Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Warning I Have A Serious Burnout Addiction Approach With Caution T Shirt

Tough day because we started the Warning I Have A Serious Burnout Addiction Approach With Caution T Shirt game so well but look at what we have achieved in 2017 you better celebrate this with your loved ones merry christmas. According to a source an isis suspect gave sri lankan officials advance warning of the bombings on easter sunday that killed 321 people and injured hundreds more cnn s will ripley joins full circle from colombo sri lanka with all the latest information. Life ain’t a merry go round it’s a roller coaster watch the live performance now subscribe to our youtube channel to watch our videos as soon as they’re uploaded Warning I Have A Serious Burnout Addiction Approach With Caution T Shirt

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Warning I Have A Serious Burnout Addiction Approach With Caution T Shirt
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Ben platt sang his song temporary love for me I hope he finds something longer for love the Warning I Have A Serious Burnout Addiction Approach With Caution T Shirt length of the song was great. Chrisbrownofficial and my itsjxh in the studio acting a fool it s about to be a serious problem stay tuned loversvows. Eh vegas no need to bet against hawai’i next time yeah max blessed holloway maika’i brother amazing work all of us from hawai’i are so proud today and to brian ortega I admire your heart and your sportsmanship great fight
Warning I Have A Serious Burnout Addiction Approach With Caution T Shirt

Medical Masks France Protect Nurse Covid 19 T Shirt

Espero por todos vocês em frankfurt no dia 17 de novembro para um grande jogo com muitos amigos e estrelas ingressos www game of Medical Masks France Protect Nurse Covid 19 T Shirt champions de. Brandy Jutte We are just worried about the spread of this virus to the US The CDC is saying it s not a matter of if but when What kind of policies and steps are being put into place to protect the American people I m sure you and your administration is doing a great job when it comes to dealing with this virus but that doesn t help to settle our fears about this spreading like the plague Emily Troy I don’t believe this I believe this was started chemically to try andstop our Presidents good economy so people will think that Pres Trump caused this That’s what they want you to think It is done by countries who want to hurt the economy and is The Dems want us to take a shot to make us sick or kill us No Way no shot will I be taking Marcia Wilson Thank you very much for your heart felt response concerning our country Thank you for you determination in continuing to take the correct actions as you have been blessed with such discernment over MANY situations and and Leading our country back ont Xem thêm Marilyn Folz Mr President we know the dems Most of America loves you Rural America loves you because you have brought back jobs We can rebuild our small towns with some more help We need you We have your back TRUMP 2020 Doug Milliken We know you will provide the best possible protection for our great country Thank you Your doing the right thing and a great job of it Gina Mac Yes and the 15 in the US are reported to be concerned about lost luggage aka they are doing well and the hype surrounding this is being blown out of proportion Doing a great job Mr president Gregg W Jones I know you cannot read every comment but I still want to say that you and your Administration are doing a great job period Thank you for your leadership and for your service You sacrificed so much to be our President and you and your family has been in the target view of the Dems since your one Keep up the excellent work Sir This DAV is proud and thankful Shawn Stroh Bernie said you can’t predict when the virus will end but they have predicted when the world would end due to climate change 1000 times and were wrong every time TRUMP 2020 Firras Garada So are we going to ignore the CDC s warning today I m a doctor here in Michigan and believe the coronavirus is coming to wreak havoc in America Both for businesses and an overall health crisis Great job Mr President keep making this Country great The fact is just like the hurricanes and all the other emergencies we have had you have done your very best to take care of it and keep things at a minimal Through your Presidency you have absolutely done the best job possible in taking care of Americans And look at all the trolls on here Heather Lynn DeAnna President Trump you and your administration are excellent Nobody believes the liars on the other side This is a horrible disease that may cause harm but you have done your job Thank you Beth Jenks Thank you Mr President I don’t care what party what color young or old people we need to just believe Trump the CDC and let him make the decisions You better here me the Dems could have let that crap in here So don’t panic Trumps proved everything hes done on this Damn Dems wanted to let them all in Trump 2020 When you came to India we liked it very much But now after you leave there seems to be something deserted here Because my sister also lived there Good luck on reaching your country Rajkumar sahiba Raja Bhaiya State Genral Secretary LJP Uttar Pradesh INDIA Rem Rem Keep on doing what you do best running the country The dem debates tonight are a laughing stock A complete clown show LMAO They will always blame you It’s all they have but we know better they’re the do nothing dems just like you’ve said all along Kristin Valencia Aguiar Keep up the great work president Trump The Chinese government isn t being forthcoming and honest with this virus Put our best doctors and scientist on this to formulate a vaccine This looks like an orchestrated attack to bring our booming and prosperous economy to a halt Let s not let it happen Kimberley Reasor I trust you 2 do what you need 2 do You