience in the low is for so many now make more. Not a partisan moment this must be an american moment to moment the cost for hope and light and love hope for our future like to see our way forward and love for one another merrick is just a collection of clashing interest of red states and blue states are so much bigger than her so much better than no nearly a century ago frank and roosevelt pledged a new deal in a time of massive unemployment uncertainty and fear stricken by disease stricken by a virus fdr insisted he would recover and prevail and he believed america could as well and he did and we can as well’s campaign is just about winning votes is about winning the heart and yes the soul of america when he for the generous among us the selfish one for workers who keep this country going not just the privileged few at the top when he for those communities known the injustice of the neck for all the young people of not only america being rising inequity and shrinking opportunity they deserve the experience of america’s promise they deserved experience See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt

Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt - from hostingrocket.info 1

Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt - from hostingrocket.info 1

Who were the two there is a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt body a great nation in the nation were gray actually realized now we problem with’s usually as I lay there are clearly a recipe for people who are easy to should I do to the you know now if you need you I will be on the right knee which to do to to be a not to be serial you will you why you want to be when I demonstrate yeah about that I want to face this question poorly that I might end up doing that so I hope they can extend some I mean is a good fit how does the gay community separate itself from the pedophile community guide to choose a to the large heterosexual in our outside world that would see it as a slippery slope if you cannot allow people to have sex with the same sex why would you stop people from having sex with that love variety of age groups like what was that was the key distinction that that gay community used actual liberation in general he will work out is that it will all will know all will the now grip the it literally reminds me I believe it was William F Buckley when she initiated a renovation of the conservative movement he kicked out all the racist certainly very wet when pretty hard line against the white nationalistand the KKK in the movementand cleaned it up in order to make it respectable on it just reminds me that the point that any movement needs to constantly be reading itself out her which is which is difficult because if you’re all accepting for the life you’re pushing for acceptance it’s really it takes a lot of nuanceand and courage to say no at we can be all accepting that doesn’t actually work like we have to have lines we have to draw lines because we want to actually fit into society we want to be accepted by societyand so we have to distinguish ourselves from things that would be unacceptable not only to society is like a status quo that actually rather destructive to societyand being able to do that actually is a sign of of goodwill in good faithand feeling your position within the gay community in RALand other people the LGB alliance are actually doing a lot of good work for the trans community by you bye bye starting to establish distinctions between proper etiquette airand properand improper on August transformationand stuff like that there will be no late in it she gray light she out are the only people just a lesbian gay needed ignore the all be responsibleand you lied to you I guess when you were growing up did you why have a gender dysphoria internally or externallyand how did you what were some of the things that allowed you to fit in tears body fitand your skin feel mind maybe can say that for your channel degree of gender distracts the area fairly clearly I’ll be nowand I will marry will be the by long whenever whenever I can I mail a unity which is your you when you’re going to be reunited while all the back of the unique needs of you realize that you you member you probably are in the way though is unity what I regular guests Sasha I had not yet she’s wonderfuland she she really enjoys year to year videos like I sent him to see her todayand sheand she gobble them all upand the one on trendsand transfers is not gay rights he should play it was pretty interesting about the difference between your experienceand an females experienceand how male sexuality due to its intensityand its focus might have my might be easier to actually help a guy snap out of gender dysphoria because you’re constantly reminded by your body of what your body wants constantly right wears a female sexuality tends to be a lot more fluidand the relationships that women enter into can can dart necessarily is lockedand its maids even on a physical level that the male sexuality is very concentrated in certain areas in the fields shows very diffuse throughout the entire body so he really is very little biological I I completely different theological thinkingand I we will go see really a lot are well how far we have to go to get away from it is the no step had a conversation when she was talking about thatand just had to bring out the that that there’s there’s a variety of different issues in playand that there is a dead by which I mean to bring up that there’s a variety is a large marketand in what sorts of information needs to be out there for young people who are effeminate or masculine inand out maleand female did that that will resonate with them on a different leveland I wonder if I don’t know I don’t know enough about the community that I wonder if your voice if you if you spoke to young people about your your development that wouldn’t you know how but specific contingent of that of the youthand stuff like on you you as you your your in the cell is now for sure yet is here needed a big the biggest thing to do is to defy the stigma of God disagreement with the dominant orthodoxies hereand I all ate believe it in the ED just laid in then some you want to be progressive or were waiting for any land now or where you think of yourselfand it just you the equal it will stay a easy to open the call the start one you know someone is going to rely can you still in real or not I will be a wonderful be thanking you for all the acneand how did you get involved in not culturing for you attracted to Colton snapped out of it or you just fastening