are doing a wonderful job in trying 2 keep this country which is should be your number one concern in both keeping us safe healthy Keep up the good work Trump2020 Travis Spada Not one death in the US What are the dems talking about Beat Trump that is their platform even if he made the right decision they are going to do the opposite Looks like an old folks home up there Tamara Stolzenthaler You are not communicating the truth You only care about stocks staying high so you can win the election Plus you need to be in quartentine after your travels David Brown I generally don t mind political gamesmanship but honestly this is the time to just come together and shut the borders till we get a handle on this before we end up like Italy Allen Stewart CV is a joke Spoke to a doctor who said it does not even compare to the Flu 30 000 affected in China So what There are 1 386 Billion people in China 20 30 cases in US 315 Million people in US Pure sensationalism Carol Hartford Howard You said it President Trump The DemoRATS complain criticize no matter what you do but I don’t see them coming up w any plan at all much less a better one IIn fact this is the party that supports open borders and sanctuary cities Hey Dems if you’re not part of the solution shut your pie hole stop the criticism Carol Hartford Howard You said it President Trump The DemoRATS complain criticize no matter what you do but I don’t see them coming up w any plan at all much less a better one IIn fact this is the party that supports open borders and sanctuary cities Hey Dems if you’re not part of the solution shut your pie hole stop the criticism Lauren Smith Nothing you do will please some of these people Just do the best you can most of us appreciate you and the efforts you make By what we have seen we have an idea of what you have to deal with to get anything done No one knows the shoes you walk in except you Trump2020 Judith Lacari I do not care about parties now my concern is the health and safety of US Citizens I trust you will add funding to the CDC and put additional medical staff to come up with a vaccine or preventive measures just in case the Corona virus spreads into the US Closing boarders is one measure we need medical prevention Kristie Newby Please consider an address to the nation to calm everyone down Everybody is panicking and the stock market shows their irrational fears A public address on what you are doing to protect us will reassure them Thank you for all that you do President Trump Donna Fell 8 200 people in the US died from the flu last year and millions fell ill The CDC told us to wash our hands stay away from those who are ill and that the flu is deadly and spreading Cody Buck So the CDC it’s basically saying that there is no solution for this coronavirus but to wash your hands several times a day and do not touch your face or nose And if you’re sick stay at home Period Damn all these new news updates give me anxiety I think I’m just going to stay away from people and enjoy my animals company Constance Williams The minute they announced Chelsea Clinton was on the board of WHO The World Health Organization Then Chuck Schumer said this administration wasn’t doing enough about the virus Joey Scott My daughter is a nurse and it’s not even a fear at their hospital 14 000 people have died in the United States from the flu this year is that a pandemic Is everyone running scared We’re all still working still living our daily lives and society I Xem thêm Paul Cochran Thank you President Trump but I see the Socialist Democrats and Biased Socialist Media turning this situation into another very UGLY ATTACK ON YOU I say stay strong and keep the heat on because scare tactics by the left will not work Stephanie Coleman People please This is just a cold on steroids Lysol has a list of pathogens it kills on the can Coronavirus is one of them This is not new Get a freaking grip If Trump cured cancer y’all would find something to complain about Steve Boyd Mr President I know you’re doing everything thing that can be done to protect the United States of America because you love the country The Dems lie I wish everyone had ears to hear them حسين عماد شنان I find it ironic that we have a drug pandemic in this country from drugs flooding this country through open borders yet the DEMS ARE DOING NOTHING TO HELP THIS I also find it interesting how they are pushing this flu causing panic They did this with the bird flu swine flu ebola virus etc and here we are during an election they must be running out of crap to blame you for Bonnie Kennington We have third world conditions in our Democratic run cities causing disease we have thousands of people dying from drugs we have thousands dying for lack of health care and we lose thousands to the flu every year even with vaccines think this new vi Xem thêm Wendy Clayton Hall You made great decisions closing the border and keeping Americans safe Keep on making good decisions and use your power of ignore with people who don’t agree with the good decisions you make for our country Trump2020 cant wait to vote Lauren Hartnett Thank you for cutting their budget funds last year and this year It should put us in a great position to beat this horrible virus Great job Vivian Warner The Dems will never like you their whole platform is based on hate Trump And they say conservatives are haters You can’t change the mind of someone running on passion and not facts David Rodriguez This country has a huge infrastructure of researchers physicians and professionals whose sole purpose is to protect Americans from situations like this There is little any one person even the president can do about it other than speak to the people Those who criticize the president are either ignorant or terribly misinformed or maybe both Carrie Crawford CDC needs to be held accountable for all the unsafe vaccines Please let Robert Kennedy Jr Start up the safety program to actually test vaccines Since 1986 they have not tested them 1out of 35 kids has Autism It’s not a coincidence vaccines sho Xem thêm Eutana Evans No matter what you say or do will never be acknowledged as being good for our country according to the Democrats They have their own agenda which is all about getting rid of you Period Keep up with what you are doing for us By the way I AM AN EX DEMOCRAT Jennifer Hastings So I have a family member currently in china and from what we ve been told everyone there is quarantined in their homes they are only allowed to leave to buy food and home supplies children are doing school from home online and they cost of flying in a Xem thêm Salam Raed You cut the funds on CDC to pay for the wall and now you blame the Dems Instead of stupid tweets try to find why medical face masks are out of stock almost everywhere Linda Sears The schizophrenia of the Dems First they say the President’s plan is DOA THEN they say he has no plan What it really is is the DEMS have no plan and no plan to have a plan except they don’t like Trump’s plan Bill Roudabush President Trump you’re first priority is to the safety of the American people You’re doing great Democrats and their Democrat activist journalists will condemn you know matter what you do Ignore them you have the majority of Americans behind you Cynthia Besson Fergusson We trust your doing an awesome job and protecting us We know you have our best interest at heart The Dems are just ruining it by whinning about everything and then we will believe nothing As Bill O Reilly noticed Biden just said 150 million people have been killed by gun violence Nobody says a word Insane Or did I hear it wrong My thoughts as a professional nurse He makes so many gAfs I really get worried for his mental well being Like him saying recently he was running for the US Senate or not identifying the correct name of a state he was in And many others My concern is does he have eArly dementia Voncile Stone The dems would much rather the virus take over the country if that made Trump look bad People dyeing means nithing to Schumer or Pelosi Trashing Trump is much more important they are truly mentially Ill Marilyn Demby Caulder You are doing a great job we don’t believe one word that comes out of the mouth of those lying Democrats the debate tonight was more like a circus They are scared of you that’s for sure and they better be afraid very afraid Trump 2020 Mike Perry The Democratic party actually loves the prospect of a pandemic that effectively destroys the economic prosperity of every country in the WORLD these people have NO limitations of who ever needs to Die for their agenda to be put into place and fo Xem thêm Michael Stovall On the Democrat Debate Stage tonight all the Circus Clowns said you President are not doing enough to protect the United States from the Coronavirus I am sure the Fake News Media will be repeating what the Debate Clowns said Jeremy Church It just occurred to me The fact that we don t live in a third world communist country where we are forced to work relentlessly for little to no pay That we have access to healthcare The fact that our government doesn t view us as subjects Kathy Doering Leyba LOVE YOU BIG D Dems need to stop using the COVID 19 to further their political gains Shameful Real Americans know how to help themselves Stop whining and get your house straight for a bumpy ride thru this potentially difficult journey Snowflakes Kay Chaney America Thanks You Mr President and the majority of it is very pleased with You as our Commander Chief We all are very aware of the Dems their fake media every one of their crooked schemes Where by they are nailing their own feet to the floor Laura Murphy Taylor Americans always know when you do the right thing by the level of outrage the Democrats have So if their faces are melting and their hair is in fire We know you did it right Janice Smith You can do no right in the Dems eyes but who cares Your Patriots have your back Jennifer Bishop And I don’t care if a DEMOCRAT’S post negative crap on my post Anyone that thinks the way Sander’s Boomer Obama Clinton and all them think is ok then there is definitely some screws missing BobDebra Lee Thank you Sir Thank you for the continued success off the wall and thank you for closing the gates to those coming in that could possibly be exposed Democrats are just really unhappy people They would crucify Jesus again if he were here Amazingly sad Frances Willden got to be 5 steps ahead the dems must be all on crack or your hitting to close to home or their pockets what both I do why ahead where does it hurt your ready to face it on meaning a storm comes flash lights generators if it dont work propane and m Xem thêm Matthew Perry Thank you President Trump for protecting our boarders and health The Dems will never give you a fair evaluation You do what is right for the American people and we all know it Richard Griswold By the way Mr President Rod Rosenstein’s sister Nancy Messonnier is trying to instill fear chaos with press releases to the public Scott Kimrey Unfortunately it only takes one self actualized individual who gets the chance to skirt quarantine and start infecting what is now a national and global community Odds are in favor of the virus spreading here and again unfortunately the Dems are sit Xem thêm Richard Shallenberg all americans know we at CDC have a handle on what we have been allowed too handle but just like WHO was a weel late on knowing nothing we were already ahead of them and china but the dems don’t care about world health they are a bunch of abortionists’ the more deaths the better they just want there money Rhonda Schneider Thank u Mr president if the dems had it their way we the american people would b suffering greatly they don’t care about us the lower hard working class like me needs someone to help us we can’t continue living with such low wages high price of living n expensive health care Lindy Frady The Dems keep fighting