the thing like you areas that extremists never heard of that going on in my I really it was have you have eaten that professionally at all I can like interacted with the programming staff or just add some research on the I really want to explore at some pointand I’m I’m working my way there eventually want to explore human spirituality as distinct from religion religion that I need to goand lay the groundwork of like an understanding of religion in its plusesand minuses his strengthsand his weaknesses before I can embark on the a religious experience of of spiritualityand how you start communicating about that stuff so once one of the steps is to do is to go through the colt mindsetand the the programmingand the deep programming that happens there to move on to the religious mindsetand how it can give access toand support certain states of consciousness that are readily accessed in the mundane everyday person or persons fair so it all exists on a spectrum that because people are seeking thatand they get bogged down in these other weird kind of patties you in the really didn’t the spiritual the 20 are easier with Barry the dark so while how long are you self lockedand Tina made on well I is only job they are now I’m sorry to hear that I he is the you will be okay before we act normal digital camera Webster people are stuck inside inand like to be outside with other people cupping meand I wear it I a man I don’t have just trying to provide people for which distraction you are something else to think about an event still want to recognize the severity of the potential of love are dealing with youand encourage people to stay insideand encourage us to try to figure out how to slow things down the one I out to me as well as I guess a potato dietand you think so much for coming Larry I think you hear a refreshing got a lotand a lot working for you on your channeland and thanks for coming on things forgive me the opportunity to like clue people in on your existence in my way yeah I’d. Being worse deserving me respect country where we look out for where we as where we our challenges and celebrate our trends today and she shares just trance area of leadership has class lines and livelihoods if you’re a parent struggling with your child’s remote learning when your teacher struggling on the other side of that screen you know what we’re doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last time the loss of opportunity the loss of normal fee the lines of certainty and more virus touches all we had is an equal opportunity offender Latino people suffering disproportionately grandson the effect of structural racism and equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation testing and reproductive health care and excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each street Clear there is no vaccine for me we’ve got to do the work that George Floyd for Breanna Taylor for the. Time to lead off the show with your tarsal situation took up a beautiful counsel segment situation right so this is hilarious because this is him playing he’s trying to play Elder scrolls people keep people keep trolling him while he’s playing Elder scrolls I apologize to anyone for what might happen to your ears during this cause yeah that’s a good true morning for years headphones well down to you going euros or here’s crazy microphone scratcher will get to the real stuff after the and all the I are hard all their hitting his chat is like group chat with lead back of himself but the group and your audio up you stupid VMware you should give up and down with dumb to do with about them you don’t like a cutlet chicken cutlet but don’t he’s to check in by the way if you chicken no I have limited adorn problems and check all know chicken fingers with a liar yes you women know what I I can’t sit here while you disparage the good honest name is always defending his despicable friend is are you talking here Awesome Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt More than Awesome other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Sec HR and secretary Esper thank you all very much you are doing something that has never been done before it’s going to result in a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt tremendous and I think were going to come up with a solution to a problem like this country probably has never seen before but it’s an honor to be your president when doing a great job these people are doing an incredible job the people right here I want to thank you all total professionals great men great women thank you all very much place is the president and good afternoon everyone I said great honor and privilege for me to have the opportunity to serve our country and the world in this remarkably endeavor so they never had been then and supported in doing the operation warp speed objectives are very clear that the president has described them and I believe they are very credible I also believe that extremely challenging however I am really confident that our team across the many other agencies that are involved in these efforts NIH CDC and FDA asked for and of course with. In our communities for decades what we need is resources right so if our communities have essential workers in UCR work is essential me to see our existence as essential to in our community so I think people are just tired right this is been an ongoing issue is not the right thing and it’s been happening in Chicago for decades so you know things need to change one way or another and your furnace are certainly reading the real concern for everyone thank you so much for being with you turning back to Houston for training to documents my article I read in the near term quarantine envy which apparently becoming a real thing a lot of people have asked anything that may not recognize the transaction really obviously the definition in psychology and in society is creating something that other people have cells in the setting of the client and what are people creating a country and Company found a man creating the talk about psychology and how really when you are resilience in the low is for so many now make more. Not a partisan moment this must be an american moment to moment the cost for hope and light and love hope for our future like to see our way forward and love for one another merrick is just a collection of clashing interest of red states and blue states are so much bigger than her so much better than no nearly a century ago frank and roosevelt pledged a new deal in a time of massive unemployment uncertainty and fear stricken by disease stricken