among themselves So much BS going on had to turn it off It s ok the more they talk the more votes we get People are coming to the light side daily They have lost there minds and it keeps getting worse No the lead candidate is a socialist Winning Trump 2020 Claire Fish Yes it is a boo hoo for Democrats because they didnt take the virus seriously They only care about trying to ruin Trump more than the people of this Country Congress voted against closing a part of the border It was the smart thing to do Allicyn Raymond Your the biggest reason I have faith this planet wont capsize into a big ball of fire into space Thank you for never letting the nay sayers break you down The dems and any other politician could learn a thing or two from your administration Thank you for your selfless service You got my vote for the rest of history please save our vaping industry as well please Kristofor Gullickson The Dems are just tryin’ to get the last bit of their investments from just before Obamacare It is likely any Republicans are not in Government anymore or sold their shares long ago Mary Schmidt Kern Steyer wants reparations for slavery for those who never experienced It Wtf the Republican Party was started to end slavery and somehow the dems are twisting it because red voters believe in making your own living and not depending on the government for handouts unless you really need it Uhhhg Carole Tewell what about the man you just appointed who knows absolutely nothing you can really pick them and the wonderful betsy devoss who also know nothing about education were her donations worth childrens education as long as you can fill a spot with one of your wealthy friends it doesnt matter you have to pay them back for their support Jerry Aggson Keep it up Mr President you’re doing a great job There’s only one thing more ignorant than a democrat poo pooing a good thing Someone voting for that democrat Never the less we love the job you are doing and couldn’t be more proud of the man that Xem thêm Eliz Ann Maybe you should reasure the American people that you are working with CDC because as usual the Dems are saying you are doing nothing about the corona virus William M LeBleu It doesn t matter what you do Mr President the media and the Democrats will try to twist it to try to make a negative out of it Just remember Sir when it comes to these clowns that is all they have to offer America a big NEGATIVE They have run Xem thêm Jill Lanpher Those who vote for Bernie Sanders are voting for socialism leading to communism think money grows on trees that student debt should be paid by tax payers support open borders and sanctuary cities free Medicare for all feel nothing is wrong with Xem thêm Curt Green Most of us know your level of commitment and appreciate it Wouldn’t even be surprised at all if the Dems manufactured yet another crisis simply to affect an election Wouldn’t be the first time they sacrificed American lives for their cause Desperate times call for desperate measures Go ahead shoot holes in it if you can but it doesn’t matter because even if it were true it will never be reported Vincent Anthony One sign that the Dems were serious about this is that they would not politicize the situation As it is they have positioned themselves for victory only as American bodies pile up DISGUSTING Kathy Ream Just saw the demo debate None of them would shut up when their time was done Birney wouldn’t shut up even when it was some one else turn It was a mess up there on stage I can’t imagine ANY of them as President They all have a plan but never say what it is Trump2020 Adam Lindley Dems just throw money at something to fix it Still not working Throw more money at it That s their way Trump doesn t give enough money and they throw him under the bus The democrat way Sandra Bates The dems are trying to use this now as a political tool We know you have a handle on this situation Please keep us informed Some of the media are trying to put fear into America Fake News Really Fake News and definitely biased news to say the least They don’t know how to report real news anymore Your administration is doing a great job Deslor Emberga Vanhees Why will American vote for Democratic they all ready show how they are in 3 years nothing they ve done but to Harass their own President it should be nothing but President Trump 2020 GoD Bless America in Jesus name we trust not the Democrat Atlas Holduup Just registered to vote for trump didnt like the iran situation but other then that hes proven himself worthy of presidency and I swore id never vote until a candidate presented himself worthy of my vote Michael Davis Every Demoncrat is a sore loser Most are clueless to the fact that the globalists want to control their very lives by tyrannical rule Trump is our last hope I for one have confidence in you and your Administration Mr President Also I am fed up with the Dems who would not be happy with any thing you do Thank goodness we the people know them well And if anyone out there is not sure just go look at the behavior of Nancy Pelosi and her dressed in white clan s behavior during our President s SOTU address That behavior Is the worst that I have EVER seen from elected leaders I felt terrible discomfort knowing that that behavior was being seen all over the world Just think about that Let that sink in people please God help this country if THOSE people ever make up the majority of our Leaders Carmelo Consiglio Trumps been cutting funding for the CDC since taking office If there’s not an outbreak in the USA it will be a miracle Hell today he’s trying to put a bunch of patients in a condemned building in the OC instead of a FEMA facility Maxx Alexander It’s ok nobody with a decent brain and a clue has missed the media being completely negative and dishonestly so No better President we could ever ask for than you Especially when times are challenging Christine Ward Roe I think the media isn’t helping by blowing this up in the news remember China delayed by 6 weeks and let the virus spread but the US has acted very quickly to contain it especially by Trump imposing travel restrictions and quarantines otherwise we would look like Italy but the dumbard Dems are upset with the his travel ban what the heck. 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Every monday read the information below could educate you 1 16 17 the disclaimers talk show by dave and edward johnston also on youtube oregon trackers live stream 5pm oregon 6 mountain 7pm central 8pm eastcoast call in 712 775 7035 228627 constitution lawful bloodline american republic v legal democracy please read about the law edward johnston filings published in the media also filed filed a must watch with your children red skelton’s pledge of allegiance helvering v davis wikipedia the free encyclopedia en wikipedia org wiki helvering_v _davis helvering v davis 301 u s 619 1937 was a decision by the united states supreme court which held that social security was constitutionally permissible please watch 3 16min if I were the devil paul harvey good audio always with respect please govern yourself accordingly notice we are not attorney or lawyers if you would like legal advice contact a lawyer or attorney even tho their is no such thing attorney’s license ain’t no such thing freedom www freedom school com law attorney license no such whereas military flag with the gold fringe martial law flag pursuant to 4 u s c chapter 1 1 2 3 executive order 10834 august 21 1959 24 f r 6865 a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the united states except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides the president of the united states designates this deviation from the regular flag by executive order and in his capacity as commander in chief of the military the placing of a fringe on the national flag the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute but are within the discretion of the president as commander in chief of the army and navy 34 ops atty gen 83 the law of the flag regulates the laws under which contracts entered into will be governed see ruhstrat v people any courtroom that displays such a flag behind the judge is a military courtroom which is operating under military law and not constitutional law or common law or civil law or statute law restrictions note added this court is thereby receiving public funds under false and fraudulent pretense and is committing treason against the constitution under the 16th american jurist prudence section 177 whereas 1 2 american flag such as a gold fringe mutilates the flag and carries a one year prison term this is confirmed by the authority of title 36 section 176 g the gold fringe is a fourth color and purportedly represents color of military law jurisdiction and when placed on the title 4 u s c section 1 2 flag mutilates the flag and suspends the constitution refer to title 18 u s c section 242 see black s law dictionary attorney’s license ain’t no such thing attorney’s license ain’t no such thing bigger text all lawyers and lawyer title 42 408 a 8 title 42 408 a in general whoever 8 discloses uses or compels the disclosure of the social security number of any person in violation of the laws of the united states shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years or both this is why it has to be done in admiralty law in title 28 u s c judiciary and judicial procedure in the chapter and section that defines court debt judgment and united states chapter 176 federal debt collection procedure section 3002 united states means a federal corporation 28 u s c 3002 15 title 28 united states code means literally title 28 district of columbia municipal corporation code the states and district courts are all run by privately hired corporation we are treated in court as executive order 6 and 7 vol xv app 45 only has signature of the secretary of the state william h seward andrew johnson the president was against the 14th amendment he stated it creates a defacto government then in 1868 the 14th amendment created a different citizen making all persons corporations citizens of the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof y it has to be done in admiralty law in title 28 u s c judiciary and judicial procedure in the chapter and section that defines court debt judgment and united states chapter 176 federal debt collection procedure section 3002 united states means a federal corporation 28 u s c 3002 15 title 28 united states code means literally title 28 district of columbia municipal corporation code the states and district courts are all run by privately hired corporation we are treated in court as executive order 6 and 7 vol xv app 45 only has signature of the secretary of the state william h seward andrew johnson the president was against the 14th amendment he stated it creates a defacto government then in 1868 the 14th amendment created a different citizen making all persons corporations citizens of the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof merely being native born within the territorial boundaries of the united states of america does not make such an inhabitant a citizen of the united states unless an american indian original to this land subject to the jurisdiction of the fourteenth amendment elk v wilkins neb 1884 5 s ct 41 112 u s 99 28 l ed 643 trey gowdy lays down facts about illegal immigration 8 u s code 1401 nationals and citizens of united states at birth 1978 subsec a pub l 95 432 3 struck out a before the following and redesignated pars 1 to 7 as a to g respectively u s citizens were declared enemies of the u s by f d r by executive order no 2040 and ratified by congress on march 9 1933 fdr changed the meaning of the trading with the enemy act of december 6 1917 by changing the word without to citizens within the united states to cover the debt in 1933 and future debt the corporate government determined and established the