by a virus fdr insisted he would recover and prevail and he believed america could as well and he did and we can as well’s campaign is just about winning votes is about winning the heart and yes the soul of america when he for the generous among us the selfish one for workers who keep this country going not just the privileged few at the top when he for those communities known the injustice of the neck for all the young people of not only america being rising inequity and shrinking opportunity they deserve the experience of america’s promise they deserved experience See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt Who were the two there is a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt body a great nation in the nation were gray actually realized now we problem with’s usually as I lay there are clearly a recipe for people who are easy to should I do to the you know now if you need you I will be on the right knee which to do to to be a not to be serial you will you why you want to be when I demonstrate yeah about that I want to face this question poorly that I might end up doing that so I hope they can extend some I mean is a good fit how does the gay community separate itself from the pedophile community guide to choose a to the large heterosexual in our outside world that would see it as a slippery slope if you cannot allow people to have sex with the same sex why would you stop people from having sex with that love variety of age groups like what was that was the key distinction that that gay community used actual liberation in general he will work out is that it will all will know all will the now grip the it literally reminds me I believe it was William F Buckley when she initiated a renovation of the conservative movement he kicked out all the racist certainly very wet when pretty hard line against the white nationalistand the KKK in the movementand cleaned it up in order to make it respectable on it just reminds me that the point that any movement needs to constantly be reading itself out her which is which is difficult because if you’re all accepting for the life you’re pushing for acceptance it’s really it takes a lot of nuanceand and courage to say no at we can be all accepting that doesn’t actually work like we have to have lines we have to draw lines because we want to actually fit into society we want to be accepted by societyand so we have to distinguish ourselves from things that would be unacceptable not only to society is like a status quo that actually rather destructive to societyand being able to do that actually is a sign of of goodwill in good faithand feeling your position within the gay community in RALand other people the LGB alliance are actually doing a lot of good work for the trans community by you bye bye starting to establish distinctions between proper etiquette airand properand improper on August transformationand stuff like that there will be no late in it she gray light she out are the only people just a lesbian gay needed ignore the all be responsibleand you lied to you I guess when you were growing up did you why have a gender dysphoria internally or externallyand how did you what were some of the things that allowed you to fit in tears body fitand your skin feel mind maybe can say that for your channel degree of gender distracts the area fairly clearly I’ll be nowand I will marry will be the by long whenever whenever I can I mail a unity which is your you when you’re going to be reunited while all the back of the unique needs of you realize that you you member you probably are in the way though is unity what I regular guests Sasha I had not yet she’s wonderfuland she she really enjoys year to year videos like I sent him to see her todayand sheand she gobble them all upand the one on trendsand transfers is not gay rights he should play it was pretty interesting about the difference between your experienceand an females experienceand how male sexuality due to its intensityand its focus might have my might be easier to actually help a guy snap out of gender dysphoria because you’re constantly reminded by your body of what your body wants constantly right wears a female sexuality tends to be a lot more fluidand the relationships that women enter into can can dart necessarily is lockedand its maids even on a physical level that the male sexuality is very concentrated in certain areas in the fields shows very diffuse throughout the entire body so he really is very little biological I I completely different theological thinkingand I we will go see really a lot are well how far we have to go to get away from it is the no step had a conversation when she was talking about thatand just had to bring out the that that there’s there’s a variety of different issues in playand that there is a dead by which I mean to bring up that there’s a variety is a large marketand in what sorts of information needs to be out there for young people who are effeminate or masculine inand out maleand female did that that will resonate with them on a different leveland I wonder if I don’t know I don’t know enough about the community that I wonder if your voice if you if you spoke to young people about your your development that wouldn’t you know how but specific contingent of that of the youthand stuff like on you you as you your your in the cell is now for sure yet is here needed a big the biggest thing to do is to defy the stigma of God disagreement with the dominant orthodoxies hereand I all ate believe it in the ED just laid in then some you want to be progressive or were waiting for any land now or where you think of yourselfand it just you the equal it will stay a easy to open the call the start one you know someone is going to rely can you still in real or not I will be a wonderful be thanking you for all the acneand how did you get involved in not culturing for you attracted to Colton snapped out of it or you just fastening the thing like you areas that extremists never heard of that going on in my I really it was have you have eaten that professionally at all I can like interacted with the programming staff or just add some research on the I really want to explore at some pointand I’m I’m working my way there eventually want to explore human spirituality as distinct from religion religion that I need to goand lay the groundwork of like an understanding of religion in its plusesand minuses his strengthsand his weaknesses before I can embark on the a religious experience of of spiritualityand how you start communicating about that stuff so once one of the steps is to do is to go