value of the future labor of each incorporated individual in its jurisdiction to be 630 000 a bond of 630 000 is set on each certificate of live birth the certificates are bundled together into sets and then placed as securities on the open market these certificates are then purchased by the federal reserve and or foreign bankers the purchaser is the holder of title this process made each and every person in this jurisdiction a bond servant u s citizens were declared enemies of the u s by f d r by executive order no 2040 and ratified what is hjr 192 can we discharge our debts to the jun 7 2014 house joint resolution 192 was then passed by congress on june 5 1933 this law was passed to do away with the gold clause for lawful bloodline american house joint resolution 192 1933 redemption tribe net tribes tribe net redemption101 thread 07f05122 0090 408b house joint resolution 192 this article does not contain an absolute prohibition against the states making something else a tender in transfer of debt hjr 192 background 1933 the bankruptcy of the united www youhavetheright com tour3 background 1933 the bankruptcy of the united states passed house joint resolution 192 which served impossible as notes of debt do not pay for anything gonzales v oregon 546 u s 243 2006 was a decision by the united states supreme court which ruled that the united states attorney general could not enforce the federal controlled substances act against physicians who prescribed drugs in compliance with oregon state law for the assisted suicide of the terminally ill it was the first major case heard under the leadership of chief justice john roberts 1 it is the duty of every lawful bloodline american to oppose all enemies of this nation foreign and domestic note added every lawful and recognized american citizen including all elected appointed hired public servant s children’s protection services police sheriff’s martials cia fbi capital police secret service city council county commissioners board of commissioners et al religious organizations associations schools colleges universities schools of law corporations llc’s doctors nurses health care providers unions et al to preform they of oath of office in compliance to the 1776 constitution for the united states of america to all matters herein related thereof please help pass this information to other professionals in your area and honor thy 1776 constitutional oath of office in your area of expertise it is after all as lawful americans’ right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that ‘god’ promised mine and your bloodline of this united states of america for all mankind thereof please read read title 18 all of it”the original thirteenth article of amendment to the constitution for the united states if any citizen of the united states shall accept claim receive or retain any title of nobility or honour or shall without the consent of congress accept and retain any present pension office or emolument of any kind whatever from any emperor king prince or foreign power such person shall cease to be a citizen of the united states and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them or either of them journal of the senate citizens federal and persons vs people citizens citizens are members of a political community who in their associated capacity have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights u s v cruikshank 92 u s 542 if one is established as a people individually or collectively then one is entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the king by his prerogative lansing v smith 4 wend 9 n y 1829 21 am dec 89 10c const law sec 298 18 c em dom sec 3 228 37 c nav wat sec 219 nuls sec 167 48 c wharves sec 3 7 a people may do anything he or she wishes to do so long as it does not damage injure or impair the same right or property of another individual 10 pick 9 united states exp co v henderson 69 iowa 40 28 n w 426 greenl ev 469a quoted in hale v henkel 201 u s 43 1906 a people owes no duty to the state or the public as long as he does not trespass lansing v smith 21 d 89 people of a state are entitled to all rights which formerly belonged to the king by his prerogative 2 citizens united states citizenship does not entitle citizen to rights and privileges of state citizenship citizenship of the united states does not entitle citizen to privileges and immunities of citizen of the state since privileges and immunities of one are not the same as the other tashiro v jordan s f 1234g s c c 5 20 1927 both before and after the fourteenth amendment to the federal constitution it has not been necessary for a person to be a citizen of the united states in order to be a citizen of his state crosse v board of supervisors of elections 1966 221 a 2d 431 p 4 the fourteenth amendment of the constitution of the united states ratified 1 in 1868 creates or at least recognizes for the first time a federal citizenship of the united states as distinct from that of the states black’s law dictionary 6th edition 1 this is a bold lie it was never ratified per article v of the u s constitution congressional record house june 13 1967 pg 15641 15646 and dyett v turner 1968 are very clear about this travelers red lights flashing behind you when a cop turns on emergency lights to stop someone and asks for license and regis tration and then writes a summons ticket executes it and demands one s bond in the form of an agreement to appear and then serves the summons the cop is breaking the laws 1 the turning on of lights means an emergency is in effect the cop wants people to think he is stopping traffic and that the one being stopped is the emergency where was the emergency nowhere of course the cop just wanted to perform a traffic stop by doing so the cop perpetuated several fraudulent actions a the cop deceived the one being stopped into thinking there was an emergency b impersonated a government official on emergency business the cop in reality