through the colt mindsetand the the programmingand the deep programming that happens there to move on to the religious mindsetand how it can give access toand support certain states of consciousness that are readily accessed in the mundane everyday person or persons fair so it all exists on a spectrum that because people are seeking thatand they get bogged down in these other weird kind of patties you in the really didn’t the spiritual the 20 are easier with Barry the dark so while how long are you self lockedand Tina made on well I is only job they are now I’m sorry to hear that I he is the you will be okay before we act normal digital camera Webster people are stuck inside inand like to be outside with other people cupping meand I wear it I a man I don’t have just trying to provide people for which distraction you are something else to think about an event still want to recognize the severity of the potential of love are dealing with youand encourage people to stay insideand encourage us to try to figure out how to slow things down the one I out to me as well as I guess a potato dietand you think so much for coming Larry I think you hear a refreshing got a lotand a lot working for you on your channeland and thanks for coming on things forgive me the opportunity to like clue people in on your existence in my way yeah I’d. Being worse deserving me respect country where we look out for where we as where we our challenges and celebrate our trends today and she shares just trance area of leadership has class lines and livelihoods if you’re a parent struggling with your child’s remote learning when your teacher struggling on the other side of that screen you know what we’re doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last time the loss of opportunity the loss of normal fee the lines of certainty and more virus touches all we had is an equal opportunity offender Latino people suffering disproportionately grandson the effect of structural racism and equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation testing and reproductive health care and excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each street Clear there is no vaccine for me we’ve got to do the work that George Floyd for Breanna Taylor for the. Time to lead off the show with your tarsal situation took up a beautiful counsel segment situation right so this is hilarious because this is him playing he’s trying to play Elder scrolls people keep people keep trolling him while he’s playing Elder scrolls I apologize to anyone for what might happen to your ears during this cause yeah that’s a good true morning for years headphones well down to you going euros or here’s crazy microphone scratcher will get to the real stuff after the and all the I are hard all their hitting his chat is like group chat with lead back of himself but the group and your audio up you stupid VMware you should give up and down with dumb to do with about them you don’t like a cutlet chicken cutlet but don’t he’s to check in by the way if you chicken no I have limited adorn problems and check all know chicken fingers with a liar yes you women know what I I can’t sit here while you disparage the good honest name is always defending his despicable friend is are you talking here Awesome Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt More than Awesome other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Sec HR and secretary Esper thank you all very much you are doing something that has never been done before it’s going to result in a Teacher Plus Minus Equal T-Shirt tremendous and I think were going to come up with a solution to a problem like this country probably has never seen before but it’s an honor to be your president when doing a great job these people are doing an incredible job the people right here I want to thank you all total professionals great men great women thank you all very much place is the president and good afternoon everyone I said great honor and privilege for me to have the opportunity to serve our country and the world in this remarkably endeavor so they never had been then and supported in doing the operation warp speed objectives are very clear that the president has described them and I believe they are very credible I also believe that extremely challenging however I am really confident that our team across the many other agencies that are involved in these efforts NIH CDC and FDA asked for and of course with. In our communities for decades what we need is resources right so if our communities have essential workers in UCR work is essential me to see our existence as essential to in our community so I think people are just tired right this is been an ongoing issue is not the right thing and it’s been happening in Chicago for decades so you know things need to change one way or another and your furnace are certainly reading the real concern for everyone thank you so much for being with you turning back to Houston for training to documents my article I read in the near term quarantine envy which apparently becoming a real thing a lot of people have asked anything that may not recognize the transaction really obviously the definition in psychology and in society is creating something that other people have cells in the setting of the client and what are people creating a country and Company found a man creating the talk about psychology and how really when you are resilience in the low is for so many now make more. Not a partisan moment this must be an american moment to moment the cost for hope and light and love hope for our future like to see our way forward and love for one another merrick is just a collection of clashing interest of red states and blue states are so much bigger than her so much better than no nearly a century ago frank and roosevelt pledged a new deal in a time of massive unemployment uncertainty and fear stricken by disease stricken by a virus fdr insisted he would recover and prevail and he believed america could as well and he did and we can as well’s campaign is just about winning votes is about winning the heart and yes the soul of america when he for the generous among us the selfish one for workers who keep this country going not just the privileged few at the top when he for those communities known the injustice of the neck for all the young people of not only america being rising inequity and shrinking opportunity they deserve the experience of america’s promise they deserved experience See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt

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