is a corpora ficta employee and not a government employee he has no authority of a government official at all there are two lawfully excusable conditions for seizing property or people 1 a warrant of the law 2 first hand observation of a crime being committed this is not just the law this is constitutionally mandated the cop needs the drivers license and regis tration as prima facie evidence to support the claim of trafficking instead of traveling if indeed one is not transporting people or property for hire or profit 2 cops are only authorized to enforce statute and ordinance not law statutes are passed by state of corpora fictas ordinances are passed by city county of corpora fictas law is only the natural law common law dmv is only a corporate dept in state of oregon ohio ca corpora ficta license and regis tration are commercial agreements and not contracts iff one of us is not involved in commercial activity then there is no exercise of a privilege that must be licensed and regis tered licenses and regis trations are only required for commercial activity that means business only in law people have the right to travel as a part of one s right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness 3 iff the cop perceives that one of us may have broken the law or actually infracted a statute and writes a ticket with a summons the cop is now impersonating an officer of the court which the cop is clearly not the cop is thereby impersonating a judicial officer who in all of america can write a summons to a court unless they are actually authorized to serve in a judicial capacity answer no one else may 18 u s code section 31 the term motor vehicle means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers passengers and property or property or cargo that means unless you are in commerce making money to transport people or cargo most of us are not commercial or in commerce most of us just go from point a to point b most of us who are not corporate government employees or on federal jurisdiction no cop can drag u into jurisdictrion no officer can acquire jurisdiction by deciding he has it the officer whether judicial or ministerial decides at his own peril middleton v low 1866 30 c 596 citing prosser v secor 1849 5 barb n y 607 608 the innocent individual who is harmed by an abuse of governmental authority is assured that he will be compensated for his injury owens v city of independence 100 s ct 1398 1980 if one individual does not possess such a right over the conduct of another good and lawful christian man no number of individuals in a deliberative body can possess such a right all combinations therefore to effect such an object are injurious not only to the individuals particularly oppressed but to the public at large people v fisher 14wend n y 9 28 am dec 501 when you been kidnap and held for ransom aka arrested did they take you immediately before a magistrate like the law says no they took you to book you well guess what that’s not proper and you were falsely imprisoned check this out go immediately to a magistrate no photographs no fingerprinting the one arresting has a duty to immediately seek a magistrate and failure to do so makes a case of false imprisonment heath v boyd 175 s w 2d 217 1943 brock v stimson 108 mass 520 1871 to detain the person arrested in custody for any purpose other than that of taking him before a magistrate is illegal kominsky v durand 12 atl 2d 654 1940 any undue delay is unlawful and wrongful and renders the officer himself and all persons aiding and abetting therein wrongdoers from the beginning ulvestad v dolphin 278 pac 684 1929 the taking of the plaintiff s picture before conviction was an illegal act hawkins v kuhne 137 ny supp 1090 153 app div 216 1912 the power to arrest does not confer upon the arresting officer the power to detain a prisoner for other purposes geldon v finnegan 252 n w 372 1934 compulsory fingerprinting before conviction is an unlawful encroachment and involves prohibited compulsory self incrimination people v helvern 215 n y supp 417 1926 summary attorney bruce l mccrum and ed johnston lawful bloodline american as filed further harassment from city of toledo chief of police david enyeart ed’s unlawful kidnapping by ruark’s camera part 1 state senator arnie roblan on the rights to travel and uninsured motorist fund 05 13 2013 if money is wanted by rulers who have in any manner oppressed the people they may retain it until their grievances are redressed and thus peaceably procure relief without trusting to despised petitions or disturbing the public tranquility journals of the continental congress 26 october 1774â 1789 journals 1 105â 13 notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights notice copy right lawful bloodline americans lawful americans 2013 the electronic communications privacy act 18 u s c 119 sections 2510 2521 et seq governs distribution of this message including attachments the originator intended this message for the specified recipients only it may contain the originator s confidential and proprietary information the originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this message in error and strictly proscribes their message review dissemination copying and content based actions recipients in error shall notify the originator immediately by e mail and delete the original message authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this message to intended recipients see quon v arch anything stated in this email may be limited in the content and is not to be taken out of context wireless copyright notice federal and state laws govern copyrights to this message you must have the originator s full written consent to alter copy or use this message originator acknowledges others copyrighted content in this message otherwise without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents home edward m johnston has filed in state of oregon secretary office including this filed with the senate and house as you can see not one of the elected and public servants have disagree with the facts this public notice published for three weeks in new oregontrackers com
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The products are great but my one problem with shopping in the stores is that they do not allow refunds for the second time now I have had an issue where the consultant has grabbed the wrong product or shade for me off the rack for me packed it up checked me out and when I get home I realize it’s the wrong product then I go back and ask to return it and I am only allowed to exchange last week the consultant gave me the wrong shade of foundation big problem I could not wait a Retired Dispatcher American Flag T Shirt week to get back to the store and bought it locally today I was only able to exchange for other products instead of getting a refund this aggravates me I really think it’s discouraging to have a no refund policy in stores I would rather purchase the product elsewhere with the option to return if there is a problem. The products are great but my one problem with shopping in the stores is that they do not allow refunds for the second time now I have had an issue where the consultant has grabbed the wrong product or shade for me off the rack for me packed it up checked me out and when I get home I realize it’s the wrong product then I go back and ask to return it and I am only allowed to exchange last week the consultant gave me the wrong shade of foundation big problem I could not wait a week to get back to the store and bought it locally today I was only able to exchange for other products instead of getting a refund this aggravates me I really think it’s discouraging to have a no refund policy in stores I would rather purchase the product elsewhere with the option to return if there is a problem. The products are great but my one problem with shopping in the stores is that they do not allow refunds for the second time now I have had an issue where the consultant has grabbed the wrong product or shade for me off the rack for me packed it up checked me out and when I get home I realize it’s the wrong product then I go back and ask to return it and I am only allowed to exchange last week the consultant gave me the wrong shade of foundation big problem I could not wait a week to get back to the store and bought it locally today I was only able to exchange for other products instead of getting a refund this aggravates me I really think it’s discouraging to have a no refund policy in stores I would rather purchase the product elsewhere with the option to return if there is a problem

Source: Retired Dispatcher American Flag T Shirt

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The products are great but my one problem with shopping in the stores is that they do not allow refunds for the second time now I have had an issue where the consultant has grabbed the wrong product or shade for me off the rack for me packed it up checked me out and when I get home I realize it’s the wrong product then I go back and ask to return it and I am only allowed to exchange last week the consultant gave me the wrong shade of foundation big problem I could not wait a Retired Dispatcher American Flag T Shirt week to get back to the store and bought it locally today I was only able to exchange for other products instead of getting a refund this aggravates me I really think it’s discouraging to have a no refund policy in stores I would rather purchase the product elsewhere with the option to return if there is a problem. The products are great but my one problem with shopping in the stores is that they do not allow refunds for the second time now I have had an issue where the consultant has grabbed the wrong product or shade for me off the rack for me packed it up checked me out and when I get home I realize it’s the wrong product then I go back and ask to return it and I am only allowed to exchange last week the consultant gave me the wrong shade of foundation big problem I could not wait a week to get back to the store and bought it locally today I was only able to exchange for other products instead of getting a refund this aggravates me I really think it’s discouraging to have a no refund policy in stores I would rather purchase the product elsewhere with the option to return if there is a problem. The products are great but my one problem with shopping in the stores is that they do not allow refunds for the second time now I have had an issue where the consultant has grabbed the wrong product or shade for me off the rack for me packed it up checked me out and when I get home I realize it’s the wrong product then I go back and ask to return it and I am only allowed to exchange last week the consultant gave me the wrong shade of foundation big problem I could not wait a week to get back to the store and bought it locally today I was only able to exchange for other products instead of getting a refund this aggravates me I really think it’s discouraging to have a no refund policy in stores I would rather purchase the product elsewhere with the option to return if there is a problem
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Our new album dna is officially 1 bsbdna1 we re blown away thank you bsbarmy ktbspa. In 1985 michael jackson donated 1 5 million to the brotman memorial hospital to establish the michael jackson burn center a Motorcycle I Am A Grumpy Old Man I Was Born In June I'm Too Old To T-Shirt Hoodie Sweatshirt t was the same facility where he had been treated after enduring severe burns while filming a commercial for pepsi how will you give back to those who have helped you during this holiday season mjhumanitarian healtheworld. Great espresso comes from great beans and the right grind if you don’t have an espresso setting on your grinder stop by and we’ll grind it for you

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